More than five years have passed since A Nation at Risk was published in 1983 by then‐Secretary of Education Terrance Bell's National Commission on Excellence in Education. Those…
More than five years have passed since A Nation at Risk was published in 1983 by then‐Secretary of Education Terrance Bell's National Commission on Excellence in Education. Those years have seen the publication of an enormous body of both primary material, composed of research reports, essays, and federal and state reform proposals and reports; and secondary material, composed of summaries and reviews of the original reform reports and reports about effective programs that are based on reform recommendations. This annotated bibliography seeks to identify, briefly describe, and organize in a useful manner those publications dealing with K‐12 education reform and improvement. The overall purposes of this article are to bring organization to that list, and also to trace relationships and influences from the federal initiatives to the states and professional associations, and from there to the school districts and individual schools.
The following is an annotated list of materials dealing with information literacy including instruction in the use of information resources, research, and computer skills related…
The following is an annotated list of materials dealing with information literacy including instruction in the use of information resources, research, and computer skills related to retrieving, using, and evaluating information. This review, the twentieth to be published in Reference Services Review, includes items in English published in 1993. A few are not annotated because the compiler could not obtain copies of them for this review.
When I began as column editor for “Reference Serials” I experienced an immediate need for a cumulative index to titles reviewed in this column over the years. An expeditious…
When I began as column editor for “Reference Serials” I experienced an immediate need for a cumulative index to titles reviewed in this column over the years. An expeditious solution to the question of whether a particular title had been reviewed previously in RSR was a search of Book Review Index on DIALOG. In the process of this searching, I discovered that BRI's indexing of RSR was more complete than RSR's self indexing and, of course, BRI's indexing online is cumulative while RSR has no cumulative indexes. Both index options had an additional problem: each included references to all the titles mentioned in the various columns of RSR regardless of whether the reference was actually to an extensive review or simply to an unannotated listing of the title.