I. Del Gaudio, F. Di Maio and E. Lamonaca
The Olivetti SIGMA robot has been pioneering robot assembly for five years. In this article the experience gained and the problems that have occurred are discussed.
This paper aims to explore how consumer's purchase intentions and word-of-mouth (WOM) intentions of local tea are influenced by the signal effects of geographical indication…
This paper aims to explore how consumer's purchase intentions and word-of-mouth (WOM) intentions of local tea are influenced by the signal effects of geographical indication labelling (GIL) on the basis of theory of reasoned action and social identity theory.
This study has developed a structural equation model (SEM) to explain the effects of consumer's attitudes, social norms and social identities on behavioural intentions, considering purchase of foods with geographical indication labels. This study collected responses from 318 consumers of tea in Taiwan.
Three main results are reported: (1) the prevention-focused benefit, which is a risk-aversion consideration, and the promotion-focused benefit, which is a taste and joy of quality, have higher influence compared to perceived concerns (price) on attitude towards GIL produce. (2) Compared to subjective norms, consumer attitude affects purchase intention more, yet the effects are opposite when they influence the WOM intentions. (3) Global identity impacts purchase intentions but not WOM intentions, whereas local identity influences both intentions.
Findings indicate attitude, social influence and social identity play critical roles in affecting consumer behavioural intentions. Global identity and local identity play different roles in purchase intention and WOM intentions.
Christina Ruth Elisabeth and Kiki Verico
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Indonesia’s technical barriers to trade (TBT) on manufacturing exports.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Indonesia’s technical barriers to trade (TBT) on manufacturing exports.
This study uses the UNCTAD database to calculate the coverage ratio and frequency index of TBTs, which represent the restrictiveness of TBTs on imports. The effects of TBTs are estimated using the gravity model (Tinbergen, 1962) and the pseudo-Poisson maximum likelihood methodology (Santos Silva and Tenreyro, 2006, 2011).
An estimation on the manufacturing sector shows that TBT reduces Indonesia’s manufacturing exports. However, the effect of TBT is different in disaggregated manufacturing sector. TBT is found to reduce exports of chemicals and transportation but increase exports of metal and textiles. This finding supports the empirical evidence that TBT can create trade-impeding and demand-enhancing effects on trade flows. The negative effect of TBT on chemical and transportation exports implies that the cost of compliance is higher than the increasing demand rate. This finding suggests the need for policy evaluation and improvements for restrictive TBT. As Indonesia is still highly dependent on imported inputs, restrictive TBT can potentially reduce the productivity of the Indonesian manufacturing sector.
This study aims to investigate the effects of TBT in Indonesia, as a manufacturing-based economy that relies heavily on imported intermediate inputs. Furthermore, this study contributes to the literature by using country-specific techniques and aggregated and disaggregated manufacturing sectors as subjects for study. Meanwhile, previous studies use multi-country and multi-product approaches and focus on the aggregate sector. This study estimates the effects of TBT on the disaggregated sector, given its high share of imported inputs and reliance on export-oriented industries. TBT is constructed in a more detailed product level (HS-4 digit level) to provide more accurate results.
Anthony Macedo, Sofia Gouveia, João Rebelo, João Santos and Helder Fraga
The purpose of this study is to investigate international trade determinants, paying special attention to variables related to climate change and non-tariff measures (NTMs), as…
The purpose of this study is to investigate international trade determinants, paying special attention to variables related to climate change and non-tariff measures (NTMs), as they shape more and more world trade flows, with particular incidence on globalised goods, such as wine.
Based on panel data of Port wine exports to 60 countries, between 2006 and 2018, a gravity model has been estimated through Poisson pseudo-maximum likelihood. Explanatory variables include NTMs, mean temperature, temperature anomaly, gross domestic product (GDP), exchange rate, ad valorem equivalent tariffs and home bias.
The findings show that exports are inversely related to both mean temperature and temperature anomaly in importing countries. Regarding NTMs, it is found that only part of them are trade deterrent. Additionally, purchasing power in importing countries is one of the main determinants of Port wine exports.
Research limitations/implications
The results show that, besides traditional economic variables, policymakers and wineries should include in their exports' decisions the impact of variables related to climate change and NTMs.
The novelty of this paper is to incorporate the impact of climatic variability of importing countries as a determinant of international trade of wine. Most former studies inspired of the gravity model consider explanatory variables such as GDP and exchange rate, and more recent ones started to consider NTMs too, however, this study may be the first paper to include the impact of climate change (quantified by mean temperature and temperature anomaly in importing countries) on exports.
