This paper analyzes the information content of the forward exchange rates implied by the interest rate parity, using the Korea and U.S. interest rates and Won/dollar exchange…
This paper analyzes the information content of the forward exchange rates implied by the interest rate parity, using the Korea and U.S. interest rates and Won/dollar exchange rates observed during the period of March 1991 to December 2002. First, we test the cointegration between implied forward exchange rates and future spot exchange rates to examine their longrun relationship, and find the existence of cointegration. Next, we examine the international Fisher effect and estimate an error correction model for their shortrun relationship. Our analysis supports the international Fisher effect for longer maturities. Our result also supports the error correction model that states that the future spot exchange rates will be adjusted reflecting the information contained in the past-period implied forward rates which is not fully reflected to current spot rates. Finally, we also find that the term structure of implied forward exchange rates is associated with the changes in future spot rates for longer maturities. Based on our findings, we conclude that the longrun relationship exists between the implied forward exchange rates and future spot exchange rates, and the shortrun deviation from the relationship tend to disappear as they return to the longrun relationship in the course of time.
In the era of dramatic developments in technology worldwide, the relative competitiveness of a corporation/country over time has to be continuously calibrated and pro‐actively…
In the era of dramatic developments in technology worldwide, the relative competitiveness of a corporation/country over time has to be continuously calibrated and pro‐actively protected. Here, for the first time, we develop two sufficient conditions, and 12 necessary conditions of continuous competitiveness (CC): the ratio of value‐added per unit of currency of OUR product (service) to THEIR product (service). In Chapter 1, we apply CC to three corporations (IBM, CEC, API) and to three countries (Japan, Taiwan, Korea). At a time when IBM enjoyed 80 percent of the market, it decided to commit 83 percent of the next four years' TOTAL SALES to build a new generation of computers on the unproven technology of integrated circuits to assure IBM's continuous competitiveness. To the same end, Japan pro‐actively selected the growth industry of each decade beginning in the '50s (computers), and nurtured it, taxing other industries. The first year in which the US trade with the Pacific exceeded that of the Atlantic, 1982, is the benchmark of a study of competitiveness of two countries of comparable population and exports, Korea and Taiwan. If Taiwan exports rose in volume but lost in profitability, Taiwan needs to make better products cheaper and faster. If the required technology advances are not fully available domestically, they need to be imported: Which is the rationale of technology transfer (techtransfer). Techtransfer can meet one of the necessary conditions of CC, viz., the desired technological progression‐from linear extensions of performance characteristics along the same curve, to quantum jumps from one technology curve to another. The techtransfer over two decades from IBM‐Taiwan to Taiwan Manufacturers as a whole progressed from components to complete product: Which could be considered at best as linear extensions of performance characteristics. For a country like Taiwan, whose trade (i.e. exports + imports) is as much as 94.8% of GNP, and which does not have a highly developed R&D base, techtransfer is a prime means of upgrading the technology. We will examine two Taiwan corporations which expanded exports through techtransfer: one, a Taiwan components manufacturer; and two, a Taiwan power supply manufacturer. As vendors to IBM, they aggressively pursued techtransfer from IBM. These empirical applications set the stage to examine Malaysian experience of E&E in Chapter 2.
Yaw A. Debrah and Ian G. Smith
Presents over sixty abstracts summarising the 1999 Employment Research Unit annual conference held at the University of Cardiff. Explores the multiple impacts of globalization on…
Presents over sixty abstracts summarising the 1999 Employment Research Unit annual conference held at the University of Cardiff. Explores the multiple impacts of globalization on work and employment in contemporary organizations. Covers the human resource management implications of organizational responses to globalization. Examines the theoretical, methodological, empirical and comparative issues pertaining to competitiveness and the management of human resources, the impact of organisational strategies and international production on the workplace, the organization of labour markets, human resource development, cultural change in organisations, trade union responses, and trans‐national corporations. Cites many case studies showing how globalization has brought a lot of opportunities together with much change both to the employee and the employer. Considers the threats to existing cultures, structures and systems.
Francesco Parola, Sung-Woo Lee and Claudio Ferrari
In the 1990s, following the challenges imposed by globalisation, the liner shipping industry experienced profound changes, leading major carriers to create ad-hoc logistics…
In the 1990s, following the challenges imposed by globalisation, the liner shipping industry experienced profound changes, leading major carriers to create ad-hoc logistics business-units. Nevertheless the vertical integration of shipping lines along the transport chain faced important entry barriers in various regions.This paper aims at analysing the impact of such barriers on carriers’ pathways of expansion in the logistics business. It mainly focuses on the East-Asian market, as a relevant empirical case in which important institutional and socio-political obstacles are still in force .Main results disclose sui-generis paths of expansion achieved by major carriers, in contrast with linear constructs of time and space proposed by classical TNC theories. In such respect, port operations reveal to be the most critical stage of the chain. The ‘sidestep’ of the port phase, leading to investments in other on-shore activities (warehousing, inland terminals, etc.) as well as the implementation of aggressive financial campaigns (acquisitions and takeovers), reveal the unfaltering will of top shipping lines: the quick achievement of a successful vertical and horizontal expansion despite environmental obstacles.
Clara Lee Brown, Natalia Ward and Benjamin H. Nam
While conceived to examine key factors affecting post-retirement career advancement of retired elite athletes in South Korea, the purpose of this paper is to report how English…
While conceived to examine key factors affecting post-retirement career advancement of retired elite athletes in South Korea, the purpose of this paper is to report how English, as a de facto global lingua franca, functions as a powerful gatekeeper in the sports administration field.
