While the NHS and local government are developing their understanding of commissioning and are busy with plans for the personalisation of services and ‘world class commissioning’…
While the NHS and local government are developing their understanding of commissioning and are busy with plans for the personalisation of services and ‘world class commissioning’, other partner organisations are left wondering what this all means. In this first article, Deborah Klée explains how national policy is changing the way services are planned and commissioned and what this means for older people and provider services.
In recent months, there have been a number of important changes in how the world of social care is regulated, all of which will have an impact on older people and the…
In recent months, there have been a number of important changes in how the world of social care is regulated, all of which will have an impact on older people and the organisations that serve them. The key changes are the Vetting and Barring Scheme, the new Care Quality Commission and the Community Area Assessment. In our first article, Deborah Klée clarifies these changes and what they mean for older people's services.
It is three years since the publication of A Sure Start to Later Life (Department of Health et al, 2006). In this article, Deborah Klée looks at how this has inspired the…
It is three years since the publication of A Sure Start to Later Life (Department of Health et al, 2006). In this article, Deborah Klée looks at how this has inspired the development of some innovative projects across the country to improve the health and well‐being of older people and reduce social isolation.