Gustavo Anríquez, José Tomás Gajardo and Bruno Henry de Frahan
The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the impacts that the recent proliferation of private and overlapping standards is having in the trade of agricultural products…
The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the impacts that the recent proliferation of private and overlapping standards is having in the trade of agricultural products from developing countries.
In a first stage industry experts in the Chilean fresh fruit trading industry were interviewed to understand the perceived impact that private standards are imposing in the industry. These interviews allowed to identify the market case study, table grapes, the landscape of private standards and their prevalence in different countries. In a second stage, a gravity trade model for trade in table grapes was estimated, with a focus on the more stringent countries identified by experts in the first stage.
We show evidence that the proliferation of private standards required by large European retailers has diverted trade away from more stringent countries that require more certifications (and into less stringent European markets). We also show that the costs of these additional certifications have been shared by trading partners, via an increase in direct sales, as opposed to consignment (the traditional marketing mode), which is associated with higher prices.
Research limitations/implications
The impacts of the recent proliferation of private and overlapping standards in international trade needs to be better understood both by the legal and economic literature. While the use of private standards has been growing since the 1990s, there is a recent trend of large European retailers imposing their own and overlapping standards that needs to be better understood to inform policy.
While there is a thin literature on the impact of private standards on trade, most of this has studied the effects of the now de facto mandatory GlobalGAP certification. However, there is a recent trend by large European retailers of demanding their own private certifications, together with other already existing overlapping private standards. This study describes and analyzes the impacts of this rather new trend.
Athanasia Mavrommati, Alexandra Pliakoura and Achilleas Kontogeorgos
This study aims to identify factors influencing the comparative advantages of leading olive oil exporting countries. It focuses on production, consumption, agricultural capital…
This study aims to identify factors influencing the comparative advantages of leading olive oil exporting countries. It focuses on production, consumption, agricultural capital stock, GDP per capita and export prices.
The paper analyzes data from 10 leading olive oil producing countries around the world. The study period covers the last decade from 2013 to 2022. Panel data analysis was used to assess these variables’ impact on the revealed comparative advantage (RCA) index.
The results show that higher agricultural capital stock and GDP significantly improve export performance. Domestic consumption and pricing strategies also affect market competitiveness. The study offers insights for optimizing production and enhancing global competitiveness for policymakers and industry stakeholders.
Research limitations/implications
The main objective of this study was to determine the factors affecting the RCA index in olive oil exports. However, due to limited data for the study period, additional factors that may affect competition, such as regional policies, production costs and agricultural subsidies, were not included.
Although there are many studies related to the competitiveness of olive oil exports, this work adds originality to the research by studying the dominant olive oil-producing countries as a whole for a multi-crisis decade due to significant economic, environmental and political changes that have changed the parameters of the international trade. This temporal scope enhances the relevance and applicability of the findings.
Sara Alonso-Muñoz, Fernando E. García-Muiña, María-Sonia Medina-Salgado and Rocío González-Sánchez
This study aims to offer a research overview of circular food waste management, covering key themes and trends. It analyses state-of-the-art research in this field and proposes an…
This study aims to offer a research overview of circular food waste management, covering key themes and trends. It analyses state-of-the-art research in this field and proposes an agenda to guide future research.
This study outlines bibliometric analysis from a sample of 349 articles with VOSviewer and SciMat software to identify research trend topics.
The findings reveal a substantial amount of interest in this field. The main research topics relate to the recovery processes and valorisation of food waste and its conversion into renewable and cleaner materials or energy sources, towards circularity. However, these processes require consideration of social aspects that facilitate their implementation, which are currently under-researched.
Practical implications
Companies can target their circular food waste management by considering three key aspects. Firstly, the establishment of closer and more sustainable relationships with various stakeholders; Secondly, a regulatory framework and the support of institutions are both required for the correct implementation of circularity. Finally, what is not measured does not exist. It is therefore necessary to establish indicators to measure both the level of development of circularity in waste management and the fulfilment of the established objective.
This bibliometric analysis looks at the application of circularity principles in food waste management from a holistic perspective, considering different areas of knowledge.
Philippe Masset, Alexandre Mondoux and Jean-Philippe Weisskopf
This study aims to identify the price determinants of fine wines in a small and competitive market. These characteristics are found in many lesser-known wine-producing countries…
This study aims to identify the price determinants of fine wines in a small and competitive market. These characteristics are found in many lesser-known wine-producing countries and are often difficult to analyse because of lack of data.
