The slimmed down conglomerate is taking shared services to its logical limits with the launch of its Tenneco Business Services unit.
Jon Huntsman broke the mold in commodity chemicals, building a $4‐billion company that is still family run. Is there an IPO in this man's future?
A leader in the mature glass and metal containers market enters the fast lane of plastic bottles. Is there still room to grow?
Edward S. O’Neal and Daniel E. Page
We examine the sources of performance for a sample of mutual funds that invest primarily in utility companies. Given recent deregulation developments in the utility industry and…
We examine the sources of performance for a sample of mutual funds that invest primarily in utility companies. Given recent deregulation developments in the utility industry and the sub‐market performance of utility stocks in the 1990s, we hypothesize that utility funds may be considering alternatives to traditional high‐yielding electric utility stocks. Although there is anecdotal evidence that utility funds may be tilting their focus away from electric utility stocks, we find that utility mutual funds as a group are no more or less heavily invested in utility stocks today than they have been over the past 10 years.