Paulo Azzi da Silva and Angela da Rocha
This study analyzes the perceptions of export obstacles to the Mercosur by top executives of Brazilian companies located in the state of Riode Janeiro. Differences in perceptions…
This study analyzes the perceptions of export obstacles to the Mercosur by top executives of Brazilian companies located in the state of Riode Janeiro. Differences in perceptions were studied in order to determine to what extent they were associated with industry type, firmsize, export experience and geographic scope of export activities. Self‐administered questionnaires were sent to top executives of Rio de Janeiro companies that had recently exported to Mercosur countries. A total of 69 companies returned the questionnaire, representing a total response rate of 50.36 per cent. Data were analyzed using factor analysis and stepwise linear discriminant analysis. Results confirmed the hypothesized relationships.
This paper aims to test three hypotheses in city growth literature documenting the poverty reduction observed in Brazil and exploring a rich spatial dataset for 5,564 Brazilian…
This paper aims to test three hypotheses in city growth literature documenting the poverty reduction observed in Brazil and exploring a rich spatial dataset for 5,564 Brazilian cities observed between 1991 and 2010. The large sample and the author's improved econometric methods allows one to better understand and measure how important income growth is for poverty reduction, the patterns of agglomeration and population growth in all Brazilian cities.
The author identifies literature gaps and use a sizeable spatial dataset for 5,564 Brazilian cities observed in 1991, 2000 and 2010 applying instrumental variables methods. The bias-corrected accelerated bootstrap percentile interval supports the author's point estimates.
This manuscript finds that Brazilian data for cities does not support Gibrat's law, raising the scope for urban planning and associated policies. Second, economic growth on a sustainable basis is still a vital source of poverty reduction (The author estimates the poverty elasticity at four percentage points). Lastly, agglomeration effects positively affect the city's productivity, while negative externalities underlie the city's development patterns.
Data for cities in Brazil possess unique characteristics such as spatial autocorrelation and endogeneity. Applying proper methods to find more reliable answers to the above three questions is a desirable procedure that must be encouraged. As the author points out in the manuscript, dealing with endogenous regressors in regional economics is still a developing matter that regional scientists could more generally apply to many regional issues.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the issue of efficiency in the Brazilian motor carrier industry, which has undergone significant transformations since the economy…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the issue of efficiency in the Brazilian motor carrier industry, which has undergone significant transformations since the economy deregulation in the mid-1990s. The main research objective is to determine whether or not different types of cargoes and geographic regions serviced significantly impact trucking managerial efficiency levels.
Research objectives are accomplished by applying a two-stage data envelopment analysis model with bootstrapped estimates. Based on an unbalanced panel model, secondary data from the annual study published by Transporte Moderno (years 2002-2010) were collected and analyzed.
Results support anecdotal evidence regarding a heterogeneous impact of cargo mix and route mix on efficiency levels.
Research limitations/implications
A major limitation of this work concerns the fact of working with secondary data instead of primary data, especially with respect to the set of inputs and outputs used in the analysis, which may not cover all aspects relevant to building an efficiency frontier. Despite this limitation, the study has made an important contribution in its use of panel data to demonstrate the impacts of different types of cargoes and geographic regions serviced on managerial efficiency levels in the trucking industry.
Practical implications
Managerial impacts in terms of mergers and acquisitions are addressed.
The contribution of this study is twofold. On the theoretical side, a valuable scale for the measurement of managerial efficiency was built and validated, representing an index toward the most productive cargo/route mix. On the other hand, the managerial implication of this possibility of measuring the efficiency levels is that motor carriers can use it as a basis for establishing future action plans.
Brazil, DEA, Longitudinal study, Efficiency drivers, Trucking industry, Unbalanced panel
Paper type
Research paper
Resumen Objetivo
El estudio investiga el tema de la eficiencia en la industria del transporte Brasileña, la cual ha experimentado cambios significativos desde la desregulación de la economía a mediados de los años noventa. El objetivo principal de la investigación es determinar si los diferentes tipos de cargas y regiones geográficas que han recibido los servicios impactan significativamente o no los niveles de eficiencia administrativa de las empresas de camiones.
