Elena V. Sibirskaya, Maria V. Volkova, Lyudmila V. Oveshnikova, Natalia A. Shchukina and Paweł Lula
In the recent two decades, a model of the labor market formed in Russia; it differs from the model that is peculiar for most developed countries. Its specific feature consists in…
In the recent two decades, a model of the labor market formed in Russia; it differs from the model that is peculiar for most developed countries. Its specific feature consists in the fact that adaptation to the fluctuations of the economic situation takes place by means of changes in the labor price, not by means of changes in employment and unemployment.
Such model ensures high and stable level of employment and low level of unemployment with significant pro-cyclic fluctuations of wages. Changes that take place in the sphere of employment of population in labor markets and gradual implementation of collection of information in view of the forms of labor activities into the practices of different countries led to the necessity for reconsidering the previously adopted international standards.
This is due to the fact that the normative documents present the treatment of unemployment without the criterion “job search,” and new indicators of measuring potential labor force and incomplete employment were adopted. The authors analyze the situation of labor underutilization, which is important for characterizing a region of the Russian Federation by the indicator of unmet need for employment.
The offered information could be used for wider monitoring of the labor market, studying the volume and tendencies in the sphere of unemployment, evaluating the problems of integration in the labor market, studying the connection between employment and poverty and forecasting the tendencies.
Olesya A. Stroeva, Innara R. Lyapina, Elena V. Sibirskaya, Elena V. Petrukhina and Liubov V. Plakhova
The purpose of the chapter is to distinguish the process of formation of algorithm of making of managerial decisions in the age of constant changes. The methodology of the chapter…
The purpose of the chapter is to distinguish the process of formation of algorithm of making of managerial decisions in the age of constant changes. The methodology of the chapter includes the method of theoretical foundations, the method of theoretical differentiations of categorical tools, the method of algorithmization, and the method adaptive perception. The research results include the following theses: the problems of the research are current and important; categorical structure of definition “making of managerial decisions” is reflected within functions of management, the process of managerial activities, and decision making on the basis of the risk; actions on solving problems; the aspect of making of managerial decision is limited; authors' algorithm of making of managerial decision reflects rationality and irrationality of the formed situation. This article could be supplemented with practical recommendations in the sphere of making of managerial decisions.
Elena V. Sibirskaya, Liudmila V. Oveshnikova, Aleksandr V. Bezrukov, Olga M. Pasynkova and Yulia I. Slepokurova
In the last 15 years, the high-growth economic rates of the Russian Federation (RF) have been caused by expansion of the country's participation in the world's raw and energy…
In the last 15 years, the high-growth economic rates of the Russian Federation (RF) have been caused by expansion of the country's participation in the world's raw and energy markets. Now the economic growth opportunities at the expense of these factors are generally exhausted, Russia is faced by problems of high-quality updating of all aspects of socioeconomic and sociopolitical life. These tasks are dictated as external “major challenges” of global character, and internal processes. To confront the challenges and to minimize risks, Russia needs to change the raw model of economic growth which poses the threats for stability of social and economic development.
First, the scientific, technological, and innovative policy which is carried out by industrially developed countries and some new industrial countries is to create the answer to a challenge of maintaining competitiveness and achievement of high productivity rates now. Its purpose is to stimulate development and deployment of advanced technologies, whose productivity significantly exceeds characteristics of traditional technologies.
The happening changes are so considerable that the world enters, perhaps, in the largest technological transition for all history when the richness of natural resources and low cost of work stop being major factors of growth. In total, these changes are estimated as “new industrial revolution” or, in narrower sense, as “technological revolution” which are based on the transition from mass production of the standardized production to the flexible high-performance production which is turning out the individualized products.
In this regard, the productive inclusion in new technological revolution, the implementation of the structural maneuver in economy and social system, can become one of the main objectives for Russia until 2035. The RF should pass a new development model which is based on high-tech industries. It is about the start of the big national project (program) “National Technological Initiative” (NTI).
