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Publication date: 19 June 2017

Michał R. Nowicki, Dominik Belter, Aleksander Kostusiak, Petr Cížek, Jan Faigl and Piotr Skrzypczyński

This paper aims to evaluate four different simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) systems in the context of localization of multi-legged walking robots equipped with compact…



This paper aims to evaluate four different simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) systems in the context of localization of multi-legged walking robots equipped with compact RGB-D sensors. This paper identifies problems related to in-motion data acquisition in a legged robot and evaluates the particular building blocks and concepts applied in contemporary SLAM systems against these problems. The SLAM systems are evaluated on two independent experimental set-ups, applying a well-established methodology and performance metrics.


Four feature-based SLAM architectures are evaluated with respect to their suitability for localization of multi-legged walking robots. The evaluation methodology is based on the computation of the absolute trajectory error (ATE) and relative pose error (RPE), which are performance metrics well-established in the robotics community. Four sequences of RGB-D frames acquired in two independent experiments using two different six-legged walking robots are used in the evaluation process.


The experiments revealed that the predominant problem characteristics of the legged robots as platforms for SLAM are the abrupt and unpredictable sensor motions, as well as oscillations and vibrations, which corrupt the images captured in-motion. The tested adaptive gait allowed the evaluated SLAM systems to reconstruct proper trajectories. The bundle adjustment-based SLAM systems produced best results, thanks to the use of a map, which enables to establish a large number of constraints for the estimated trajectory.

Research limitations/implications

The evaluation was performed using indoor mockups of terrain. Experiments in more natural and challenging environments are envisioned as part of future research.

Practical implications

The lack of accurate self-localization methods is considered as one of the most important limitations of walking robots. Thus, the evaluation of the state-of-the-art SLAM methods on legged platforms may be useful for all researchers working on walking robots’ autonomy and their use in various applications, such as search, security, agriculture and mining.


The main contribution lies in the integration of the state-of-the-art SLAM methods on walking robots and their thorough experimental evaluation using a well-established methodology. Moreover, a SLAM system designed especially for RGB-D sensors and real-world applications is presented in details.


Industrial Robot: An International Journal, vol. 44 no. 4
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-991X


Open Access
Publication date: 25 March 2021

Bartłomiej Kulecki, Kamil Młodzikowski, Rafał Staszak and Dominik Belter

The purpose of this paper is to propose and evaluate the method for grasping a defined set of objects in an unstructured environment. To this end, the authors propose the method…




The purpose of this paper is to propose and evaluate the method for grasping a defined set of objects in an unstructured environment. To this end, the authors propose the method of integrating convolutional neural network (CNN)-based object detection and the category-free grasping method. The considered scenario is related to mobile manipulating platforms that move freely between workstations and manipulate defined objects. In this application, the robot is not positioned with respect to the table and manipulated objects. The robot detects objects in the environment and uses grasping methods to determine the reference pose of the gripper.


The authors implemented the whole pipeline which includes object detection, grasp planning and motion execution on the real robot. The selected grasping method uses raw depth images to find the configuration of the gripper. The authors compared the proposed approach with a representative grasping method that uses a 3D point cloud as an input to determine the grasp for the robotic arm equipped with a two-fingered gripper. To measure and compare the efficiency of these methods, the authors measured the success rate in various scenarios. Additionally, they evaluated the accuracy of object detection and pose estimation modules.


The performed experiments revealed that the CNN-based object detection and the category-free grasping methods can be integrated to obtain the system which allows grasping defined objects in the unstructured environment. The authors also identified the specific limitations of neural-based and point cloud-based methods. They show how the determined properties influence the performance of the whole system.

Research limitations/implications

The authors identified the limitations of the proposed methods and the improvements are envisioned as part of future research.

Practical implications

The evaluation of the grasping and object detection methods on the mobile manipulating robot may be useful for all researchers working on the autonomy of similar platforms in various applications.

Social implications

The proposed method increases the autonomy of robots in applications in the small industry which is related to repetitive tasks in a noisy and potentially risky environment. This allows reducing the human workload in these types of environments.


