Basil Enemute Iwhiwhu and Elvis Ovietobore Eyekpegha
The purpose of this paper is to examine the present digitization projects in Nigerian university libraries and the challenges they pose to effective information delivery.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the present digitization projects in Nigerian university libraries and the challenges they pose to effective information delivery.
The research method employs both qualitative and quantitative methods. The questionnaire is the major instrument used for data collection, with observation as complimentary instrument. The respondents constitute 40 professional and para‐professional staffers drawn from both universities.
The results from the paper reveal that the libraries lack written policy on digitization, inadequate ICT infrastructures and manpower, fund, and inadequate government support. Users are not given user education/digital literacy to enable them adequately utilizing the available digitized resources and services, thus posing challenges to effective information delivery.
The paper will make for a more conscious effort in institutionalizing digital library services, formulation and implementation of digitization policies, introduction of user education/digital literacy programmes and conscious staff training programme on ICTs for university libraries in Nigeria.