Thomas A. Gavin and Donald S. Klinefelter
Self‐ethics are what organisations and professionals should aimfor. A comparison is made between legal and medical ethics. This isfollowed by a discussion of the ethical…
Self‐ethics are what organisations and professionals should aim for. A comparison is made between legal and medical ethics. This is followed by a discussion of the ethical dimensions of the accounting and auditing professions.
Thomas A. Gavin and Donald S. Klinefelter
Do high ethical standards have an effect on a business enterprises success, by either strengthening or weakening its competitive position? Should ethics be taught as part of a…
Do high ethical standards have an effect on a business enterprises success, by either strengthening or weakening its competitive position? Should ethics be taught as part of a business course? Although business schools cannot replace an ethical upbringing, it can make people aware of the ethical business issues. As a discipline, business ethics is still in its infancy. The development of business ethics both as a part of corporate strategy, and as a part of a business education is discussed, particularly in relation to the internal auditor.
The campaign for striker replacement legislation, which began in the late 1980s and had effectively ended by the mid-1990s, was the most important political battle over labor…
The campaign for striker replacement legislation, which began in the late 1980s and had effectively ended by the mid-1990s, was the most important political battle over labor legislation since the defeat of the Labor Law Reform Bill in 1978. Striker replacement was the AFL-CIO’s top legislative priority in the early 1990s and, coming quickly after the passage of NAFTA, which labor had opposed, the defeat of its campaign solidified organized labor’s reputation for failure in legislative battles. As yet, however, the political campaign for striker replacement legislation has attracted surprisingly little attention from industrial relations scholars.