Eunji Seo and Katsuyoshi Takashima
The purpose of this study is to investigate the negative impact of horizontal conflict on vertical conflict in a triadic configuration, which is based on the supposition that…
The purpose of this study is to investigate the negative impact of horizontal conflict on vertical conflict in a triadic configuration, which is based on the supposition that buyers who experience horizontal conflict due to competition with other buyers are motivated to limit vertical conflict to better cooperate with store staff.
This study tests the hypotheses with an AMOS-based structure equation model based on survey data of 236 merchandise managers at Japanese retailers.
The study’s findings demonstrate that process conflict concerning resource and role allocation, negatively affects the task conflict and relationship conflict involved in vertical interactions. The results suggest that conflict between buyers is an accelerative mechanism affecting the construction of cooperative relationships between buyers and store staff.
Previous studies have discussed the possibility of positive effects arising from process conflict. In this study, the authors found that horizontal process conflict tolerates vertical conflict statistically and identified a new positive effect of process conflict.
Seunghun Shin, Eunji Lee, Yerin Yhee, Jungkeun Kim and Chulmo Koo
This study aims to explain how the impact of COVID-19 on human mobility is affected by the perceived risk of the pandemic.
This study aims to explain how the impact of COVID-19 on human mobility is affected by the perceived risk of the pandemic.
Using a statistical analysis and a geographic visualization technique, we investigate whether and how changes in people’s restaurant visiting patterns during COVID-19 vary with their level of risk perception.
The changes in people’s restaurant visiting patterns vary with their risk perception: the tendency to increase the number of visits to restaurants located in non-popular areas is related to the level of perceived risk.
This research confirms the importance of risk perception when examining the pandemic’s multi-dimensional impacts.
这项研究旨在解释 COVID-19 对人类流动性的影响如何受到大流行的感知风险的影响。
使用统计分析和地理可视化技术, 我们调查人们的餐厅是否以及如何变化COVID-19 期间的访问模式因他们的风险感知水平而异。
Mediante un análisis estadístico y una técnica de visualización geográfica, investigamos si los cambios en los patrones de visita a restaurantes de las personas durante COVID-19 varían en función de su nivel de percepción del riesgo y cómo lo hacen.
Esta investigación pretende explicar cómo el impacto de COVID-19 en la movilidad humana se ve afectado por el riesgo percibido de la pandemia.
Los cambios en las pautas de visita a restaurantes de las personas varían en función de su percepción del riesgo: la tendencia a aumentar el número de visitas a restaurantes situados en zonas no populares está relacionada con el nivel de riesgo percibido.
Esta investigación confirma la importancia de la percepción del riesgo a la hora de examinar los impactos multidimensionales de la pandemia.