ONE OF THE NEWER FIELDS of librarianship is that of the hospital librarian. It is advancing rapidly. My special province was a psychiatric hospital, until I resigned for domestic…
ONE OF THE NEWER FIELDS of librarianship is that of the hospital librarian. It is advancing rapidly. My special province was a psychiatric hospital, until I resigned for domestic reasons. I found several differences almost immediately in this work as against the public library in which I had been trained.
HISTORY, so it is said, is told in the lives of the great; but the lives of the ‘mute inglorious Miltons’, if but only dimly recorded, are evocative of the ordinary, the…
HISTORY, so it is said, is told in the lives of the great; but the lives of the ‘mute inglorious Miltons’, if but only dimly recorded, are evocative of the ordinary, the circumstantial, and give somehow a more real picture of a period.