Thomas Doxiadis and Dionysia Liveri
– The purpose of this paper demonstrate the strong branding correlation between tourism and the landscape, and show that good design can have a positive influence on both.
The purpose of this paper demonstrate the strong branding correlation between tourism and the landscape, and show that good design can have a positive influence on both.
The relationship between a tourist destination's brand and its landscape is first established. Then the positive and negative correlations between a tourist destination's brand and its landscapes is examined, through realized examples. Finally, good practice is presented in the form of three main levels of study and planning, through case studies of the government-commissioned or internationally recognised work by our office.
There are specific cases of strong correlation between the image and brand of tourist destinations and their landscapes. This is especially true of Mediterranean destinations. Tourism not only uses the qualities of local landscapes but also strongly influences them. The economy of many Mediterranean regions depends on tourism, so a sustainable approach is required for a new equilibrium between tourism and the landscape. In some areas negative correlations have been identified and dealt with by local governments, while in other destinations positive correlations have been successfully exploited. Certain destinations go further: they create or add to positive landscapes.
The relationship of a tourist destination's brand to its landscape is often taken for granted. This paper shows the correlation between brand and landscape, especially in Mediterranean destinations, and provides original examples of good practice in landscape design and management.