The author explains that both the 14.5 million population and the distance which Australia is from major publishing centres may account for the enthusiasm for new technology…
The author explains that both the 14.5 million population and the distance which Australia is from major publishing centres may account for the enthusiasm for new technology. Libraries in Australia were early users of minicomputers. A feature of these developments has been the growth in the country's telecommunications culminating in the introduction of MIDAS in 1979 and the use of online databases via Lockheed, SDC and OCLC. Access to databases within Australia is now achieved through AUSINET and CSIRONET. This has promoted library automation, which is here dealt with in three phases — Phase I relates to punched‐card systems; Phase II is characterised by the introduction of AUSMARC in 1971 and the establishment of the Australian MARC record service — under this phase are described the developments in systems for acquisitions, cataloguing, data entry, circulation control, and serials receipts; Phase III covers the shared systems and cooperative networks. The article ends by briefly surveying the future which seems largely dependent on the success of the National Library of Australia's development programme for hardware and software to provide a nationwide service.
All items listed may be borrowed from the Aslib Library, except those marked, which may be consulted in the Library.
This paper describes and comments on the evolution of systems librarianship in Australia through two strands – the author’s personal work experience in libraries since 1977 and…
This paper describes and comments on the evolution of systems librarianship in Australia through two strands – the author’s personal work experience in libraries since 1977 and her professional involvement with the Victorian Association for Library Automation (VALA). The Proceedings of the 11 VALA Conferences and the Australian journal LASIE, which has been published since 1970, are used as reference material. The results of an informal survey of VALA members and other interested Australian librarians are also incorporated.
Life studies are a rich source for further research on the role of the Afro‐American woman in society. They are especially useful to gain a better understanding of the…
Life studies are a rich source for further research on the role of the Afro‐American woman in society. They are especially useful to gain a better understanding of the Afro‐American experience and to show the joys, sorrows, needs, and ideals of the Afro‐American woman as she struggles from day to day.
FOLLOWING ON from Roy Tomlinson's article (NLW July), while agreeing with much that he says I would like to enlarge on some points. I had hoped that the educational technology…
FOLLOWING ON from Roy Tomlinson's article (NLW July), while agreeing with much that he says I would like to enlarge on some points. I had hoped that the educational technology argument had been laid to rest after the publication in the Times higher educational supplement of correspondence occasioned by the Library Association's statements on resource centres.
In recent years, the number of journals focusing on a single literary figure has increased substantially. No longer are only a few select authors the sole focus of a journal or…
In recent years, the number of journals focusing on a single literary figure has increased substantially. No longer are only a few select authors the sole focus of a journal or newsletter. With the proliferation of single‐author periodicals, implications for their use in locating literary criticism increases the importance of identifying such publications and recommending them to users. The importance of the effective use of journals devoted to a single author is highlighted by the fact that many such titles are not indexed in MLA International Bibliography, long deemed the most complete of the traditional sources for locating literary criticism. Perhaps the greatest strength of the relatively recent American Humanities Index lies is its coverage of single‐author titles. Humanities Index and Abstracts for English Studies also provide access to such journals. Arts and Humanities Citation Index does include a number of the titles too, but it is relatively difficult to use because of its subject approach.
All items listed may be borrowed from the Aslib Library, except those marked, which may be consulted in the Library.
The developments in the use of computer systems in libraries from 1966 to date have been great. This report, written to coincide with the twenty‐first anniversary of the…
The developments in the use of computer systems in libraries from 1966 to date have been great. This report, written to coincide with the twenty‐first anniversary of the publication of Program, looks at some of these developments, in Britain, in North America, and in other countries. It traces the history of library automation from the early experimental systems through to the co‐operative systems, the locally developed systems, the mini‐ and microcomputer‐based and stand‐alone integrated systems that are available today.
In this chapter, I outline the key tenets of institutional ethnography (IE) as a framework for interpretivist social research. Through drawing not only on the key tenets of IE but…
In this chapter, I outline the key tenets of institutional ethnography (IE) as a framework for interpretivist social research. Through drawing not only on the key tenets of IE but also on the key findings and conclusions of the different chapters – empirical and conceptual – that make up the present volume, I argue for a critical reappraisal of IE. Through turning the IE lens of enquiry onto IE itself, I foreground the problematic within IE, and also the need to attend to the standpoint of IE. Finally, I consider the position of IE in terms of theory more broadly, as well as social theory more specifically, through focussing on the ways in which IE can be augmented through the use of other, compatible, theoretical, and/or methodological perspectives such as critical discourse analysis, actor-network theory, semiotics, and participatory and community models of research.
BY mid‐September when these words appear there may be the first touch of frost in the mornings : summer is irrecoverably over. There is yet, a week ahead, the Library Association…
BY mid‐September when these words appear there may be the first touch of frost in the mornings : summer is irrecoverably over. There is yet, a week ahead, the Library Association Conference and not a few older librarians, who have a life‐long memory of Autumn conferences, are happy that we no longer hold them in May, that adolescent, variable month, but are able to catch again in the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness the pleasures we have had in our summer holidays this perfect year. The irony of it lies in the fact that there is precious little holiday in today's conference week ; we do not even have an excursion on the Friday. Such frivolities are beyond the great gatherings of multilateral interests that assemble. Time, too, has become almost sordidly precious.