Los objetivos de la investigación se lograron usando un modelo DEA de dos etapas con estimaciones bootstrap. Basado en un modelo de panel no balanceado, se obtuvieron y analizaron datos secundarios del estudio anual publicados por Transporte Moderno (años 2002-2010).
Los resultados apoyan la evidencia anécdota en lo relacionado con el impacto heterogéneo de mezcla de cargas y una combinación de rutas en los niveles de eficiencia.
Limitaciones/implicaciones del estudio
La limitación más grande de este trabajo es el hecho de trabajar con datos secundarios en vez de usar datos primarios, especialmente en relación con el set de inputs y outputs usados en este análisis, que podrían no cubrir todos los aspectos relevantes en la construcción de una frontera eficiente. A pesar de esta limitación, este estudio hace una importante contribución al usar datos de panel para demostrar los impactos de los diferentes tipos de cargas y regiones geográficas atendidas, en los niveles de eficiencia de la administración de la industria de transporte de camiones.
Implicaciones prácticas
Se discuten los impactos de administración en términos fusiones y adquisiciones.
La contribución de este estudio es doble. Por el lado teórico, una escala relevante para medir la eficiencia de la administración fue construida y validada, que representa un índice hacia la combinación carga/ruta más efectiva. Por otro lado, las implicaciones administrativas de la posibilidad de medir niveles de eficiencia es que las empresas de transportes pueden usarloa como base para establecer planes futuros de acción.
Palabras claves
Estudio longitudinal, Industria camionera, Brasil, DEA, Promotores de eficiencia, Panel no balanceado
Tipo de papel
Trabajo de investigación
Resumo Objetivo
A pesquisa investiga o tema da eficiência na indústria brasileira de transporte rodoviário, a qual tem experimentado mudanças significativas desde a desregulamentação da economia em meados dos anos noventa. O objetivo principal da pesquisa é determinar se os diferentes tipos de cargas e de regiões geográficas atendidas impactam significativamente ou não nos níveis de eficiência na gestão de cargas rodoviárias.
Os objetivos da pesquisa foram atingidos usando um modelo DEA de dois estágios com estimativas bootstrap. Baseados em um modelo de painel, foram recolhidos e analisados dados secundários publicados no estudo anual da publicação Transporte Moderno (anos 2002-2010).
Os resultados apoiam a evidência baseada no senso comum relacionada ao impacto heterogêneo do mix de cargas e do mix de rotas nos níveis de eficiência.
Limitações/implicações da pesquisa
A maior limitação de esta pesquisa concerne ao fato de trabalhar com dados secundários em vez de dados primários, especialmente em relação com a série de inputs e outputs utilizados na análise, que não puderam cobrir todos os aspectos relevantes para definição da fronteira de eficiência. Apesar dessa limitação, esta pesquisa traz uma importante contribuição ao utilizar dados de painel para demonstrar os impactos dos diferentes tipos de cargas e de regiões geográficas atendidas sobre os níveis de eficiência na gestão do transporte de cargas rodoviárias.
Implicações práticas
Os impactos da gestão em termos de fusão e aquisição são abordados.
A contribuição deste estudo é dupla. Pelo lado teórico, foi construída e validada uma escala relevante para medir a eficiência de gestão de cargas rodoviárias, que indica um índice para a combinação mais efetiva da combinação entre cargas e rotas. Por outro lado, quanto às implicações gerenciais, a possibilidade de medir os níveis de eficiência criam a possibilidade das empresas de transportes utilizá-los como base para futuros planos de ação.
