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1 – 10 of 274This research evaluates attitude — behaviour relationships in the wine market by examining consumer attitudes towards six brands of white wine. This is done using a Likert style…
This research evaluates attitude — behaviour relationships in the wine market by examining consumer attitudes towards six brands of white wine. This is done using a Likert style questionnaire, including brand ‘usage’ questions on a sample of 110 respondents who are a representative sample of wine consumers. The research evaluates consumer attitudes towards brand attributes, and examines the relationship they have with the usage patterns and market share of the brands. The research is a replication with extension of Ehrenberg's studies, in that a scaling technique to examine the strength of the attributes is used to further examine the attitude‐behaviour relationships. The results of the study find support for Ehrenberg's theory that there is a strong relationship between brand usage and positive attitudes towards the brand, and current brand usage and claimed intentions to buy in the future. Furthermore, there is a pattern of Double Jeopardy showing that among users, positive attitudes are fewer for small brands than big brands. The use of the scaling technique did not obtain more significant detailed information than previously used ‘free choice’ methods. The overriding managerial implication is the importance to generate actual brand ‘trial’ not simply create an image.
U.G. Eziefula, D.O. Onwuka and O.M. Ibearugbulem
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the inelastic buckling of a rectangular thin flat isotropic plate subjected to uniform uniaxial in-plane compression using a work…
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the inelastic buckling of a rectangular thin flat isotropic plate subjected to uniform uniaxial in-plane compression using a work principle, a deformation plasticity theory and Taylor–Maclaurin series formulation.
The non-loaded longitudinal edges of the rectangular plate are clamped, whereas the loaded edges are simply supported (CSCS). Total work error function is applied to Stowell’s plasticity theory in the derivation of the inelastic buckling equation. Mathematical formulation of the Taylor–Maclaurin series deflection function satisfied the boundary conditions of the CSCS rectangular plate. The critical inelastic load of the plate is then derived by applying variational principles.
Values of the plate buckling coefficient are calculated using various values of moduli ratio for aspect ratios ranging from 0.1 to 1.0, in intervals of 0.1. The accuracy of the proposed technique is validated by comparing the results obtained in the present study with solutions from a previous investigation. The percentage differences in the values of the buckling coefficient ranged from −0.122 to −4.685 per cent.
The results indicate that the work principle approach can be used as an alternative approximate method for analyzing inelastic buckling of rectangular thin flat isotropic plates under uniform in-plane compressive loads.
The Chairman, Mrs. E. E. Stowell (Courtaulds Limited), in introducing Mr. Hutber, said that she must apologize on behalf of the Economics Group for bringing the audience so early…
The Chairman, Mrs. E. E. Stowell (Courtaulds Limited), in introducing Mr. Hutber, said that she must apologize on behalf of the Economics Group for bringing the audience so early in the morning into the urgent world of the economics information officer and librarian. By urgent she meant that they had to be so organized that they had at their fingertips information on any political, social, trade, industrial or scientific developments throughout the world that might have any bearing on the work and well‐being of their respective institutions.
The Summary is produced weekly; editing starts on Monday and finishes with information collected on Tuesday morning. It is circulated to directors, managers, production, sales…
The Summary is produced weekly; editing starts on Monday and finishes with information collected on Tuesday morning. It is circulated to directors, managers, production, sales, administration and research departments, and overseas agents. In all, 300 copies are distributed and readers probably number 1,000.
