Current issues of Publishers' Weekly are reporting serious shortages of paper, binders board, cloth, and other essential book manufacturing materials. Let us assure you these…
Current issues of Publishers' Weekly are reporting serious shortages of paper, binders board, cloth, and other essential book manufacturing materials. Let us assure you these shortages are very real and quite severe.
My observations on the subject of making the technologist information‐conscious may be divided into two parts. Firstly, an examination of the circumstances which make a special…
My observations on the subject of making the technologist information‐conscious may be divided into two parts. Firstly, an examination of the circumstances which make a special effort necessary; and secondly, a listing of some ‘paperwork’ methods of furthering the effort.
On Wednesday 8th November 1967 there will be a late evening meeting arranged jointly by Aslib and the British Standards Institution Standards Associates' Section, when Mr R. L…
On Wednesday 8th November 1967 there will be a late evening meeting arranged jointly by Aslib and the British Standards Institution Standards Associates' Section, when Mr R. L. Collison, Librarian of the BBC, will speak on ‘Standards information—what you need and where to get it’. Further details will be available in a later issue of Aslib Proceedings together with application forms for attendance.
Aslib Council have received with regret the resignation of Mr George H. Davison on his retirement from The United Steel Companies Ltd in June 1964. Mr Davison is well known to…
Aslib Council have received with regret the resignation of Mr George H. Davison on his retirement from The United Steel Companies Ltd in June 1964. Mr Davison is well known to members for his indefatigable services to information work in general, and in particular to the Aslib Northern Branch, of which he has been an officer since its inauguration and in recent years its Chairman. His professional writing has been prolific. He has served on several Aslib committees, and on Council since 1959.
The most obvious symptom of the most obvious trend in the building of new libraries is the fact that, as yet, no spade has entered the ground of the site on Euston Road, London…
The most obvious symptom of the most obvious trend in the building of new libraries is the fact that, as yet, no spade has entered the ground of the site on Euston Road, London, upon which the new building for the British Library Reference Division has to be erected. Some twenty years of continued negotiation and discussion finally resulted in the choice of this site. The UK and much more of the world awaits with anticipation what could and should be the major building library of the twentieth century. The planning and design of a library building, however large or small, is, relatively speaking, a major operation, and deserves time, care and patience if the best results are to be produced.
All items listed may be borrowed from the Aslib Library, except those marked, which may be consulted in the Library.
THE Trident 2E is fitted with a further development of the Rolls‐Royce Spey RB.163–25 turbofan engine, designated the Spey 25 Mk. 512–5W. This engine develops a nominal 12,000 lb…
THE Trident 2E is fitted with a further development of the Rolls‐Royce Spey RB.163–25 turbofan engine, designated the Spey 25 Mk. 512–5W. This engine develops a nominal 12,000 lb. take‐off thrust for a dry weight of 2,590 lb.
September TUE.8. Aslib Chemical Group/Technical Translation Group Joint Evening Meeting. ‘Technical translations: meeting the need’, by Paul H. Scott (BP Research). Aslib. 5 for…
March WED.4. One‐Day Conference on In‐Training of Library and Information Staff. Imperial College, London.
For the first time since this series of annual reviews of the literature of special librarianship and information work began, the authorship has changed hands. It is fitting to…
For the first time since this series of annual reviews of the literature of special librarianship and information work began, the authorship has changed hands. It is fitting to pay tribute to the skill with which Mr J. Bird has compiled this review each year and to express the hope that the same standards of selectivity and pragmatic appraisal set by Mr Bird will be maintained. The aim of the survey remains unchanged: to bring to the notice of librarians, particularly those in the smaller organizations, the more significant and practically useful books, pamphlets, and articles which appeared during the past year, or, more strictly, were received in the Aslib library during the past year. Experience of the types of inquiry most frequently received in the Aslib library has been particularly useful in determining the type of publication that could most profitably be included. As has been stressed in previous years, the survey is not intended to be used as a bibliographical tool, since this purpose is adequately served by other existing services, but rather as a guide to current reading.