The narrative of The Americans weaves together a spy thriller and a family drama, though it drives home the inseparability of the political and the personal through the lives of…
The narrative of The Americans weaves together a spy thriller and a family drama, though it drives home the inseparability of the political and the personal through the lives of the central characters, Philip and Elizabeth, a couple whose marriage is a cover for their work as Soviet spies. This chapter provides a queer reading of their marriage, drawing from the real history of the Cold War politics of sexuality that associated American values with the hetero- and gender normative, white, and middle-class nuclear family. In contrast, the Soviet Union was understood to have disrupted this natural order by installing the state as an overbearing patriarch. Philip and Elizabeth’s fictional cover as a nuclear family requires them to perform American marriage, family, and selfhood. In doing so, they reflect the centrality of the family in America’s Cold War self-image in which the family serves as the anchor of the American order, enabling economic and political self-sufficiency. Their performance of the family challenges our ability to differentiate between real, authentic family that can serve as the legitimate source of social reproduction and between the counterfeit, fake family that disrupts the social order. The queer family, refusing to be placed beyond realm of the political by the moral language of family values, subverts our ability to distinguish between genres since the family drama is already a political thriller.
The television series The Americans succeeds as a family drama, crime drama, and political drama. Criminal law offers a useful perspective for interpreting the series. By…
The television series The Americans succeeds as a family drama, crime drama, and political drama. Criminal law offers a useful perspective for interpreting the series. By examining the post-finale criminal liability of two key characters, daughter Paige Jennings and FBI agent Stan Beeman, this chapter provides some novel insights into the characters, their motivations, and the events in the last season of the series. The legal analysis also uncovers some ironies. Most notably, Paige’s legal vulnerability will put her in a moral dilemma because her best way of avoiding a lengthy prison term is to provide evidence against Stan, punishing him for letting her and her parents go.
This paper seeks to look at the rationale, technical challenges and rewards involved in conceptually linking discrete digital resources in a way that is useful to the library's…
This paper seeks to look at the rationale, technical challenges and rewards involved in conceptually linking discrete digital resources in a way that is useful to the library's public.
Any subject analysis of reference enquiries submitted to state or public libraries over a given period is likely to identify car repair information as an enduring source of popular interest. The Garage web portal was developed in response to the very large number of requests – received over many years from both individuals and public libraries around the state of Queensland – for information about vehicle maintenance and restoration. Its inspiration was in the recognition that a substantial and potentially very useful part of the State Library's extensive collection in this area was not visible to the public.
The Garage's technical achievement was in bringing together the impressive, ten‐year indexing effort of two expert volunteers and a unique collection of several hundred historical photographs on Queensland motoring – and in making these available through a searchable portal on the State Library's web site.
The paper considers the opportunities inherent in opening up high demand areas in library collections and it offers an illustration of how expertise in the community can be shared with the library's wider public. It will be of value to anyone with an interest in capitalising on particular collection strengths in response to user driven demand – and it will be of particular interest to those who recognise car enthusiasts as a significant client group.
Janice Huber, M. Shaun Murphy and D. Jean Clandinin
As we gradually awakened to Loyla's, Ji-Sook's, and Brent's familial curriculum making, described in earlier chapters, we grew increasingly aware of tensions shaped by their…
As we gradually awakened to Loyla's, Ji-Sook's, and Brent's familial curriculum making, described in earlier chapters, we grew increasingly aware of tensions shaped by their experiences in their familial and school curriculum making. Our earlier chapters show something of these tensions. In this chapter we return to a focus on tensions by exploring the tensions embodied by Loyla, Brent, and Ji-Sook as they lived in these two curriculum-making places. As we inquire into the children's embodied tensions, we do so with a sense of wanting to restory the potential of tensions on school landscapes and in composing lives. We also want to show something of ways in which attention to children's embodied tensions makes visible the gaps and silences they experienced in living in these two curriculum-making places.
Elizabeth McCall Bemiss, Jennifer L. Doyle and Mary Elizabeth Styslinger
This paper aims to explore alternative literacy instruction with incarcerated youth, add to the body of existing literature documenting the literacy of those incarcerated and…
This paper aims to explore alternative literacy instruction with incarcerated youth, add to the body of existing literature documenting the literacy of those incarcerated and investigate the construction of book clubs through a critical lens.
This qualitative case study answered the following research questions: What can a critical book club reveal about the literacy lives of these incarcerated youth? What can we learn from incarcerated youth through a critical book club? Data were collected through participant observation and in-depth interviews and analyzed using a critical literacy framework.
