Some of the areas most frequently addressed by industrial and organisational psychologists in private industry setting out to assist in finding solutions to common business…
Some of the areas most frequently addressed by industrial and organisational psychologists in private industry setting out to assist in finding solutions to common business problems include selection, training, job analysis, career development and performance appraisal. In dealing with these, the psychologists' activities often fall into five broad roles — diagnosing the problem, generating alternatives, obtaining management support, implementing the solution and evaluating the results. All these roles are illustrated as they apply to replacing an existing selection system to identify capable internal candidates for first‐line supervisor jobs.
The issue of assessment centre prescreening is very important for both practical and legal reasons: some kind of prescreening must take place, and organisations using assessment…
The issue of assessment centre prescreening is very important for both practical and legal reasons: some kind of prescreening must take place, and organisations using assessment centre technology was felt to be ideally suited for integrating complex individual variables such as personality, ability, motivation, needs, symptoms, coping preferences, etc. Four of these were seen as an aberration and entitled: “Stress Adaptors”, “Stress Seekers” and “Stress Avoiders”, and the findings suggested that Stress Seekers may be viewed as ideal managers, but Stress Adaptors should be recognised and cultivated.