AN account is given or the principle of a three‐dimensional shadowgraph recorder, its exemplification in the laboratory and its application to models in open and closed jets…
AN account is given or the principle of a three‐dimensional shadowgraph recorder, its exemplification in the laboratory and its application to models in open and closed jets. Details are given of photographical, mechanical and graphical methods of reconstruction of the form of the shock wave from the records obtained, including correction for refraction due to thick glass walls of tunnels.
I felt myself the recipient of a great honour when asked to read a paper on this subject before your Society. One difficulty, however, at once confronted me, and that was that…
I felt myself the recipient of a great honour when asked to read a paper on this subject before your Society. One difficulty, however, at once confronted me, and that was that what your society might regard as an act of sophistication of food, I might believe to be only a perfectly legitimate manufacturing improvement. I had no wish to masquerade before you as a wolf in sheep's clothing, and therefore stated my position to your secretary. As a result of some correspondence, I think that he, as your representative, and I, both felt that granted such differences of opinion, they themselves constituted one of the strongest arguments in favour of the formation of a Court of Reference. There are, no doubt, many processes which are considered by their inventors and users as of advantage in the manufacture of food, whereas others regard them with the greatest distrust and aversion. In most cases I believe the members of both these classes to be high‐minded and honourable men. That being so, it is submitted that the best method of arriving at the real facts is the establishment of an impartial, broad‐minded, and capable Court of Reference, to which such matters should be submitted for examination and decision.
The people of this country are frequently described, more or less correctly, as “long suffering,” and there is possibly no question in regard to which they have suffered so much…
The people of this country are frequently described, more or less correctly, as “long suffering,” and there is possibly no question in regard to which they have suffered so much and so long as that of the national food supply. Now and again some more thoughtful member of the Legislature addresses a question on the subject to some responsible Minister of the Crown, possibly on the sufficiency, or sometimes even on the purity of some article of food, and receives an answer which, as a general rule, is a mere feeble evasion of the particular point on which information is desired.
TO answer the question, “What are the best fuels for aircraft?” might seem at first sight neither more nor less difficult than to say, What are the best fuels for motor cars?…
TO answer the question, “What are the best fuels for aircraft?” might seem at first sight neither more nor less difficult than to say, What are the best fuels for motor cars? There is, however, one added factor, namely, that of weight, and this adds greatly to the complexity of the question.
VARIOUS methods of advertising a library have received consideration in the columns of the professional press, but little or nothing has appeared regarding the Public Library as…
VARIOUS methods of advertising a library have received consideration in the columns of the professional press, but little or nothing has appeared regarding the Public Library as an advertising agency. It is possible that the commercial element has had something to do with this professional reticence ; nevertheless, the subject is worthy of consideration, for the Public Library is undoubtedly an efficacious means of advertising.