This study hand-collects and transcribes wine-related data for 149 Swiss wineries and 2,454 individual wines over the period 2014–2018 directly from wine lists provided by wineries. This study uses multivariate ordinary least squares regressions to analyse the relation between wine attributes and prices and to assess the effect of a currency shock caused by the sudden appreciation of the Swiss franc in 2015 as well as a reduction in information asymmetries induced by the novel coverage of Swiss wines by The Wine Advocate.
Prices mainly depend on collective reputation, production techniques and product positioning. Surprisingly, following a sharp appreciation of the Swiss franc, producers did not reduce prices. The arrival of a highly influential wine expert on the market also had a positive price effect on rated wines and producers. Both hint at wineries attempting to position themselves relative to competitors.
Few studies examine the price drivers in lesser-known wine markets, where competition is fierce. This study’s results show that wine pricing differs from other more famous and larger wine regions. In addition, to the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is also the first to analyse the impact of a currency shock and a reduction in information asymmetries on wine prices.
Soyeun Olivia Lee, Sunghyup Sean Hyun and Qi Wu
This study aims to use the extended model of goal-directed behavior (EMGB) to examine the interaction between wine purchasing motivations and prior knowledge and their impact on…
This study aims to use the extended model of goal-directed behavior (EMGB) to examine the interaction between wine purchasing motivations and prior knowledge and their impact on consumers’ wine purchase intentions and decisions.
The survey was conducted in large discount retail stores in South Korea, and structural equation modeling analysis reveals EMGB’s strong predictive ability to understand wine buying behavior.
Notably, the findings reveal that social life and enjoyment motivations play a significant role in shaping consumers' attitudes. In addition, positive emotions, attitudes, prior knowledge, subjective norms and negative anticipated emotions all have a positive effect on desire, while desire, prior knowledge and frequency of past behavior have a significant impact on behavioral intention. Contrary to previous studies, celebration motivation has no significant effect on attitude and perceived behavioral control has no significant effect on desire and behavioral intention.
Research limitations/implications
The findings provide practical insights for marketers to conduct targeted wine marketing campaigns and increase consumers' intention to purchase wine.
This study furthers the understanding of the complex mechanisms involved in shaping the intention to purchase wine using the EMGB framework.
Enrico Bonetti, Chiara Bartoli and Alberto Mattiacci
The purpose of this paper is to enrich the knowledge about blockchain (BC) technology implementation in the agri-food industry by providing an interpretive framework of the key…
The purpose of this paper is to enrich the knowledge about blockchain (BC) technology implementation in the agri-food industry by providing an interpretive framework of the key marketing opportunities and challenges, related to the adoption of BC for Geographical Indication (GI) products.
The study adopts an explorative qualitative research design through the cognitive mapping technique applied to the cognition of different market players involved in agri-food BC projects: farmers, distributors, companies and consultancies.
This study presents a comprehensive examination of the marketing impacts of BC across various marketing objectives, including product enhancement, brand positioning, consumer relationships, market access and supply chain relationships. It highlights the capability of BC to facilitate data-enabled ecosystems within the agri-food sector, involving supply chain actors and control agencies. Additionally, the study sheds light on the challenges (technological, collaborative, political, financial and organizational) associated with the implementation of BC in the marketing of agri-food products.
Research limitations/implications
This work provides a comprehensive examination of the relevance of BC in the marketing activities of firms, particularly in the context of quality food products. It highlights the main areas of impact and effects and emphasizes the complexity of the phenomenon, which extends beyond its technical issues. Furthermore, it offers a systematic exploration of the challenges associated with the adoption of BC in marketing activities, thus contributing to a broader understanding of the implications of BC adoption in companies' marketing strategies.
Practical implications
The practical implications for this work addresses both GI companies and policy makers. Implications for companies relate to the market benefits associated with the implementation of BC, which allow further strengthening of market positioning, relationships of trust within the supply chain and integration between physical and digital market channels. The study also systematizes the challenges underlying the implementation of BC projects. The implications for policy makers regard the role they have to play in BC projects at regulatory, financial and policy levels.
Studies focusing on BC applications in marketing are still limited and characterized by a very narrow perspective (especially in the food industry). This study contributes to the conceptual design of the marketing applications of BC in the agri-food sector. The value of the study also lies in having framed the marketing impacts of BC in a holistic perspective, along with the technological and non-technological challenges that are related to the integration of BC in marketing strategy and operations.