Findings indicate students used text connections to critically reflect on selves and schools. They questioned issues of power, particularly the power of literacy in their own lives as well as the power of schools, teachers and curriculum. The paper concludes with the authors’ critical reflection on both the findings and process which results in implications for future book clubs in settings with incarcerated youth.
Social implications
As educators, administrators and community members living in the “age of incarceration” (Hill, 2013), there is a social responsibility to design curriculum and pedagogy that expands instruction in correctional facilities.
The need for expanded literacy instruction in juvenile detention centers has been widely documented and supported; however, conventional methods of teaching literacy are not always successful for youth who may not have had positive experiences with traditional schooling. This study expands and explores literacy instruction with incarcerated youth through book clubs, an alternative literacy structure which challenges traditional curricula, pedagogical practices and culturally irrelevant texts which often contribute to the alienation and disempowerment of many students. Book clubs can facilitate new understandings through a critical lens.
Purpose – This chapter serves to address the need for teaching/instruction courses in Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) programs.Design/Methodology/Approach – This…
Purpose – This chapter serves to address the need for teaching/instruction courses in Master of Library and Information Science (MLIS) programs.
Design/Methodology/Approach – This chapter includes testimony from current Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals, an analysis of the myriad types of job postings for information professionals, and a review of specializations and course offerings at the 59 American Library Association-accredited programs in the United States.
Findings – This chapter shows a gross lack of opportunity for library school students to learn and practice teaching, course or program design, and assessment of user behavior or response, even though those working and hiring in the field of information are expected to plan lessons or programs, teach or train others, and assess or evaluate those programs and fellow practitioners.
MY MAIDEN NAME was Lamb and this, I think, was the tenuous thread that first drew me towards Charles Lamb when I was in my teens. His letters and essays were compulsory reading at…
MY MAIDEN NAME was Lamb and this, I think, was the tenuous thread that first drew me towards Charles Lamb when I was in my teens. His letters and essays were compulsory reading at school as a background study to the Romantic poets. My heart warmed to Lamb because of the revelation of his personality in his writings and for the glimpses he gave of his contemporaries, seeming to welcome the reader into the charmed circle of his friends. If I had been restricted to a classroom study of the Tales from Shakespeare, with which his name is first associated in the minds of many readers, I might never have gone on to discover the warmth of his humanity and the sparkle of his humour that glow from his letters and essays. In this year of the 200th anniversary of his birth I hope that many readers will turn back to these writings to renew acquaintance with Charles Lamb as I have done and find the same endearing qualities that won my affection in adolescence.
Jocelyne Kenny, Ian Asquith, Reinhard Guss, Elizabeth Field, Lewis Slade, Alexandra Bone, Keith Oliver, Mark Jones, Chris Ryan, Melvyn Brooks and Chris Norris
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how service user involvement for people living with a diagnosis of dementia can contribute to innovate ways of training and educating a…
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate how service user involvement for people living with a diagnosis of dementia can contribute to innovate ways of training and educating a skilled healthcare workforce.
The paper uses a case study approach, including interviews observations and reflections from facilitators and members of a service user group for people living with dementia in a recovery-based older adult service in East Kent, UK. In total, 11 people were involved in this study: five people are living with a diagnosis of dementia, two are clinical psychologists, two are trainee clinical psychologists and two are placement year psychology undergraduates.
The paper shows how service user involvement groups can enable people with dementia to train a wide range of healthcare professionals in different areas, from the perspective of people living with dementia and healthcare professionals. It also reflects on the challenges that can arise through working with patients in a more collegiate way.
This paper demonstrates that people with dementia can be involved in the training of healthcare professionals in innovative ways. It therefore suggests new ways of working with people with dementia to develop staff skills.
T. Scott Graham, Michael Z. Sincoff, Bud Baker and J. Cooper Ackermann
Movies have mesmerized audiences for years, crossing boundaries of race, gender, age, culture, and nationality. They have also been used to teach people how to lead. One text that…
Movies have mesmerized audiences for years, crossing boundaries of race, gender, age, culture, and nationality. They have also been used to teach people how to lead. One text that zeroes in on the essence of leadership is The Leadership Challenge, by Kouzes and Posner (2002). Through their research, they have highlighted five practices of effective leaders. It is our intent to share how we apply movies to teach the tenets of the groundbreaking leadership research of Kouzes and Posner, with proven ideas that work with students of leadership in any setting.
Using movies to teach leadership is a winning strategy; however, diligent planning is required to incorporate them successfully into leadership education. Movies are entertaining, informative, energizing, and educational, if used skillfully. The more facilitators use film, the more skilled they will become and the more the participants will benefit.