Manar Hamid Jasim, Ali Mohammad Ali Al-Araji, Bashar Dheyaa Hussein Al-Kasob and Mehdi Ranjbar
In the article, analytical model of first-order shear deformation (FSDT) beams made of jute–epoxy is presented to study the low-velocity impact response.
In the article, analytical model of first-order shear deformation (FSDT) beams made of jute–epoxy is presented to study the low-velocity impact response.
The nonlinear Hertz contact law is applied to identify the contact between projectile and beam. The energy method, Lagrange's equations and Ritz method are applied to derive the nonlinear governing equation of the beam and impactor-associated boundary condition. The motion equations are then solved simultaneously by the Runge–Kutta fourth-order method.
Also, a comparison is performed to validate the model predictions. The contact force and beam indentation histories of the jute–epoxy simply supported beam under spherical impactor with different radius and initial velocity are investigated in detail. It is found that in response to impactor radius increase, the utilization of the contact force law has resulted in a same increasing trend of peak contact force, impact duration and beam indentation, while in response to impactor initial velocity increase, the maximum contact force and beam indentation increase while impact time has vice versa trend.
This paper fulfills an identified need to study how jute–epoxy beam behavior with simply supported boundary conditions under low-velocity impact can be enabled.
Ali Sadik Gafer Qanber, Raed Salman Saeed Alhusseini, Bashar Dheyaa Hussein Al-Kasob, Manar Hamid Jasim and Mehdi Ranjbar
The main objective of this article is to develop a theoretical formulation for predicting the response of CNTs reinforced beam under multiple impactors with general boundary…
The main objective of this article is to develop a theoretical formulation for predicting the response of CNTs reinforced beam under multiple impactors with general boundary conditions, using first-order shear deformation beam theory.
The rule of mixtures is implemented to derive the material properties of the beam. The nonlinear Hertz contact law is applied for simulation between impactors and the surface of the beam. A combination of approaches includes energy method, Ritz method and generalized Lagrange equations are used to extract the matrix form of equations of motion. The time-domain solution is obtained using implementing the well-known Runge Kutta 4th order method.
After examining the accuracy of the present method, the effects of the number of impactors include one impactor, and three impactors in various CNTs volume fraction are studied for CNTs reinforced beam with clamped-clamped, clamped-free and simply supported boundary conditions under the low-velocity impact. The most important finding of this article is that contact force and beam indentation at the middle of the beam in the case of one impactor are greater than those reported in the case of three impactors.
This article fulfills an identified need to study how CNTs reinforced beam behaviour with general boundary conditions under multiple low-velocity impacts can be enabled.
This study aims to provide a method to assess the perceptual impact of the visual complexity of building façades.
This study aims to provide a method to assess the perceptual impact of the visual complexity of building façades.
The research identifies the number of design elements and the variation in their position and colour as variables of visual complexity. It introduces the concepts of vertices and corners as atomic indicators on which the measurement of these variables is built. It measures visual complexity and its variables in images of building façades and analyses their relationships with participants' reactions. It reports on the effect of visual complexity on preferences, the adequacy of different methods in measuring visual complexity and the perceptual impact of each of its variables.
The research demonstrates that visual complexity can be assessed through the measure of its variables and their statistical mapping to users' preferences.
The manuscript provides the foundation for a planning/assessment tool for the visual control of the built environment using computer systems based on the preferences of residents through the examination of the relationship between the users and their environment. It creates a paradigm, which introduces a robust concept in the visual analysis of urban design.
Bashar Dheyaa Hussein Al-Kasob and Manar Hamid Jasim
Due to the important and extensive use of graphene in the engineering structures, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the low-velocity impact (LVI) response of a…
Due to the important and extensive use of graphene in the engineering structures, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the low-velocity impact (LVI) response of a graphene-reinforced plate with a rectangular central hole.
In this paper, Halpin-Tsai theory is used to model the mechanical properties of the plate made of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) resin and graphene particles. First, the plate displacement field is presented, and then the strains and stresses are obtained. The motion equations are extracted using energy equations, Ritz method and generalized Lagrange equations. The verification of theoretical formulation shall be carried out using the ABAQUS finite element software suite.
The effects of graphene volume fraction, approaching the impact point to the corner of the rectangular plate, and different boundary conditions of the plate are studied for LVI of impactor with spherical tip on the rectangular central hole reinforced by graphene. Important responses of the impact, such as the contact force between the impactor and the plate as well as the displacement of the plate at the impact place, are investigated and analyzed in this research.
Considering the wide application of graphene in the engineering structures, the simulation of the LVI on the graphene-reinforced plate made of PMMA resin with a rectangular central hole is carried out in this paper using numerical and theoretical modeling.
Ali Mohammed Ali Al-Araji, Manar Hamid Jasim and Bashar Dheyaa Hussein Al-Kasob
The study aims to investigate the low-velocity impact (LVI) on the surface of a beam with a changeable cross-sectional area. In the study “LVI on a beam with a changeable…
The study aims to investigate the low-velocity impact (LVI) on the surface of a beam with a changeable cross-sectional area. In the study “LVI on a beam with a changeable cross-sectional area and clamped-free boundary conditions”, the effect of changes in the cross-section are on the contact force, the beam displacement, the impactor displacement and the impactor velocity are investigated.
