Piotr Kołodziejek and Elżbieta Bogalecka
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the need for a universal method for sensorless controlled induction motor drive diagnosis. The increasing number of sensorless control…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the need for a universal method for sensorless controlled induction motor drive diagnosis. The increasing number of sensorless control systems in industrial applications require a universal method for the drive diagnosis, which provides reliable diagnostic reasoning independent of control system structure and state variables measurement or estimation method.
Simulations and experimental investigation has been done with assumptions of multiscalar control system as a generalized vector control method, voltage source inverter application, sensorless control system based on selected speed observer structure and squirrel cage induction motor. Broken rotor symptoms are analyzed in the state variables and control system variables using DSP processing without outside measurement devices.
Symptoms of rotor asymmetry caused by broken rotor in the state and control variables was identified and symptoms amplitudes were compared. Based on the simulation and experimental results a new diagnosis method was proposed.
Practical implications
For early broken rotor detection there is a need to identify variables most sensitive to rotor asymmetry. In closed‐loop operation broken rotor symptom signals amplitudes are changed due to control system influence and in sensorless control due to used estimator frequency characteristics. The proposed method assumption is to aggregate symptoms in variables that altogether give results for broken rotor range regardless of applied control system structure or state variable estimator.
This paper shows control system influence to rotor fault symptom amplitudes in the state and control system variables. Identified phenomena is used for a new diagnosis method development.
Piotr Kołodziejek and Elżbieta Bogalecka
The purpose of this paper is analysis of the sensorless control system of induction machine with broken rotor for diagnostic purposes. Increasing popularity of sensorless…
The purpose of this paper is analysis of the sensorless control system of induction machine with broken rotor for diagnostic purposes. Increasing popularity of sensorless controlled variable speed drives requires research in area of reliability, range of stable operation, fault symptoms and application of diagnosis methods.
T transformation used for conversion of instantaneous rotor currents electrical circuit representation to space vector components is investigated to apply with closed‐loop modeling algorithm. Evaluation of the algorithm is based on analysis of asymmetry influence to the orthogonal and zero components of space vector representation. Multiscalar model of the machine and selected structures of state observers are used for sensorless control system synthesis. Proposed method of frequency characteristics calculation is used for state observers analysis in open‐loop operation.
New algorithm of applying the T transformation allows for closed‐loop and sensorless control system simulation with asymmetric machine due to broken rotor. Compensating effect of the closed‐loop control system with speed measurements and diagnosis information in control system variables are identified. Proposed frequency analysis of state observers is presented and applied. Variables with amplified characteristic frequency components related to rotor asymmetry are compared for selected structures of state observers and with closed‐loop and open‐loop operation. Method of improving the sensorless system stability is proposed.
Practical implications
In closed‐loop and sensorless control system rotor fault can be diagnosed by using PI output controllers variables. Compensating effect of mechanical variables sets limitation to specified diagnosis methods. Rotor asymmetry affects sensorless control system stability depending on estimator structure.
This paper concentrates upon sensorless control system operation with machine asymmetry and indicates rotor fault symptoms.