This research examines the extent to which the number of sales forecasting methods used by a company affects forecast accuracy and the extent to which organisation affects the…
This research examines the extent to which the number of sales forecasting methods used by a company affects forecast accuracy and the extent to which organisation affects the number of sales forecast methods chosen. The objective is to better understand marketing management practices in this respect. Contextually, the study is part of the shift in sales forecasting research away from studies of accuracy per se to studies of organisation and implementation issues. It is widely recognised that objective techniques improve forecast accuracy, especially in the long run; yet, there is considerable evidence that such techniques are not widely used. The question of why there is such a discrepancy between practice and conventional wisdom, accounts, in large part, for this interest in organisation and implementation and the development of forecast models that incorporate implementation strategies.
Douglas C. West and Stanley J. Paliwoda
Poland is the leading economy in eastern Europe as measured by its rapid economic growth, inward direct investment and pace of market changes since 1989, when it first moved…
Poland is the leading economy in eastern Europe as measured by its rapid economic growth, inward direct investment and pace of market changes since 1989, when it first moved towards a free market economy. An advertising industry has been one by‐product of this process, an important institution in the creation of a market orientation. Examines one related aspect of the change: the degree of adaptation of advertising by Polish marketers as measured by the advertising process. The central research question is whether or not an economy’s stage of market orientation has any impact on its advertising management.
Douglas C. West and Stanley J. Paliwoda
Focuses on the client’s relationship with its advertising agency to examine advertising client‐agency roles in campaign planning. Seeks to establish who buys, and to verify the…
Focuses on the client’s relationship with its advertising agency to examine advertising client‐agency roles in campaign planning. Seeks to establish who buys, and to verify the role of the campaign process from a decision‐making perspective. Begins with a review of the relevant literature and then outlines a survey of 900 companies undertaken by the authors. Gives some recommendations based on the survey results.
Sun-Ki Chai, Dolgorsuren Dorj and Katerina Sherstyuk
Culture is a central concept broadly studied in social anthropology and sociology. It has been gaining increasing attention in economics, appearing in research on labor market…
Culture is a central concept broadly studied in social anthropology and sociology. It has been gaining increasing attention in economics, appearing in research on labor market discrimination, identity, gender, and social preferences. Most experimental economics research on culture studies cross-national or cross-ethnic differences in economic behavior. In contrast, we explain laboratory behavior using two cultural dimensions adopted from a prominent general cultural framework in contemporary social anthropology: group commitment and grid control. Groupness measures the extent to which individual identity is incorporated into group or collective identity; gridness measures the extent to which social and political prescriptions intrinsically influence individual behavior. Grid-group characteristics are measured for each individual using selected items from the World Values Survey. We hypothesize that these attributes allow us to systematically predict behavior in a way that discriminates among multiple forms of social preferences using a simple, parsimonious deductive model. The theoretical predictions are further tested in the economics laboratory by applying them to the dictator, ultimatum, and trust games. We find that these predictions are confirmed overall for most experimental games, although the strength of empirical support varies across games. We conclude that grid-group cultural theory is a viable predictor of people’s economic behavior, then discuss potential limitations of the current approach and ways to improve it.
This critical review considers the limitations and advantages of the clinical, actuarial and structured clinical judgement approaches as they are applied to the assessment of risk…
This critical review considers the limitations and advantages of the clinical, actuarial and structured clinical judgement approaches as they are applied to the assessment of risk in general and sex‐offenders in particular. It concludes by endorsing an inclusive approach, acknowledging that a central ethic of clinical practice is that it should be based on a current knowledge of the research literature (Singer, cited in Douglas et al. 1999).
Aarhus Kommunes Biblioteker (Teknisk Bibliotek), Ingerslevs Plads 7, Aarhus, Denmark. Representative: V. NEDERGAARD PEDERSEN (Librarian).
Ty-Ron M. O. Douglas and Christine W. Nganga
Colleges of education must do more than expose prospective educators to “best” practices for teaching and leading linguistically, culturally, and ethnically diverse students…
Colleges of education must do more than expose prospective educators to “best” practices for teaching and leading linguistically, culturally, and ethnically diverse students. Educators need to develop attitudes, knowledge, skills, and dispositions necessary to become competent in catering to diverse student populations in schools. In this chapter, we seek to extend this conversation using a critical pedagogical lens. We draw specifically on Paulo Freire’s concept of radical love to interrogate our ways of teaching, leading, and opening up spaces for dialogue toward educating pre-service teachers and leaders who are critically conscious. Additionally, we use Paulo Freire’s concept of radical love to explore the similarities and disjunctures in our pedagogy and positionalities as international scholars of color.
In the last four years, since Volume I of this Bibliography first appeared, there has been an explosion of literature in all the main functional areas of business. This wealth of…
In the last four years, since Volume I of this Bibliography first appeared, there has been an explosion of literature in all the main functional areas of business. This wealth of material poses problems for the researcher in management studies — and, of course, for the librarian: uncovering what has been written in any one area is not an easy task. This volume aims to help the librarian and the researcher overcome some of the immediate problems of identification of material. It is an annotated bibliography of management, drawing on the wide variety of literature produced by MCB University Press. Over the last four years, MCB University Press has produced an extensive range of books and serial publications covering most of the established and many of the developing areas of management. This volume, in conjunction with Volume I, provides a guide to all the material published so far.
As part of the V.10 F programme financed by Service Technique de la Production Aeronautique (STPA), AEROSPATIALE and DASSAULT — BREGUET have joined forces to produce a single…
As part of the V.10 F programme financed by Service Technique de la Production Aeronautique (STPA), AEROSPATIALE and DASSAULT — BREGUET have joined forces to produce a single Falcon 10 wing entirely made of carbon fibre. This wing has just been sent from the AEROSPATIALE Company's Nantes factory to the Toulouse Aernautic Testing Centre. A second wing will also be built, but this time, by DASSAULT‐BREGUET Biarritz plant. The two wings will be used for static fatigue testing. The programme calls for another pair of wings, one to be made by each of the same firms. They will later be mounted to a Falcon 10 for flight testing.