Interpreted through the lens of Bourdieu’s linguistic capital and Gramsci’s hegemony of language, the present study draws on content analysis of semi-structured individual interviews, as well as focus group interviews, conducted with thirty former South Korean elite athletes.
Based on the data analysis, systematic bias toward athletes was uncovered, privileging English as the single determining factor for employment. Furthermore, the educational implications for adult learners of English as a Foreign or English an Additional Language reveal unrealistic expectations of top–down language policies.
Perspectives of athlete participants, an underrepresented group in educational research, within the South Korean globalization context shed critical light on the pervasive aspects of English hegemony and its unexamined dimensions.
Salman Arshad, Bo Kong, Alan Kerstein and Michael Oevermann
The purpose of this numerical work is to present and test a new approach for large-scale scalar advection (splicing) in large eddy simulations (LES) that use the linear eddy…
The purpose of this numerical work is to present and test a new approach for large-scale scalar advection (splicing) in large eddy simulations (LES) that use the linear eddy sub-grid mixing model (LEM) called the LES-LEM.
The new splicing strategy is based on an ordered flux of spliced LEM segments. The principle is that low-flux segments have less momentum than high-flux segments and, therefore, are displaced less than high-flux segments. This strategy affects the order of both inflowing and outflowing LEM segments of an LES cell. The new splicing approach is implemented in a pressure-based fluid solver and tested by simulation of passive scalar transport in a co-flowing turbulent rectangular jet, instead of combustion simulation, to perform an isolated investigation of splicing. Comparison of the new splicing with a previous splicing approach is also done.
The simulation results show that the velocity statistics and passive scalar mixing are correctly predicted using the new splicing approach for the LES-LEM. It is argued that modeling of large-scale advection in the LES-LEM via splicing is reasonable, and the new splicing approach potentially captures the physics better than the old approach. The standard LES sub-grid mixing models do not represent turbulent mixing in a proper way because they do not adequately represent molecular diffusion processes and counter gradient effects. Scalar mixing in turbulent flow consists of two different processes, i.e. turbulent mixing that increases the interface between unmixed species and molecular diffusion. It is crucial to model these two processes individually at their respective time scales. The LEM explicitly includes both of these processes and has been used successfully as a sub-grid scalar mixing model (McMurtry et al., 1992; Sone and Menon, 2003). Here, the turbulent mixing capabilities of the LES-LEM with a modified splicing treatment are examined.
The splicing strategy proposed for the LES-LEM is original and has not been investigated before. Also, it is the first LES-LEM implementation using unstructured grids.
Yun Liu, Xingyuan Wang and Heyu Qin
This paper aims to explore the matching effect of hospitality brand image (cool vs non-cool) and service agents (Artificial intelligence [AI] vs human staff) on brand attitude…
This paper aims to explore the matching effect of hospitality brand image (cool vs non-cool) and service agents (Artificial intelligence [AI] vs human staff) on brand attitude, with a focus on assessing the role of feeling right as a mediator and service failure as a moderator.
This paper tested the hypotheses through three experiments and a Supplementary Material experiment, which collectively involved 835 participants.
The results indicated that the adoption of AI by cool brands can foster the right feeling and enhance consumers’ positive brand attitudes. In contrast, employing human staff did not lead to improved brand attitudes toward non-cool brands. Furthermore, the study found that service failure moderated the matching effect between service agents and cool brand images on brand attitude. The matching effect was observed under successful service conditions, but it disappeared when service failure occurred.
Practical implications
The findings offer practical guidance for hospitality companies in choosing service agents based on brand image. Cool brands can swiftly transition to AI, reinforcing their modern, cutting-edge image. Traditional brands may delay AI adoption or integrate it strategically with human staff.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this paper represents one of the first studies to address the issue of selecting the optimal service agent based on hospitality brand image. More importantly, it introduces the concept of a cool hospitality brand image as a boundary condition in the framework of AI research, providing novel insights into consumers’ ambivalent responses to AI observed in previous studies.
Albanë Gashi, Genc Zhushi and Besnik Krasniqi
This paper aims at identifying crucial factors that affect student satisfaction with synchronous e-learning. For this purpose, a research model comprised of perceived usefulness…
This paper aims at identifying crucial factors that affect student satisfaction with synchronous e-learning. For this purpose, a research model comprised of perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEU), computer anxiety (CA), self-efficacy (SE), system accessibility (SA), perceived interaction (PI) and perceived flexibility (PF) was developed.
For the purpose of this research, an online questionnaire was used. All of the measures are adapted from previously validated instruments and adjusted to fit the research aim. Accordingly, the questionnaire resulted in 49 items, which yielded eight constructs. To test the hypothesized model, structural equation modeling was employed on a valid sample of 263 higher education students.
According to the results, PU, PI, CA and flexibility were all found to be significant. PU demonstrated the most contribution following by PF and PI.
Research limitations/implications
Even though this study has included some critical factors theorized to influence e-learning settings, it does not incorporate all elements. In terms of sample size, a bigger sample would be more favorable. Lastly, the study took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, where free movement and social activities were restricted, which may have influenced students' perception of synchronous e-learning.
Practical implications
This research contributes to a greater understanding of the student experience with synchronous e-learning, and its findings can provide relevant stakeholders, particularly e-learning practitioners, with insights into effectively adopting and improving such settings.
This study uses an integrated model of several constructs to investigate student satisfaction in terms of just synchronous e-learning rather than e-learning in general. Several validated instruments were used and tested in a new context and sample. Additionally, the study provides evidence during COVID-19.