Ozlem Sahin, Oznur Usanmaz and Enis T. Turgut
Metroplex is a system of two or more airports, in physical proximity, with highly interdependent arrival and departure operations. The purpose of this study is the construction of…
Metroplex is a system of two or more airports, in physical proximity, with highly interdependent arrival and departure operations. The purpose of this study is the construction of an efficient and effective air route model based on the point merge system (PMS) to reduce aircraft fuel consumption and CO2 emissions for three metroplex airports in Istanbul terminal control area (TMA).
A PMS arrival route model is constructed for metroplex airports. In the proposed model, two situations are taken into consideration: for delay which can be defined as flying on sequencing legs (PMSdel) and for no delay (PMSno del). An empirical model is developed using a data set including the flight data records of ten actual B737-800 domestic flights. With this empirical model, both the baseline and the PMS models (PMSdel and PMSno del) are compared in terms of fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and flight distance and time as a theoretical computation.
In the proposed PMSno del arrival route model, according to different entry points for Istanbul Ataturk International Airport (LTBA), the analyses show an average reduction of 26 per cent in flight time, 24.5 per cent in flight distance, 17 per cent in fuel burned and CO2 emissions; in addition, for Sabiha Gökcen International Airport (LTFJ) there are 34, 23 and 32 per cent average savings for flight time, flight distance and fuel burned together with CO2 emissions obtained, respectively. Even if the PMSdel model, for LTFJ except only one entry point, for LTBA except two entry points, better results are obtained than baseline.
Practical implications
The point merge model for metroplex airports in this paper can be applied by airspace designers and Air Navigation Service Providers to perform efficient and effective arrival routes.
In this study, a point merge model is constructed for metroplex airports. Quantitative results, using an empirical model, are achieved in terms of fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and flight distance and time at metroplex airports.
Enis T. Turgut, Oznur Usanmaz, Ali Ozan Canarslanlar and Ozlem Sahin
Continuous descent approach (CDA) is a method, which allows the aircraft flying its individual optimal vertical profile down to runway threshold with engines operating at…
Continuous descent approach (CDA) is a method, which allows the aircraft flying its individual optimal vertical profile down to runway threshold with engines operating at low‐thrust power. The main objective of this paper is to provide less‐fuel consumption, less noise and less emission with using CDA procedures instead of conventional procedures.
Conventional and CDA procedures were modelled in the Istanbul terminal area (TMA), which has five entry points. The real speed and the real altitude limitations were maintained on these entry points. System for Assessing Aviation's Global Emissions research results were also used to determine the emission savings.
With CDA procedures, more than 40 kg fuel and 2 min time savings per flight are obtained; furthermore, regarding CO2 and H2O, significant emission savings are also noted.
Some of the benefits of CDA procedures are reported for Istanbul TMA by using true flight data.
Turgut Var, William W. Swart and Charles E. Gearing
Although this is a survey of research techniques, it has become increasingly apparent, as the study has progressed, that our investigation of research methods for use in tourism…
Although this is a survey of research techniques, it has become increasingly apparent, as the study has progressed, that our investigation of research methods for use in tourism and travel studies, without prior consideration of the nature and scopes of tourism and travel themselves, would he inadequate. At the outset it would be imperative to distinguish three interrelated terms. These are recreation, tourism, and travel.
Elizabeth A. Castillo and Mai P. Trinh
Organizations increasingly operate under volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) conditions. Traditional command-and-control leadership can be ineffective in such…
Organizations increasingly operate under volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) conditions. Traditional command-and-control leadership can be ineffective in such chaotic environments. The purpose of this paper is to outline an alternative model to help leaders and organizations navigate effectively through VUCA environments. By developing three fundamental capacities (absorptive, adaptive and generative), leaders can cultivate organizations capable of continuous synchronization with their fitness landscapes. Central tenets of the framework include diversity, slack, learning, humility, reflection in action and abductive logic.
This framework is designed based on literature insights, conceptual analysis and experts’ judgment. The paper integrates knowledge from a variety of disciplines and interprets them through the lens of complex adaptive systems.
This paper argues for a process centered, contemplative approach to organizational leadership and development. By providing the underlying rationale for the proposed interventions (e.g. Ashby’s law of requisite variety), the paper also reorients busy leaders’ mental models to show why these time investments are worth implementing.
Practical implications
This actionable framework can help leaders and organizations be more effective operating in a VUCA context.
This paper provides a historic context as to why prediction and certainty are favored leadership strategies, why these approaches are no longer suitable and specific steps leaders can take to develop absorptive, adaptive and generative capacities to transform their organizations. Its scholarly contribution is the synthesis of disparate bodies of literature, weaving those multiple academic perspectives into a practical roadmap to enhance organizational leadership.