E. Anthony Lowe and Wai Fong Soo
It may be well argued that in modern industrial society bureaucratic organisations are the predominant means of marshalling society's resources in order to produce desired goods…
It may be well argued that in modern industrial society bureaucratic organisations are the predominant means of marshalling society's resources in order to produce desired goods and services. Because bureaucracies influence the creation and distribution of scarce wealth and resources, one must necessarily be interested in the assessment of their organisational utility. The commonly used evaluative concept of effectiveness is complex and requires careful definition. It is often couched in terms of financial measures like profit, profitability, return on investment, but we shall argue that these criteria are insufficient and moreover cannot be applied to all organisations. Clearly financial measures are necessary to a definition of organisational effectiveness but they are not sufficient in themselves. For example, a firm may enjoy a high rate of return on investment because of a monopoly power conferred upon it by society. Some adjustment must, however, be made for that matter in concluding about its effectiveness. Explicit research into the concept began to emerge about 20 years ago but the term remains controversial and still somewhat ill‐defined. As Steers (1977) pointed out, there is no generally recognised theory on the concept, no agreement on its criteria of measurement, determinants and influences.
Hugh C. Willmott, Anthony G. Puxty, Keith Robson, David J. Cooper and E. Anthony Lowe
Explores the development of regulations for “Accounting forResearch and Development” in four countries: USA, UK, FederalRepublic of Germany and Sweden. Seeks to illuminate the…
Explores the development of regulations for “Accounting for Research and Development” in four countries: USA, UK, Federal Republic of Germany and Sweden. Seeks to illuminate the processes of accounting regulation in the specific institutional contexts of each advanced capitalist country, with reference to the particular mix of organizing principles of dispersed competition, hierarchical control and spontaneous solidarity.
The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the life of Tony Lowe, Emeritus Professor of Accounting and Financial Management at the University of Sheffield, who died on 5 March…
The purpose of this paper is to reflect on the life of Tony Lowe, Emeritus Professor of Accounting and Financial Management at the University of Sheffield, who died on 5 March 2014. It celebrates Tony Lowe’s considerable direct contributions to accounting knowledge and, possibly more significantly, his indirect contribution through his enabling of a range of those associated with him at Sheffield to become scholars of distinction in their own right.
Publication review, personal reflections and argument.
Apart from providing insight into Tony Lowe's direct contribution to accounting knowledge through an analysis of a range of significant sole authored and joint authored publications, the paper gives rather more attention to his more indirect enabling contribution. In this regard it traces the development of initially the Management Control Association and subsequently the “Sheffield School” to Tony Lowe, clarifying the values that underlie these groups. It also clarifies how some of the key elements that have allowed the now global Interdisciplinary and Critical Perspectives on Accounting (ICPA) Project to exist and flourish are traceable to Tony Lowe and the “Sheffield School” he created.
Research limitations/implications
This paper provides an important historical analysis of the direct and indirect influence of a unique scholar on the beginnings and development of particularly the now global ICPA Project. This history is personal and maybe selective and possibly limited because of this but hopefully will encourage others to investigate the claims further.
The history of the ICPA Project has only partially been told before. This is another part of this history that has not been analysed before on which further work can build.
Ben Lowe, Md. Rajibul Hasan and Saju Valliara Jose
Pro-poor innovations are innovations targeted at economically poor consumers. These innovations have the potential to improve consumer wellbeing. However, while take up of some…
Pro-poor innovations are innovations targeted at economically poor consumers. These innovations have the potential to improve consumer wellbeing. However, while take up of some such innovations has been rapid (e.g., mobile phones) take up of others has been slower (e.g., fuel efficient stoves). What explains why some pro-poor innovations fail and some succeed? While the literature on consumer innovation adoption in economically wealthy countries is vast, there is very little literature in the context of the “bottom-of-the-pyramid” (BoP) and subsistence marketplaces. This chapter aims to begin answering this question through a review of the extant literature in the area of consumer innovation adoption, which is integrated with literature in the area of consumption within subsistence marketplaces and the BoP. A conceptual model is proposed which outlines key parameters for marketers and managers. The chapter closes by outlining implications and a future research agenda.
David J Lowe, Margaret W Emsley and Anthony Harding
This paper seeks to redress the omission in recent literature on the influence of project strategic, site related and design related variables on the cost of construction. It…
This paper seeks to redress the omission in recent literature on the influence of project strategic, site related and design related variables on the cost of construction. It presents, in part, the results of an investigation into the influence of 41 independent variables on both construction cost and client cost, concentrating on design related variables. Data were collected from 286 construction projects in the United Kingdom and correlation and test for differences were used to determine the relationships that exist between the dependent and independent variables. The analysis ascertains the cost ranking of many design related variables and establishes other relationships which exist within the data, confirming many of the relationships that had been anticipated from the literature. It also established the ordinal sequence of several nominal variables. These data, therefore, can be confidently used to develop models of the total cost of construction as verified by the development of both regression analysis and neural network cost models
Tessa Withorn, Carolyn Caffrey, Joanna Messer Kimmitt, Jillian Eslami, Anthony Andora, Maggie Clarke, Nicole Patch, Karla Salinas Guajardo and Syann Lunsford
This paper aims to present recently published resources on library instruction and information literacy providing an introductory overview and a selected annotated bibliography of…
This paper aims to present recently published resources on library instruction and information literacy providing an introductory overview and a selected annotated bibliography of publications covering all library types.
This paper introduces and annotates English-language periodical articles, monographs, dissertations, reports and other materials on library instruction and information literacy published in 2018.
The paper provides a brief description of all 422 sources, and highlights sources that contain unique or significant scholarly contributions.
The information may be used by librarians and anyone interested as a quick reference to literature on library instruction and information literacy.
The following is an introductory profile of the fastest growing firms over the three-year period of the study listed by corporate reputation ranking order. The business activities…
The following is an introductory profile of the fastest growing firms over the three-year period of the study listed by corporate reputation ranking order. The business activities in which the firms are engaged are outlined to provide background information for the reader.