Estudo longitudinal, Setor de transporte rodoviário, Brasil, DEA, Condutores de eficiência, Dados em painel
Tipo de papel
Trabalhos de pesquisa
Kathrin Stürmer, Lars Rademacher, Pio Fenton and Gearoid O Suilleabhain
Digital transformation, and the use and pervasiveness of social media in particular, have changed society. Politicians and political institutions increasingly use social media…
Digital transformation, and the use and pervasiveness of social media in particular, have changed society. Politicians and political institutions increasingly use social media channels; hence political communication is changing as well. Continuous availability through smartphones and other devices has not only led to more information exchange between political and public actors, but also lobbyists, who classically communicate remotely, are also starting to respond to these changes and use tools such as Twitter, Facebook and the like. Against this background, this study provides insights into the effects of digital transformation, especially social media, on lobbying in Germany. Data were gathered from 15 interviews and seven focus groups with lobbyists and political decision makers in Berlin. The analysis shows that digital lobbying operates within a novel logic, due to the public context of social media. It is the human element that becomes the decisive factor in digital lobbying due to the social aspect in social media. Accordingly, investigating digital lobbying is critical to establish implications for theory and for practice.
Constanza Bianchi, Jorge Carneiro and Rumintha Wickramasekera
Enhancing firm commitment towards internationalisation is an important step towards ensuring successful international performance. However, there is limited research on this topic…
Enhancing firm commitment towards internationalisation is an important step towards ensuring successful international performance. However, there is limited research on this topic for emerging market firms. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the factors that influence the internationalisation commitment of emerging market firms located in two Latin American countries with different institutional environments.
This study proposes and tests a conceptual model that includes drivers and barriers of internationalisation commitment. Data were collected from Chilean and Brazilian firms. The model uses confirmatory factor analysis to develop the underlying multi-item constructs and structural equation modelling to test the model.
The results show that managers’ perceptions of firm resources and capabilities are significant drivers of internationalisation commitment in both countries. In addition, perceptions of internal firm-specific barriers, such as a manager’s lack of international experience and knowledge, are negatively related to internationalisation commitment in Chile, but not in Brazil. Finally, external environmental barriers are negatively related to internationalisation commitment in Brazil, but not in Chile.
Practical implications
The context for the study is Chile and Brazil. Both are important emerging markets in Latin America, with a strong focus on firm internationalisation. The research design is cross-sectional and so does not allow for any causal claims to be made. The findings have important implications for internationalisation efforts of managers and export promotion agencies of emerging markets with different institutional environments.
This research contributes to the relatively scant but increasing number of empirical studies which investigate emerging market internationalisation in Latin America.
We explore the simultaneous influence of activist organizations and corporations on institutional change. Focusing on protests, campaign contributions, and lobbyists as the…
We explore the simultaneous influence of activist organizations and corporations on institutional change. Focusing on protests, campaign contributions, and lobbyists as the strategies used by activist organizations and corporations to influence institutional change, we study the dynamics between movements and counter-movements and their influence on the probability of institutional change. In the context of the US tobacco industry, the results shed light on the effectiveness of these strategies and uncover potential moderators of this relationship. Overall, we demonstrate the simultaneous and asymmetric effects of activist organizations and corporations that use conspicuous and inconspicuous strategies to change institutions.
Sérgio Antônio Pulzi Júnior, Claudia Affonso Silva Araujo and Mônica Ferreira da Silva
This paper aims to identify the kind of internal climate leaders should offer health-care professionals to promote a patient safety culture in public hospitals managed by social…
This paper aims to identify the kind of internal climate leaders should offer health-care professionals to promote a patient safety culture in public hospitals managed by social health organizations in Brazil.
Two surveys were applied to health-care professionals working at three Brazilian public hospitals. The internal climate survey reached 1,013 respondents, and the patient safety culture survey reached 1,302 participants. Both factor and regression analyses were used to analyze the study model and determine how internal climate influences patient safety culture.
Results indicate that to promote a patient safety culture among health-care professionals, leaders should generate an internal climate based on trust to foster pride in working in the hospital. Possibly, the trust dimension is the most important one and must be developed to achieve job satisfaction and provide better services to patients.
Research limitations/implications
All the hospitals studied were managed by the same Organização Social de Saúde. Due to the limited responses concerning the respondents’ profiles, demographic variables were not analyzed.
