Marianne Gretz, Peter Stadler, Ernst Mernke and Martin Thomas
For some months the central library of Boehringer Mannheim GmbH, a research‐based pharmaceutical company in Germany, has been disseminating tables of contents in electronic form…
For some months the central library of Boehringer Mannheim GmbH, a research‐based pharmaceutical company in Germany, has been disseminating tables of contents in electronic form. These electronic tables of contents are generated from the current scientific journal literature. At present the library supplies contents pages of roughly 440 journals to 240 internal clients. This service has been designed as a means of rapid distribution of individually tailored information from the topical scientific literature. The tables of contents are delivered to the clients' electronic mailboxes via the electronic mail system. We describe the situation before the introduction of this service, the motives for switching to this service, and the librarian and technical work necessary in the preliminary stages. Moreover, the paper shows the realisation of the project, the problems occurring during the phase of introduction and the acceptance by the users.
Peter Stadler, Ernst Mernke and Martin Thomas
For some time, the central library at Boehringer Mannheim, a company in the research‐based pharmaceutical industry, has placed the majority of its book orders using EDIFACT. This…
For some time, the central library at Boehringer Mannheim, a company in the research‐based pharmaceutical industry, has placed the majority of its book orders using EDIFACT. This article describes the situation before the introduction of the system, the technical and organisational preconditions, and the changes that were necessary to DP systems. The results are presented and the new situation of EDI versus the Internet is discussed.