The implementation of project-planning office functions of NTI is the priority direction of management and modern tool for business which is provided due to the development of NTI planning office, its full-scale expansion, and removal on operational power for support of development and implementation of the plans of measures (“road maps”) of NTI and projects for implementation of “road maps.”
Elena Sibirskaya, Elena Popkova, Lyudmila Oveshnikova and Irina Tarasova
The purpose of this paper is to verify the developed hypothesis on the basis of comparison of remote education and traditional education in terms of its effectiveness at the…
The purpose of this paper is to verify the developed hypothesis on the basis of comparison of remote education and traditional education in terms of its effectiveness at the micro-level, as well as to determine the presence, degree and nature of correlation between the share of remote education and level of development of economic systems of separate states (macro-level).
The methodologies of this paper are based on the system approach and include methods of research investigation such as problem, logical, comparative analysis, synthesis and formalization, as well as a purposely designed author’s method of assessment of the effectiveness of remote education and traditional education. In addition to the specified methods, this methodology also includes the methods of correlation and regression analysis which are used by the authors to determine the presence and degree of correlation between the share of remote education and the state of macro-level economic systems. The authors have analyzed the correlation between the share of remote education in the higher education structure according to the summarized data of the ICEF Monitor and the existing studies and publications on this topic (y) with indicators of macro-level economic systems such as GDP, billions of dollars (x1); GDP per capita (x2); Education Index according to the United Nations Development Program (x3); Knowledge Economy Index according to The World Bank Group (x4); and the index of innovative development of socioeconomic systems according to INSEAD, WIPO and Cornell University (x5). The econometric analysis of the mentioned factors was performed after that.
The authors have come to conclusion that remote education is indeed much more effective at the micro-level, since it allows the students to receive similar educational services with greater convenience, a wider choice of higher educational institutions and at a lower cost compared to traditional education. At the same time, no negative influence of remote education on the macro-level economic system has been revealed; on the contrary, a positive, albeit slight, influence similar to traditional education has been found. For this reason, promotion of the formation and development of remote education is recommended instead of limitation, since it allows modernizing the educational system for the benefit of both supply and demand.
The research contributes to the development of the concept of socioeconomic development of economic systems through clarification of influence of remote education on it.
Alexander P. Sukhodolov, Elena G. Popkova and Tatiana N. Litvinova
The purpose of this chapter is to study the conceptual provisions of the theory of information economy and to determine its notion and essence.
The purpose of this chapter is to study the conceptual provisions of the theory of information economy and to determine its notion and essence.
The research methodology is based on the application of traditional methods of economic science, including the methods of systemic, problem, and comparative analysis, method of analysis of causal connections, systematization, classification, and formalization of scientific data.
The authors systematize the existing conceptual provisions of the theory of information economy and classify the conceptual approaches to its study as process approach, resulting approach, and combined approach; a comparative analysis of these approaches is also conducted.
The authors conclude that the evolutional development of modern socio-economic systems is dominated by the information economy concept, which should be the basis of the future developmental model of the global economic system. This concept develops within the combined approach, based on the previous concepts of digital economy and internet economy, which is a part of the process approach proclaiming technological capital, the key factor of reproduction, by focusing on the development of socio-economic systems and the concept of knowledge economy, which is a part of the resulting approach that emphasizes human capital and innovations as a target result of the development of economic systems. The information economy concept includes the features of previous concepts, emphasizes the importance of technological and human capital, applies information and communication technologies, and achieves results that are connected to highly effective creation, storage, distribution, and usage of information. It also supplemented them with a new sense of proclaiming information on the most valuable resources as well as provision of free and continuous interaction of economic subjects – the highest priority of socio-economic systems.
