Sergey Zankovsky, Vitali Bezbakh, Agnessa Inshakova and Ekaterina P. Rusakova
The purpose of the research is to determine the social consequences of economic globalization based on experience of developed and developing countries and to determine the…
The purpose of the research is to determine the social consequences of economic globalization based on experience of developed and developing countries and to determine the perspectives of optimization of this process through regulation.
The research method is correlation analysis, for it allows determining dependencies between the indicators without requirements to their close mutual dependence. The research objects are top ten developed and top ten developing countries as to the KOF globalization index in 2019.
It is determined that, contrary to high economic risks, social risks of globalization are very low. Instead of this, in the course of globalization the social advantages increase – they are expressed in the form of harmonization of the labor market, development of digital society and increase of population's quality of life – in particular, provision of balance of the global society by leveling the social disproportions between developed and developing countries. It is substantiated that consequences that stimulate the increase of population's quality of life in developing countries are more expressed than in developed countries. This means that developing countries, which are traditionally more inclined to limiting the influence of globalization on them due to economic reasons, have to reconsider their foreign economic policy and include the measures on stimulation of globalization in the interests of social development. Other than that, the differences in consequences for developed and developing countries are minimal. There is no imbalance of consequences that is peculiar for the economic sphere, in which the main advantages are obtained by developed countries, and developing countries bear most of the costs. From the social point of view, globalization could be characterized as a positive phenomenon of modern times.
The offered authors' recommendations will allow optimizing the influence of globalization on the social environment in developed and developing countries and ensuring usage of economic globalization as a mechanism of implementation of the global goals in the sphere of sustainable development.
Agnessa O. Inshakova, Evgenia E. Frolova, Marina V. Galkina and Ekaterina P. Rusakova
The purpose of the paper is to model and develop recommendations for regulating the development of social market economy under the influence of noneconomic factors.
The purpose of the paper is to model and develop recommendations for regulating the development of social market economy under the influence of noneconomic factors.
The authors determine the existing examples of social market economies, in which quality of life clearly correlates with economic growth – and the research objects are thus determined. Then, the list of noneconomic factors, which could be quantitatively characterized based on the official statistics, is formed. The econometric model of dependence of the rate of economic growth of the selected noneconomic factors is created, and it is determined at which combination of these factors' influence it is possible to reach the target rate of economic growth of social market economy. Data are processed automatically by compiling the descriptive statistics and conducting regression analysis within the method of imitation modeling and multiparametric nonlinear optimization.
It is shown that, unlike the classical market economy (pure capitalism), in which economic factors dominate, social market economy (mixture of capitalism and socialism) is also influenced by noneconomic factors. This changes the view on economic growth as one of the most significant processes in the economic practice and one of the key research objects in economics. It is substantiated that there's a necessity not for micro- (as in the classical market economy) but for macroeconomic view on economic growth through the prism of factors that are external to entrepreneurship.
The results of imitation modeling allowed reducing the uncertainty and reflecting the specifics of economic growth of social market economy. The compiled model of multiple linear regression allowed narrowing down the circle and outlining four main noneconomic factors of economic growth of social market economy. The authors' recommendations for regulation of these factors are offered, and a mechanism of regulation of development of social market economy based on noneconomic factors management is offered.
Agnessa O. Inshakova, Evgenia E. Frolova, Ekaterina P. Rusakova and Sergey I. Kovalev
The purpose of the paper is to develop a model of distribution of human and machine labor at intellectual production in Industry 4.0.
The purpose of the paper is to develop a model of distribution of human and machine labor at intellectual production in Industry 4.0.
The basis of the methodology of the research is regression analysis. The analyzed variables are independent variables that characterize the level of development of human and machine labor in the economy of a country; dependent variables that reflect the effectiveness of the production, marketing and innovative business processes in the economy of country according to “The Global Competitiveness Report” (World Economic Forum); and dependent variables, which show the share of the sphere (agriculture, mining industry, processing industry and service sphere) in the structure of GDP of a country according to the statistics of the World Bank. For determining the change of regression dependencies in dynamics in the interests of reduction of the probability of statistical error, the research is conducted for 2010 and 2018 with application of trend analysis.
Based on the full selection of modern countries that conduct digital modernization, the authors determine statistical dependencies of effectiveness of business processes and development of the spheres of economy on the intensity of application of machine and human labor. This allowed determining significant differences in automatization of business processes: perspectives of application of machine labor are the widest in production and the narrowest in marketing, differentiated logic of organization of intellectual production in different spheres of economy and the specifics of automatization of business processes and spheres of economy in countries of different categories, one of which has to be taken into account during organization of intellectual production in Industry 4.0.
The developed model of optimal distribution of human and machine labor at intellectual production in Industry 4.0 will allow reducing disproportions in effectiveness of different business processes, development of different spheres of economy and growth rate of developed and developing countries. This explains its contribution into provision of well-balanced development of the modern global economic system.