Focuses on the development and capabilities of interconnect stress testing (IST), a stress testing method for printed circuit boards (PCBs) that is fast, repeatable and…
Focuses on the development and capabilities of interconnect stress testing (IST), a stress testing method for printed circuit boards (PCBs) that is fast, repeatable and reproducible. IST technology was originally developed in the mid 1980s. Notes that using IST as an electrical test delivers a capability to remove the human factor from the decision making process of product acceptance or rejection and that the technology is emerging as an important test methodology for the assessment of PCB interconnects. IST has the capability to effectively and rapidly quantify the integrity of plated through holes and the unique ability to identify the presence and levels of post separations within a multilayer board.
Product development has proven to be a fundamental tool of strategic planning for corporations recognized as leaders in their fields. These corporations are known for their…
Product development has proven to be a fundamental tool of strategic planning for corporations recognized as leaders in their fields. These corporations are known for their ability to consistently create new and improved products and to market them successfully. Their product development efforts are geared to supporting long‐range corporate goals and business objectives and, as a result, they are able to commercialize proprietary products and processes needed to maintain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
Sustainability needs to be considered to be dynamic and evolving, a verb and not a noun. The systems which need to be considered must be understood within a time frame which needs…
Sustainability needs to be considered to be dynamic and evolving, a verb and not a noun. The systems which need to be considered must be understood within a time frame which needs a metric much larger than the current “inter‐generational” ruler and one which takes into consideration that, as a species, humans, both biophysically and socio‐culturally, may not be in their optimum, or final, evolutionary manifestation. Sustainability provides the resilience which allows learning through mistakes and evolving visions not tied to a past that never was and a future that never will be. By renorming the time frame, and the concept of history, sustainability mandates that human intelligence not abdicate its responsibilities by attempting to defer to a static, mythic, external force. What is important in a world where a clock “ticks” once a century, or where a diorama in the museum of the future has, as its only artefacts of the 20th century, a suit of chain mail and a can of Diet Coke?
We observe with pleasure that the French Analytical Control, which is known as the Controle Chimique Permanent Français, continues to make satisfactory progress. The value and…
We observe with pleasure that the French Analytical Control, which is known as the Controle Chimique Permanent Français, continues to make satisfactory progress. The value and importance of the system of Control cannot fail to meet with appreciation in France—as it cannot fail to meet with appreciation elsewhere—so soon as its objects and method of working have been understood and have become sufficiently well known. From the reports which appear from time to time in l'Hygiène Moderne, the organ of the French Control, it is obvious that a number of French firms of the highest standing have grasped the fact that to place their products on the market with a permanent and authoritative scientific guarantee as to their nature and quality, is to meet a growing public demand, and must therefore become a commercial necessity. An ample assurance that the Controle Chimique Permanent Français is a solid and stable undertaking is afforded by the facts that it is under the general direction of so distinguished an expert as M. Ferdinand Jean and that he is assisted by several well‐known French scientists in carrying out the very varied technical work required.
A new form of “museum” has emerged which takes advantage of theInternet′s seemingly limitless format options for electronicpresentation and ability to tailor in‐depth…
A new form of “museum” has emerged which takes advantage of the Internet′s seemingly limitless format options for electronic presentation and ability to tailor in‐depth presentations to niche audiences. Constraints of ownership and geographic location are lessened as Internet‐based museums point to sources across the globe. Collections which are physically impossible to construct are being mounted electronically. Offers a sampler of museums and galleries around the world which are making use of WorldWide Web or Gopher servers.
Surveys efforts towards co‐operation in interlending withincountries including Hungary, Italy, Nigeria, Ghana, Germany and Latvia.Discusses barriers to European interlending and a…
Surveys efforts towards co‐operation in interlending within countries including Hungary, Italy, Nigeria, Ghana, Germany and Latvia. Discusses barriers to European interlending and a formula for the size of the European interlending market is given. Interlending protocol and advances in facsimile transmission are described. A methodology of estimating interlending costs, DOCMATCH II, is introduced.
BOOKS and Libraries for the Blind form the subject of a paper by Dr. Robert C. Moon in the May Library Journal. The writer is the son of William Moon, the inventor of the system…
BOOKS and Libraries for the Blind form the subject of a paper by Dr. Robert C. Moon in the May Library Journal. The writer is the son of William Moon, the inventor of the system of embossed writing bearing his name. He describes the systems of writing for the blind in use, and the various agencies for circulating literature. After examining the existing departments for the blind in Public Libraries, he comes to the conclusion that “all the libraries need more books, and if they are to reach and teach the adult blind they must have a fair proportion of them in the Moon type. All Public Libraries should possess a few works printed in the various types, care being taken to have a good supply of those embossed in the special type which is taught in the schools for the blind of the immediate locality, in order that the pupils in vacation time, and the graduates of the schools may be provided with reading matter, but the infirm and aged blind will be found in almost all communities, and for them books printed in the Moon type are indispensable. Alice S. Tyler describes the League of Library Commissions. “The success of the experiment in co‐operation which was inaugurated in 1901 by the library commissions of Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Iowa, whereby printed matter of common interest and equal necessity and value to these commissions was issued jointly, led to the suggestion that a national organization might more economically carry forward these and other lines of co‐operative work, leaving to the overcrowded state commission workers more time and money for the peculiar problems of each state.” This suggestion was brought up at the St. Louis conference, and resulted in an organization being formed under the title of the League of Library Commissions, consisting of one representative from each of the commissions included. The particular directions in which the League will promote co‐operative work are: carefully prepared lists of books for first purchase for small libraries; lists of new books which, upon examination, had been found desirable ; handbook of suggestions and direction as to the organization and management of small libraries; printed statement regarding the aims and methods of state library commissions, with comparison of their laws; definite help and suggestions on the subject of library buildings, especially floor‐plans arranged for economic administration, growing out of the experience of the library commissions in connection with the erection of Carnegie and other library buildings within the last few years; united effort to bring to the attention of book publishers the urgent need of good, durable binding, adequate indexing, &c.
Following the recent publication of the Collected correspondence of the Royal Society of Literature, that well known Old Firm, book packagers to HM Stationery Office, Diplock…
Following the recent publication of the Collected correspondence of the Royal Society of Literature, that well known Old Firm, book packagers to HM Stationery Office, Diplock, Denning and Devlin is/are preparing an œuvre drawn from the files of various Copyright Offices. An advanced dummy has fallen into our hands at the Frankfurter Bookfest…