Practical implications
This research reveals that the trust and pride dimensions can most strongly influence a positive patient safety culture, helping hospital leaders face this huge managerial challenge of consistently delivering high standards of patient safety.
This research studies the promotion of a patient safety culture in public hospitals managed by social health organizations, characterized by greater flexibility and autonomy in health-care management and by a greater need for accountability.
Paloma Santana Moreira Pais, Felipe de Figueiredo Silva and Evandro Camargos Teixeira
The Brazilian Government created the Bolsa Familia program to combat poverty and the insertion of so many children into the labor market. This program is an income transfer…
The Brazilian Government created the Bolsa Familia program to combat poverty and the insertion of so many children into the labor market. This program is an income transfer program subject to certain conditions such as a minimum school attendance for children under 17 years of age. In 2006, almost half of the people with an income per capita of R$300.00 (US$139.53) per month declared that they received this benefit. Accordingly, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the impact of Bolsa Familia on child labor in Brazil in 2006.
The authors used a propensity score matching model with data from the National Household Sample Survey PESQUISA NACIONAL POR AMOSTRA DE DOMICÍLIOS (PNAD), for 2006.
Results indicate that the program increased the number of hours of child labor in Brazil. However, this outcome might be explained by the fact that those families who received Bolsa Familia were also those with higher socioeconomic vulnerability. Thus, they need to guarantee their survival with the income generated via child labor.
Social implications
The Brazilian Government needs to invest not only in monetary transfer policies but also in the improvement of the job market to create opportunities for the social development of children.
The contribution of the paper is the investigation into the effect of the Bolsa Familia program on the average time allocated to child labor; the authors find that this time allocation could be reduced by requiring a compulsory school attendance.
Social movement organizations increasingly engage directly with companies, rather than using the political process to regulate them. This development has spawned lively new…
Social movement organizations increasingly engage directly with companies, rather than using the political process to regulate them. This development has spawned lively new literatures on non-market strategy and on social movements, but the two would benefit from engaging each other more effectively. A common framework and set of shared constructs would allow for collaborative theorizing on how new issues emerge into the public sphere, how interest groups mobilize, and how public opinion is formed; transaction cost analysis, with its primarily verbal theorizing, may prove a helpful starting point. Empirical knowledge is growing rapidly, yet many exciting questions remain open.
Despite the widespread studies on the attitudes about OA, there exists little comparative evidence about the opinions of author and non-author parties at a global level in a…
Despite the widespread studies on the attitudes about OA, there exists little comparative evidence about the opinions of author and non-author parties at a global level in a social context. To bridge the gap, this study first investigated the opinions of the users who posted at least one tweet about OA in 2019. Then, it zoomed in to explore the views of the OA-interested tweeters, i.e. the users who have posted five or more tweets about OA.
Using a content analysis method, with an opinion-mining approach, this study examined a sample of 9,268 OA-related tweets posted by 5,227 tweeters in 2019. The sentiments were analyzed using SentiStrength. A threshold of at least five tweets was set to identify the OA-interested tweeters.
Academics and scholars, library and information professionals, and journals and publishers were the main OA-interested tweeters, implying that OA debates have not been widely propagated from its traditional audience to the general public. Despite an overall positive attitude, the tweeters showed negative perspectives about the gold and hybrid models, validity and quality, and costs and funds. The negativity depended on the OA features tweeted, the tweeters' occupations and gender, as well as the trends.
Research limitations/implications
The low societal impact of the OA debates calls for solutions to attract the public's attention and to exploit their potential to achieve the OA ideals. The OA stakeholders' divergence necessitates finding solutions to remedy the pitfalls. It also underlines the need for scrutiny into social layers when studying society's opinions and behaviors in a social network.
This is the first study in estimating the extent of the societal impact of OA debates, comparing the social OA stakeholders' opinions and their dependence on the OA features tweeted, the tweeter roles and gender and the tweet trending status.
Peer review
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