During this month the average librarian is given furiously to think over the estimates, and in this year, perhaps more than any other, will that adverb be applicable. The matter…
During this month the average librarian is given furiously to think over the estimates, and in this year, perhaps more than any other, will that adverb be applicable. The matter is so important that we do not apologise for dealing with it once more. In March in nearly every town there will be a determined effort by men who call themselves “economists” to reduce the appropriation for public libraries. The war is the most handsome excuse that the opponents of public culture have ever had for their attacks upon the library movement. It is obvious that these attacks will take the direction of an endeavour to reduce the penny rate, where this has not been done already. In the year that has passed retrenchment has been the watchword of all municipal work, and many librarians have either ceased to buy new books or have bought only those of vital importance. This has meant that a certain amount of money usually devoted to books has accumulated. Seeing that legally money which has been raised for library purposes cannot be expended in any other direction, the only way in which the “economists” can work is to propose a reduction of next year's rate by an amount corresponding to the balance. It is an extraordinary thing that after decades of demonstration the average local public man cannot or will not see that money taken from the funds of a public library cannot be restored to it later. The limitation of the penny rate is nearly always forgotten or ignored, and the common phrase of such men: “You must economise now and we will give you more money after the war,” has been heard by most librarians. An endeavour should be made to drive home the fact that retrenchment in books, or in other matters in connexion with libraries, now means so much actual irreparable loss to the libraries. We have dealt several times in these pages with the vexed question of balances. Practice differs so much in different localities that it seems impossible to get any universal ruling in connexion with this matter. Many libraries have been able to invest their balances in some form of war loan ; in others the librarian has been told emphatically that such investment is illegal. We can speak of towns within five miles of each other in one of which money has been invested, and in the other investment is banned in this way. Unfortunately librarians have been rather silent upon this point, and it is difficult to obtain any reliable information as to how many towns have investments. It would strengthen the hands of many librarians if they knew that in so many other municipalities the library funds were so invested.
FAILURE of panels under static compression, or for that matter under any loads, involves a vast array of problems ranging from properties of material to initial instability and…
FAILURE of panels under static compression, or for that matter under any loads, involves a vast array of problems ranging from properties of material to initial instability and post‐buckling phenomena as occurring in various types of panels. It is not intended here to do justice to all these aspects of the subject but to select a single—but at the same time very important—topic, develop its analysis as fully as possible, and present the results in a readily applicable form. The structure investigated is the single skin stiffened panel under compression and the mode of failure considered, denoted by flexural cum torsional failure, involves predominantly flexure and torsion of the stringer with a wavelength of greater order of magnitude than stringer height and pitch. By torsional deformation of the stringer we understand a rotation of its undistorted cross‐section about a longitudinal axis R in the plane of the plate, the position of which will be selected later on (see FIG. 1b). The panel may, of course, also fail in a local mode of stringer and plate with a short wave‐length of the order of magnitude of stringer height and pitch, but the analysis of this case is not included here (see, however, Argyris and Dunne). Note that a local mode of deformation of a stringer formed by straight walls is commonly defined as a distortion of the cross‐section in which the longitudinal edges where two adjacent walls meet remain straight (see FIG. 1c).
Aarhus Kommunes Biblioteker (Teknisk Bibliotek), Ingerslevs Plads 7, Aarhus, Denmark. Representative: V. NEDERGAARD PEDERSEN (Librarian).
June MON.21. Evening meeting at Aslib, 5 for 5.30 p.m. Joint meeting with Institute of Information Scientists. Walter M. Carlson, Director of Technical Information, United States…
June MON.21. Evening meeting at Aslib, 5 for 5.30 p.m. Joint meeting with Institute of Information Scientists. Walter M. Carlson, Director of Technical Information, United States Defense Documentation Center.
May MON.24 — FRI.28. Course on abstracting and co‐ordinate indexing.
The causes of “ altitude sickness ” are enumerated and discussed, and a definition is given of the limits within which pure oxygen or mixtures of air and oxygen may be breathed at…
The causes of “ altitude sickness ” are enumerated and discussed, and a definition is given of the limits within which pure oxygen or mixtures of air and oxygen may be breathed at various heights, with the symptoms and effects produced. The usefulness of the pressure‐cabin and the requirements which it must satisfy are also considered. Ear troubles occurring in flight, and the risk of embolism in rapid ascents, are discussed, together with their causes, and the possibility of eliminating these troubles is examined.