To obtain the motion equations, first, a field of displacements of the beam is written using third-order shear deformation of beams, including the exponential shear–strain function, and then the energy method is used. By combining Hamilton’s approaches and Ritz’s method, finally, the equations of motion are extracted. Using ABAQUS finite element code, validation of the theoretical approach is carried out. In this study, the beam with changeable cross-sectional area is considered in such a way that the height of the beam is constant, but the width of the beam changes linearly.
The results show that assuming the width of the beam in the clamped support is constant, an increase in the width of the beam in the free support leads to an increase in the peak contact force and the residual velocity of the impactor, also, the peak displacement of the beam and the impactor are decreased.
It can be shown from the analysis of LVI on beams with nonuniform cross-sectional area that the important influence on the contact force, impactor residual velocity, beam displacement and impactor displacement is achieved.
Ali Mohammed Ali, Manar Hamid Jasim and Bashar Dheyaa Hussein Al-Kasob
The purpose of this paper is to present an applied method to design the low-speed contact between a mass and surface of a beam using an analytical solution based on the…
The purpose of this paper is to present an applied method to design the low-speed contact between a mass and surface of a beam using an analytical solution based on the first-order shear deformation beam theory. Also, a simulation of impact process is carried out by ABAQUS finite element (FE) code.
In theoretical formulation, first strains and stresses are obtained, then kinetic and potential energies are written, and using a combination of Ritz and Lagrange methods, a set of system of motion equations in the form of mass, stiffness and force matrices is obtained. Finally, the motion equations are solved using Runge–Kutta fourth order method.
The von Mises stress contours at the impact point and contact force from the ABAQUS simulation are illustrated and it is revealed that the theoretical solution is in good agreement with the FE code. The effect of changes in projectile speed, projectile diameter and projectile mass on the results is carefully examined with particular attention to evaluate histories of the impact force and beam recess. One of the important results is that changes in projectile speed have a greater effect on the results than changes in projectile diameter, and also changes in projectile mass have the least effect.
This paper presents a combination of methods of energy, Ritz and Lagrange and also FE code to simulate the problem of sandwich beams under low velocity impact.
Mohammed Salih Hassan, Haideer Taleb Shomran, Abbas Allawi Abbas, Bashar Dheyaa Hussein Al-Kasob, Manar Hamid Jasim and Mehdi Ranjbar
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of graphene platelets (GPLs) on the low-speed contact between a mass and surface of a multi-layer polymer beam.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of graphene platelets (GPLs) on the low-speed contact between a mass and surface of a multi-layer polymer beam.
This problem is primarily organized by first-order shear deformation beam theory and nonlinear Hertz rule. GPLs are distributed along the beam thickness direction. The Halpin–Tsai micromechanics model is applied for computing the effective Young’s modulus of the GPLs/polymer composites. In the formulation process, the principle of conservation of energy is first used and the histories of results are extracted using the separation of variables and Runge–Kutta method.
In comparing the responses with the available data, a good agreement is observed. The effects of the weight fraction and distribution pattern on the impact response of polymer beam reinforced with GPLs are studied. Results show that contact force is increased, contact time and beam recess are decreased with increasing of weight fraction of GPLs. Also, among the different distribution patterns, the contact force depended on value of GPLs at the point of contact.
The effects of GPLs addition on the multi-layer polymer beam has a novelty in impact problems.
Dheyaa Hussein, Somwrita Sarkar and Peter Armstrong
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the number of design elements in the context of building facades in urban streetscapes and visual preferences…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the number of design elements in the context of building facades in urban streetscapes and visual preferences of users to enable a more meaningful citizen participation in the design of local streetscapes.
This paper developed a web application, which manages experiments through programmatically creating scenes and displaying them online to participants using questionnaires. It collects preferences towards the number of design elements in the scenes and determines the statistical relationship between them.
The results offer an empirical description of a semi-convex relationship between the number of elements and preferences. They confirm that participants from a particular area inter-subjectively agree in their visual judgements towards the number of design elements, and justify the employment of a regression model fitted on the preferences of residents to assess design proposal in their area.
The paper offers an empirical description of the relationships between preferences and a wide range of values of the number of design elements and empirically supports that people from one area inter-subjectively agree in their judgements towards a visual aspect of the building facades. The study introduces a new analytical component, known as the vertex, which could alter future methods on the visual evaluation of the built environment.
Raed Salman Saeed Alhusseini, Ali Sadik Gafer Qanber, Bashar Dheyaa Hussein Al-Kasob, Manar Hamid Jasim and Mehdi Ranjbar
This paper aims to present the potential of using aligned single-layer graphene sheets to reinforce the methyl methacrylate cantilever beam in low-velocity impact problem.
This paper aims to present the potential of using aligned single-layer graphene sheets to reinforce the methyl methacrylate cantilever beam in low-velocity impact problem.
The Halpin–Tsai law is applied to compute the mechanical properties of isotropic polymer beam reinforced by aligned graphene sheet. Using both longitudinal and lateral displacements in composite beam, all components of the stress and strain fields are written. The equations of motion are derived by applying energy method, generalized Lagrange equations and Ritz method.
The analytical formulation accuracy is corroborated by comparing the present results with those available in the literature. Numerical examples indicate that the contact duration is decreased with increasing of graphene volume fraction, whereas the values of peak contact force, shear strain and shear stress at peak contact force tend to be vice versa. Also, among the results, shear stress at the peak contact force has the most effect with graphene volume fraction changes.
This research fulfils an identified need to investigate how graphene-reinforced beam behavior subjected to low-velocity impact can be enabled.