Tambra O. Jackson, Gloria S. Boutte and Brandy S. Wilson
Simultaneously drawing from DuBois’ timeless question, “How does it feel to be a problem?” (DuBois, 1990[1903], p. 7) and contemporary notions that Black males are the solution to…
Simultaneously drawing from DuBois’ timeless question, “How does it feel to be a problem?” (DuBois, 1990[1903], p. 7) and contemporary notions that Black males are the solution to solving social and educational troubles in the Black community such as gang violence, high school dropout rates, and fatherless homes (Duncan, 2011), we focus on the positioning of Black males in the discourse on teacher recruitment and retention. While acknowledging the need to recruit and retain Black male teachers, we explore the weightiness of viewing Black males as the panacea for educational and social issues in schools such as disproportionate dropout and expulsion rates for students of color and youth involvement in gangs. We identify both challenges and opportunities faced by Black males and capture the complex and sometimes contradictory discourses. Particular attention is given to deconstructing the “double-talk” (Black males as both a problem and a solution) which positions Black male teachers as both the crisis and the savior/superhero.
IN 1910, S. DUNCAN BLACK AND ALONZO G. DECKER INVENTED THE PISTOL grip, trigger‐operated power drill that helped make Black & Decker synonymous with do‐it‐yourself home…
IN 1910, S. DUNCAN BLACK AND ALONZO G. DECKER INVENTED THE PISTOL grip, trigger‐operated power drill that helped make Black & Decker synonymous with do‐it‐yourself home improvement. The company was such a pervasive powerhouse here and abroad that the English and Germans spoke of “Black & Deckering” their homes.
Examines gender and ethnic occupational segregation in Israel, focusing on the interaction between gender and ethnicity. Uses data from the 1983 and 1961 Population and Housing…
Examines gender and ethnic occupational segregation in Israel, focusing on the interaction between gender and ethnicity. Uses data from the 1983 and 1961 Population and Housing Census, and two different indices to examine three issues: ethnic versus gender segregation; gender differences in ethnic occupational segregation; and ethnicity differences in gender occupational segregation. Finds that gender segregation is much higher than ethnic segregation; that, overall, women are not more ethnically segregated than men, and that there are ethnic differences in the overall gender dissimilarity indices. Focusing on the sex composition effect, finds that there is no difference in gender segregation within various ethnic groups. Suggests that only in the kibbutz are Eastern women more sexually segregated than Western women. Also investigates and presents long‐term trends between 1961 and 1983 and comparisons with the US. Explores the linkage between educational dispersion and occupational dispersion to explain the study findings. Concludes that educational disparities are responsible for differences in ethnic occupational segregation but not in gender occupational segregation. Offers demand‐side explanations.
Racialized class formation is a process in which both racial formation and class formation shape the experiences of African Americans in the stratification system. This occurs for…
Racialized class formation is a process in which both racial formation and class formation shape the experiences of African Americans in the stratification system. This occurs for blacks in differing social classes. However, this chapter focuses on African Americans in the professional middle class. The professional middle class as a whole has grown substantially under postindustrialism. Racialized class formation has been greatly shaped by the nature of state policy regarding citizenship rights and has varied in the transition from the pre-civil rights era to the post-civil rights era. This chapter utilizes historical, interview, and secondary data to analyze experiences of the “first generation” of black professionals to integrate employment in mainstream institutions after the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The focus is on the processes of recruitment, hiring, and promotion, as well as relations with clientele among those black professionals and how their middle class employment experiences are racialized.
Kimberly Underwood, Joy Taylor, Donna Smith and J. Medgar Roberts
This paper aims to provide a critical examination of the career trajectories of Black male educators through the discussion of key issues relevant to the professional development…
This paper aims to provide a critical examination of the career trajectories of Black male educators through the discussion of key issues relevant to the professional development and advancement of this population.
The authors approach this paper through the examination of literature related to Black male educators. The authors seek to provide insight into the status of Black male educators through a critical focus of scholarship in the three critical areas of Black male educator recruitment, retention and mobility.
This examination supports the need to generate sustainable initiatives to diversify our nation’s classrooms and create additional opportunities for Black male representation in school leadership positions. Effectively dismantling the entrenched hurdles many encounter within their teaching careers requires a concerted commitment by advocates, policymakers and school administrators at all levels. Additionally, there is a continued need for stakeholders to keep the diversification of P-12 schools as a key priority in current education reform strategies.
Social implications
This paper serves as an impetus to highlight the continued need for further exploration and consequential action to increase the numbers of Black males in the teaching profession.
This paper adds to the literature surrounding Black male educators by providing a holistic view of their career trajectories of Black male educators and shedding light on the need for ongoing efforts to diversify the P-12 teaching workforce.
