Deirdre Deegan, Emma Fingleton, Joseph James McEvoy and Kate Quigley
This practice piece aims to review an occupational therapy led pilot programme – social farming as an intervention option in an adult community mental health setting in Ireland…
This practice piece aims to review an occupational therapy led pilot programme – social farming as an intervention option in an adult community mental health setting in Ireland. It will also reflect on the practical implications of delivering the natural surroundings based programme through the COVID-19 pandemic and plans for the future development of such programmes in adult mental health services.
The Occupational Circumstances Assessment Interview Rating Scale (OCAIRS) was used to measure occupational participation (Forsyth, 2005). This was administered with participants’ pre and post their participation in the 10-week programme. An internal questionnaire was developed to further capture both the participant and farmer experiences of the social farming programme.
Whilst improvements were noted in a number of OCAIRS domains, it was difficult to identify small changes over a short period of time. The main domains of change were habits, roles, interests and personal causation. The success of the social farming placements was also reflected in the internal questionnaire. The pilot programme has resulted in the further development of the social farming programme and securing of funding for placements for five years.
It would be beneficial to consider other standardised assessments that assess quality of life and occupation for future placements. It is also beneficial to consider practical implications in delivering a social farming programme, particularly to those with barriers to transport. It is hoped this paper will contribute to the growing knowledge of social farming as a meaningful therapeutic intervention in mental health occupational therapy practice.
Aboriginal people have property rights and interests in land and waters arising from traditional law and custom. Their traditional relationship to land is dual in character…
Aboriginal people have property rights and interests in land and waters arising from traditional law and custom. Their traditional relationship to land is dual in character, having spiritual and material dimensions; i.e. they belong to the land and they own it too. The root of their traditional aboriginal title is found in the creative acts of the ancestral Stories in the Story‐Time and from the unbroken links of spirit which connect them and their deceased ancestors with specific land and sea country.