The capital markets, in league with the Internet, are creating a unique moment in business history. Of course, past courtships between capital and technology have driven economic…
The capital markets, in league with the Internet, are creating a unique moment in business history. Of course, past courtships between capital and technology have driven economic growth and changed society. After all, venture capitalists and Wall Street bankers helped entrepreneurs launch semiconductors, main frame and personal computers, and biotechnology. But the catalytic change the Internet has ushered in is so extensive that it is really a change in kind rather than one of degree.
In this chapter, the author critically examines the deeply entrenched practices and theories within counselor education, revealing their roots in historically dominant…
In this chapter, the author critically examines the deeply entrenched practices and theories within counselor education, revealing their roots in historically dominant, Eurocentric, and often racially oppressive assumptions. This study brings to light the pervasive impact of these traditional approaches, illuminating their role in perpetuating racial oppression and disparities in mental health care. The author presents a compelling argument for adopting Critical Race Theory (CRT) as an effective pedagogical and clinical practice framework in the counseling profession, a step toward its much-needed liberation. CRT's tenets are examined as a robust alternative, promoting socially just outcomes in counseling and psychotherapy. The article highlights CRT's capacity to address the well-established relationship between racism, white supremacy, and minority mental health. It proposes a groundbreaking model for praxis, predicated on CRT, which holds potential not only to challenge and disrupt oppressive structures but also to pave the way for the liberation of both the oppressed and the oppressor. This seminal work prompts a re-envisioning of counselor education, asserting a call for a transformative shift toward a liberation-based, social justice pedagogy.
This paper develops a new theory arguing that party change results from ruptures in political parties’ ties to civil society organizations. I demonstrate the utility of this…
This paper develops a new theory arguing that party change results from ruptures in political parties’ ties to civil society organizations. I demonstrate the utility of this approach by using it to explain why the Rhode Island Democratic Party (RIDP) changed from a hierarchical machine to a porous political field occupied by multiple interlegislator cliques and brokered by extra-party political organizations and professionals. While others attribute party change to bureaucratization, electoral demand, or system-level changes, I analyze historical, observational, and interview data to find that a severance in the RIDP’s relationship with organized labor prompted party change by causing power to diffuse outward as leadership lost control over nominations and the careers of elected office holders. In the spaces that remained, interest groups and political professionals came to occupy central positions within the party field, serving as brokers of the information and relationships necessary to coordinate legislative activity. This analysis refines existing theories of party change and provides a historically-grounded explanation for the institutionalization of interest groups and political professionals in American party politics.
Edwin Obonyo, Marco Formentini and S. Wagura Ndiritu
The purpose of this paper is to explore information sharing (IS) in triadic supply chain relationships through social capital lenses in the Kenyan dairy supply chain context, a…
The purpose of this paper is to explore information sharing (IS) in triadic supply chain relationships through social capital lenses in the Kenyan dairy supply chain context, a setting challenged by the need to increase transparency and improve supply chain performance.
The study used a multiple-case study design. Data was collected using a range of methods, including semi-structured interviews. Six cases with a triadic unit of analysis were identified and analyzed within the Kenya dairy supply chain.
The study finds that IS and the presence of social capital hinge on the type of triad and the size of the involved suppliers. The study discovers different outcomes of IS on the development of social capital, highlighting the challenges for buyers to develop social capital with second-tier suppliers, while it may be beneficial for horizontal relationships between first-tier suppliers.
This study contributes to extant literature on IS in supply chains by exploring different types of triadic relationships in dairy supply chains in an emerging country context. The type of triad is an antecedent of information, providing a unique and novel insight. Furthermore, the study highlights distinct contextual characteristics of Africa that can influence the IS process.
Career education is designed to provide information and experiences for career decision making. Career education is not only for the young but can help people of all ages make…
Career education is designed to provide information and experiences for career decision making. Career education is not only for the young but can help people of all ages make informed career choices. Those persons exposed to a variety of career choices have a far greater opportunity of entering into a useful and satisfying occupation.
THE contents of this issue incline very much towards the sphere of building and construction. There is a particular reason for this. The Advisory Service for the Building…
THE contents of this issue incline very much towards the sphere of building and construction. There is a particular reason for this. The Advisory Service for the Building Industry, under its new director, Edwin Wilde, has organized a seminar for directors and chief executives of leading firms in that industry. For two days, on 9 and 10 January, they will be subjected to an intensive educational course in work study from experts.
Existing histories of the free kindergarten movement in South Australia scantily acknowledge the key role of Lucy Spence Morice in helping to found the Kindergarten Union (KUSA…
Existing histories of the free kindergarten movement in South Australia scantily acknowledge the key role of Lucy Spence Morice in helping to found the Kindergarten Union (KUSA) in 1905 and subsequently guiding the organisation through financially troubled times, internal conflict with respect to the independence of the Training College (Adelaide KTC) from Education Department control, changes of directorship, and in accordance with its original mission. This article seeks to restore Lucy Spence Morice to a place in South Australian annals alongside that of her distinguished aunt Catherine Helen Spence: teacher, journalist, author, Unitarian Church preacher, philanthropist, political and social reformer, self‐styled ‘new woman’ of the late nineteenth century, and to niece Lucy a dear friend, mentor and inspirational role model. In the light of fresh evidence contained in the papers of Mrs Marjorie Caw (an early KTC graduate), and informed by the work of Caine, Lewis, Ryan, and Goodman and Harrop most especially, it re‐assesses Mrs Morice’s contribution to kindergarten reform from a feminist revisionist historical perspective. I utilise biographical methods and network analysis in order to point up the genesis of Lucy’s zeal for the cause of kindergarten education; also to argue that her informal but expansive social ties, plus her links to professional women and other activists in the fields of child health, welfare and education were central to her work for the Kindergarten Union.
In discussing the subject of bread, or indeed any subject, one is of course confronted by the initial difficulty of definition. Nothing is harder than to define any concrete…
In discussing the subject of bread, or indeed any subject, one is of course confronted by the initial difficulty of definition. Nothing is harder than to define any concrete thing, no matter how common and well‐known it may be. This is not surprising when we remember that no one has ever succeeded in defining a definition. Perhaps the best attempt to do so is Pascal's, in the “Port Royal Logic,” and it is easy to drive a coach and six through the rules which he lays down for definitions to conform to. The only things that can be strictly defined are mathematical abstractions, such as a circle, which are formed on natural objects by pruning away their multitudinous properties till only two or three which can be expressed by a short and indisputable definition are left.
The chapter deals with a service-learning course based in the School of Journalism and Media Studies at Rhodes University in South Africa. It provides a backdrop for the case…
The chapter deals with a service-learning course based in the School of Journalism and Media Studies at Rhodes University in South Africa. It provides a backdrop for the case study, describing the context in which the course is based and kind of intervention that it aims to make into this context. It then maps out the theoretical framework that informs the course, explaining how this is informed by the available spectrum of approaches to service-learning. It demonstrates how the course draws on the concept of a ‘communicative ecology’, to provide itself with a language in which to reflect on the social significance of communication. The chapter then reviews the first cycle of the course which took place in 2019, drawing on insights from participants (teachers, students and community partners). It deals, firstly, with the participants’ engagement with the concept of service-learning. Secondly, it describes their experience of service-learning as a communicative process. Finally, it describes their evaluation of this process as an intervention into the local communicative ecology. It is demonstrated that service-learning enables the school to respond strategically to the need for innovative communicative practices both in their immediate environment and within the broader South African context.