Yulia V. Ragulina, Elena V. Popova, Lyudmila I. Chistohodova, Mikhail A. Mikhaylov and Marina Y. Eremina
The purpose of this chapter is to develop the indicators that are necessary for monitoring and controlling the efficiency of the process of implementation of information economy’s…
The purpose of this chapter is to develop the indicators that are necessary for monitoring and controlling the efficiency of the process of implementation of information economy’s optimization model. For this, the authors used general scientific research methods – systemic, problem, structural, and functional analysis to determine the key components of balancing, along with a specific method of economics – the balance method – for determining the method of balancing of indicators.
On the basis of the complex analysis performed with the application of the above methods, the authors determined the main indicators of efficiency of the process of implementation of information economy’s optimization model essential for its successful monitoring and control. These indicators are systematized in connection to the noosphere levels and are presented in this work. The offered indicators of efficiency of the process of implementation of the information economy’s optimization model are recommended for systemic national and international monitoring and control during model implementation. The indicators for the current year, in comparison with the dynamics of previous years, could be used. The balance coefficients pose the largest value and provide the highest level of information as they reflect the results of analysis of intermediary indicators and offer information in the form that is ready for regulators. The offered indicators have to supplement the indicators used for evaluating the efficiency of economy’s formation according to the its old model.
The indicators offered in this chapter focus on the balance model of information economy, however to compile a complete picture on the progress of its formation requires consideration of the values of the indicators used within the old model.
Alexander P. Sukhodolov and Elena G. Popkova
The purpose of this chapter is to determine the main stages in the formation of information economy.
The purpose of this chapter is to determine the main stages in the formation of information economy.
The authors use the method of noosphere research, a bifurcation approach to studying dynamic systems, which is related to systemic approach, the method of structural and functional analysis, the method of dialectical materialism, and the methodology of the institutional economic theory, abstraction, and formalization.
As a result of complex application of totality of the aforementioned methods and approaches to study the formation of information economy, the authors determine the essence and the main stages of information economy: formation of technosphere (technological foundation), formation of sociosphere (social core), and formation of economic sphere (economic pinnacle). At each of these stages, economic system faces serious socioeconomic changes that first face opposition from society and business, but then – with accumulation of practical experience – are accepted, opening the possibility for transition to the next stage of this process.
The authors conclude that while the influence of the global financial crisis in the early twenty-first century is common for all modern economic systems, it stimulated them to begin the formation of information economy. Furthermore, socioeconomic changes that followed this phenomenon are diverse and are largely predetermined by the context such as readiness of economic systems for continuation of their evolution, their reaction to crisis, susceptibility to changes, and other national peculiarities. That’s why the speed of passing the various stages in different economic systems varies.
Alexander N. Alekseev, Yulia A. Romanova, Irina M. Zurakhovskaya, Valeriy V. Mishchenko and Valentina V. Latysheva
The purpose of this chapter is to develop a framework strategy for implementing the optimization model of information economy in modern Russia, aimed at its adaptation to the…
The purpose of this chapter is to develop a framework strategy for implementing the optimization model of information economy in modern Russia, aimed at its adaptation to the peculiarities of the Russian economic practice.
The methods of induction, deduction, synthesis, and systemic analysis are used, as along with goal-oriented approaches, such as the method of modeling of socio-economic systems, and the method of formalization.
The authors develop the framework strategy of implementing the optimization model of information economy in modern Russia that takes into account specifics of socio-economic development and informatization of the Russian economic system at the modern stage. This strategy differs from the strategy of formation of an information economy implemented in modern Russia. The most important difference is a wide and comprehensive balance, while the Russian economy is tolerant toward imbalance. The offered strategy allows refusing from copying economic practice implemented by other countries and determining own path of formation and development of information economy. This envisages the Russian treatment of the principles of implementing the innovational model of a well-balanced information economy. This treatment is based on the current possibilities of the Russian economy and on the set goal within the formation of an information economy. Due to this, the possibilities and needs of strategic development of information economy in modern Russia are balanced.
The developed framework strategy of implementing the optimization model of information economy in modern Russia is recommended for usage in the domestic economic practice.