Summarizes the central goals of the German government report Information as Raw Material for Innovation, and focuses on the challenges for libraries that result from this…
Summarizes the central goals of the German government report Information as Raw Material for Innovation, and focuses on the challenges for libraries that result from this programme. Suggestions are presented for project co‐operation between libraries and their clients/partners. The paper was presented at a conference on “The role of Libraries in Economic Development” organized by the IFLA Office for International Lending and the Central Technological Library, Ljubljana, and was held in Ljubljana in April 1997.
In the service era electronic products in libraries should be offered in combination with information services. Presents an approach to a reference, information and training…
In the service era electronic products in libraries should be offered in combination with information services. Presents an approach to a reference, information and training services concept which is designed to meet the needs of users of electronic libraries. The approach includes the following aspects: introduction to the library; online training for OPAC searching; searching bibliographic and subject databases; finding relevant information on the Internet; and evaluating of activities.