Donald Evans, Martyn Evans and David Greaves
Health planners in Wales are developing the notion of “health gain” as the key to shaping health care provision in Wales over the coming decade. One of the twin components of…
Health planners in Wales are developing the notion of “health gain” as the key to shaping health care provision in Wales over the coming decade. One of the twin components of “health gain”, the idea of “adding life to years”, is both crucial and controversial. The assumptions behind, and the planning implications arising from, the notion of “adding life to years” are examined and it is argued that health gain is essentially plural, diverse and contested. It is concluded that planning for health gain offers both moral dangers and moral gains.
While it would be foolish to deny that morality is co‐extensive with the whole range of human activity, it is nevertheless true that some areas of that activity raise moral…
While it would be foolish to deny that morality is co‐extensive with the whole range of human activity, it is nevertheless true that some areas of that activity raise moral questions in greater numbers and with greater density than others. It follows that there will be considerable variation in the degree to which moral considerations permeate management of such activity. A good case can be made for the claim that management of the provision of health care comes high in the list of those areas where moral values shape and identify the character of the decisions to be made in the most intimate and penetrating way.
Katherine Pollard, Anne-Laure Donskoy, Pamela Moule, Christine Donald, Michelle Lima and Cathy Rice
A growing literature reports the benefits and challenges of patient and public involvement (PPI) in research; nevertheless, understanding PPI in research design remains…
A growing literature reports the benefits and challenges of patient and public involvement (PPI) in research; nevertheless, understanding PPI in research design remains under-developed. The purpose of this paper is to report learning experiences from involving service users as research partners in two projects that developed and evaluated guidelines for good practice in this regard. The main objective was to evaluate these guidelines.
PPI research guidelines were developed through five workshops involving service users/patients, carers, health and social care professionals/managers and academics. Using a participatory qualitative approach, these guidelines were evaluated through mapping them against the two service user research partners’ experience within another project.
The guidelines were found to be fit for purpose, as they allowed problems to be easily identified and reassurance that required standards were being met. Both academic and service user research partners learned and gained relevant skills. Two service user research partners also found their daily living skills unexpectedly enhanced by project participation.
The PPI guidelines, the authors developed were produced by consensus involving several stakeholders. Service users involved as research partners in the project experienced unanticipated personal benefits.
July 29, 1966 National Insurance — “Insurable employment” — Trapeze artiste — Contract with circus to perform act and other duties — Injury during circus performance — Whether in…
July 29, 1966 National Insurance — “Insurable employment” — Trapeze artiste — Contract with circus to perform act and other duties — Injury during circus performance — Whether in insurable employment and entitled to industrial injury benefit — Whether a “contract of service” or for services — National Insurance (Industrial Injuries) Act, 1946 (9 & 10 Geo. VI, c.62),s.1(2), Sch. I, Pt. I.
In a cylinder for an internal combustion engine having an exhaust port and passage, a heat insulating lining which forms a unitary part of the structure of the exhaust passage…
In a cylinder for an internal combustion engine having an exhaust port and passage, a heat insulating lining which forms a unitary part of the structure of the exhaust passage, said unitary part being integrally united with the material of the cylinder.
Ethical committees which review medical research need consitutions to help ensure continuity, clarity and consistency of purpose, and moral soundness. An adequate constitution…
Ethical committees which review medical research need consitutions to help ensure continuity, clarity and consistency of purpose, and moral soundness. An adequate constitution must embody decision procedures which reflect a concern for clearly defined remit and scope, independence from bias and compromise, and accountability to the public, the health authorities and the researchers.
IN today's battle for greater productivity management is cast in a cardinal role. Like a military commander, it has first to recognize the nature and purpose of the opponent and…
IN today's battle for greater productivity management is cast in a cardinal role. Like a military commander, it has first to recognize the nature and purpose of the opponent and then formulate the best strategy to encompass his defeat. One element in that is to know the strength and quality of the available resources, ways in which to improve both, and then deploy them to the best advantage.