The main contribution of this research is the integration of the state-of-the-art methods for grasping objects with object detection methods and evaluation of the whole system on the industrial robot. Moreover, the properties of each subsystem are identified and measured.


Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application, vol. 48 no. 5
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-991X


Publication date: 26 April 2013

Dominik Belter and Piotr Skrzypczynski

The purpose of this paper is to describe a novel application of the recently introduced concept from computer vision to self‐localization of a walking robot in unstructured…



The purpose of this paper is to describe a novel application of the recently introduced concept from computer vision to self‐localization of a walking robot in unstructured environments. The technique described in this paper enables a walking robot with a monocular vision system (single camera) to obtain precise estimates of its pose with regard to the six degrees of freedom. This capability is essential in search and rescue missions in collapsed buildings, polluted industrial plants, etc.


The Parallel Tracking and Mapping (PTAM) algorithm and the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) are used to determine the 6‐d.o.f. pose of a walking robot. Bundle‐adjustment‐based tracking and structure reconstruction are applied to obtain precise camera poses from the monocular vision data. The inclination of the robot's platform is determined by using IMU. The self‐localization system is used together with the RRT‐based motion planner, which allows to walk autonomously on rough, previously unknown terrain. The presented system operates on‐line on the real hexapod robot. Efficiency and precision of the proposed solution are demonstrated by experimental data.


The PTAM‐based self‐localization system enables the robot to walk autonomously on rough terrain. The software operates on‐line and can be implemented on the robot's on‐board PC. Results of the experiments show that the position error is small enough to allow robust elevation mapping using the laser scanner. In spite of the unavoidable feet slippages, the walking robot which uses PTAM for self‐localization can precisely estimate its position and successfully recover from motion execution errors.

Research limitations/implications

So far the presented self‐localization system was tested in limited‐scale indoor experiments. Experiments with more realistic outdoor scenarios are scheduled as further work.

Practical implications

Precise self‐localization may be one of the most important factors enabling the use of walking robots in practical USAR missions. The results of research on precise self‐localization in 6‐d.o.f. may be also useful for autonomous robots in other application areas: construction, agriculture, military.


The vision‐based self‐localization algorithm used in the presented research is not new, but the contribution lies in its implementation/integration on a walking robot, and experimental evaluation in the demanding problem of precise self‐localization in rough terrain.


Industrial Robot: An International Journal, vol. 40 no. 3
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-991X


Content available
Publication date: 4 January 2013




Industrial Robot: An International Journal, vol. 40 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-991X

Publication date: 4 August 2022

Zelin Wang, Feng Gao, Yue Zhao, Yunpeng Yin and Liangyu Wang

Path planning is a fundamental and significant issue in robotics research, especially for the legged robots, since it is the core technology for robots to complete complex tasks…



Path planning is a fundamental and significant issue in robotics research, especially for the legged robots, since it is the core technology for robots to complete complex tasks such as autonomous navigation and exploration. The purpose of this paper is to propose a path planning and tracking framework for the autonomous navigation of hexapod robots.


First, a hexapod robot called Hexapod-Mini is briefly introduced. Then a path planning algorithm based on improved A* is proposed, which introduces the artificial potential field (APF) factor into the evaluation function to generate a safe and collision-free initial path. Then we apply a turning point optimization based on the greedy algorithm, which optimizes the number of turns of the path. And a fast-turning trajectory for hexapod robot is proposed, which is applied to path smoothing. Besides, a model predictive control-based motion tracking controller is used for path tracking.


The simulation and experiment results show that the framework can generate a safe, fast, collision-free and smooth path, and the author’s Hexapod robot can effectively track the path that demonstrates the performance of the framework.


The work presented a framework for autonomous path planning and tracking of hexapod robots. This new approach overcomes the disadvantages of the traditional path planning approach, such as lack of security, insufficient smoothness and an excessive number of turns. And the proposed method has been successfully applied to an actual hexapod robot.


Industrial Robot: the international journal of robotics research and application, vol. 50 no. 1
Type: Research Article
ISSN: 0143-991X


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