Allan Okech and Crystal Renée Chambers
Gender differences in self-actualization among a sample of Black university students was assessed using the Short Index of Self-Actualization. The eta square index indicated that…
Gender differences in self-actualization among a sample of Black university students was assessed using the Short Index of Self-Actualization. The eta square index indicated that a medium amount of the variance of the self-actualization variable in Black university students was accounted for by gender. Specifically, Black female university students reported more self-actualization than Black males. However, greater relative self-actualization achievement to their same-raced male peers does not address relative achievement to other peers or abolish the need for challenges and concerns of Black women college students to be considered.
The pace at which an organization is able to respond to changes that occur both within and external to the organization has always been a key driver for the success of the…
The pace at which an organization is able to respond to changes that occur both within and external to the organization has always been a key driver for the success of the organization. In today’s ever-changing environment and volatile economy, it is crucial for organizations to be flexible and agile in order to survive and succeed. This case study traces the journey of Stanley Black & Decker, a global tools, storage, and appliances organization, on its success journey in the Middle East region. This organization has been able to enjoy continuous financial success and win a series of accolades over the years due to the following major strategic drivers: change management, agility, effective channel management, strong customer engagement, brand leveraging, and innovation as a corporate culture. An analysis of existing research indicates a good alignment with change management, agility, brand leveraging, and innovation while a slight deviation is noted in effective channel management and customer engagement.
Duncan Black, Angelo Lercara, Joe Smallhoover and Paul Huey‐Burns
The purpose of this paper is to assess the FSA's recent, allegedly soft approach toward insider trading and compare it with current approaches in the USA, France, and Germany
The purpose of this paper is to assess the FSA's recent, allegedly soft approach toward insider trading and compare it with current approaches in the USA, France, and Germany
Discusses reasons for the FSA's current approach, including its emphasis on “principles‐based” regulation and its policy against being an “enforcement‐led” organization and, for comparison, provides the perpectives of Dechert lawyers on current enforcement trends in the USA, France and Germany.
The prosecution of insider trading is one of the best examples of principles‐based regulation in the USA, which suggests that a debate concerning whether the FSA should adopt “rules” proscribing insider trading before embarking on a campaign of vigorous prosecution may be largely irrelevant if the will exists to address such activity. This article was originally published internally by Dechert LLP in April 2007 and has since been updated for the Journal of Investment Compliance.
The paper assesses the FSA's recent approach toward insider trading in the UK.
Since 1980, I have been heavily involved in manufacturing modernization. For much of that time, I ran a consulting business, in General Electric, that concentrated on factory…
Since 1980, I have been heavily involved in manufacturing modernization. For much of that time, I ran a consulting business, in General Electric, that concentrated on factory modernization. We served such clients as Boeing, General Dynamics, GTE, Chrysler, and Italtel, the Italian phone company. For Chrysler, we designed “Chrysler Electronic City,” a state‐of‐the‐art factory for the manufacture of automotive electronics. For the last five years, I have been responsible for planning the manufacturing modernization activities of Black & Decker's U.S. Power Tools operations. My objective, in this article, is to share with you some of what I have learned on the subject of manufacturing modernization. In addition, I will suggest an approach to factory modernization.
Potential investors need information on corporate social issues to choose less risky investments, but the IASB framework excludes corporate social disclosure from financial…
Potential investors need information on corporate social issues to choose less risky investments, but the IASB framework excludes corporate social disclosure from financial reporting, and this corroborates Ohlson (1995) and Myers’ (1999) view that financial statements do not provide all domain variables to predict value relevance. The purpose of this study is to ascertain whether market participants place a premium on the future prospect of the firm when making investment decisions, and if they do, then Ohlson and Myers are correct, and this would be glaring evidence to recommend a rethink on the IASB reporting framework.
Nigeria provides a realistic research setting to detect value relevance attributable to the IFRS because it is less affected by the 2007/2008 financial crisis. The price model was estimated for Nigerian domestic accounting standards and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The means for each predictor were plugged into each estimated equation to obtain the average value relevance of each financial reporting system. Then, the IFRS accounting policies were made to play by the rules of the domestic accounting standards. If, in fact, accounting information is the dominant factor that drives value relevance, then equalizing backgrounds should equalize value relevance, otherwise market participants place a premium on the future prospect of the firm.
The study detects, inter alia, a significant gap even after equalizing backgrounds, suggesting that market participants look beyond the financial statements in forming perceptions on the future prospect of the firm; e.g. relationship with host communities, development stages of new products in their life cycles, etc.
Practical implications
The findings ring a bell for the IASB to include metrics of future prospect of the firm in corporate financial reporting so that investors can choose less risky investment portfolios. Furthermore, the findings lend support to Ohlson and Myers’ argument that financial statements do not provide all domain variables to predict value relevance.
To date, no study has reported the amount of value relevance attributable to the IFRS vis-à-vis domestic accounting standards and future prospect of the firm.