Gerard F. Carvalho and David P. Kirch
Ohio University’s MBA program is designed accord‐ing to the principals of problem‐based learning. The curriculum has no courses. Rather, it is organized around problems like those…
Ohio University’s MBA program is designed accord‐ing to the principals of problem‐based learning. The curriculum has no courses. Rather, it is organized around problems like those the students will encounter after graduation. Pre‐ and post‐program assessments are used to measure changes in knowledge and skills. Students are required to complete a program assignment in a foreign country. The paper describes the process by which Ohio University made the change from a traditional curriculum to a problem‐based curriculum, includes examples of problems, and includes lessons learned during the past decade.
Alvaro Edmundo Tresierra and Sergio David Reyes
This study aims to determine if the quality of national institutions and banking development condition the maturity of debt depending on the horizon of short or long term.
This study aims to determine if the quality of national institutions and banking development condition the maturity of debt depending on the horizon of short or long term.
Analysis is performed on a sample of 116 nonfinancial companies from Peru and Brazil. The measures of quality of national institutions and banking development were obtained from World Bank data and included factorial analysis for dynamic considerations.
The findings, through the treatment of pointed indicators, the factor analysis and the subsequent estimation of a dynamic econometric model, called GMM-SYS, show that institutional quality fosters the maturity of long-term debt and banking development boots short-term financial relations.
Research limitations/implications
Evaluating different measures of the quality of national institutions and banking development is necessary to demonstrate the robustness of the results beyond the sample evaluated in Latin America.
Practical implications
The research allows to understand the interaction between national institutions and system banking through debt maturity, and this is useful for establishing common target between both groups.
Social implications
It is important for corporate finance to understand the mechanisms of the interaction between national institutions and system banking, because this affects internal decisions of firms regarding financial implications.
The treatment of measures of national institutions and banking development include dynamic considerations, and the application of this study in Latin America provides new findings regarding these kind of indexes and their interaction with firms´ features such as debt maturity.
Guy Basset, Rozenn Perrigot and Gerard Cliquet
In this chapter, using a dual approach based on managerial and legal perspectives, we examine franchisee attitudes regarding online sales in franchise networks to better…
In this chapter, using a dual approach based on managerial and legal perspectives, we examine franchisee attitudes regarding online sales in franchise networks to better understand their views of the costs and benefits of e-commerce in a franchise network. We thus explore the following research questions from a franchisee perspective: What are franchisees’ attitudes regarding online sales?; Are online sales viewed as complementary or competing sales for physical stores?; What about the opening of a franchisor’s website?; and What about the opening of a franchisee’s website? We also analyze how several different e-commerce options available to franchisors impact franchisee incentives and how they would be treated under European Union competition law.
The empirical research is based on the conduction and analysis of 46 in-depth interviews with franchisees in the retail and service industries in the French market.
We find that online sales in franchise networks raise important questions for the franchisees, and for the franchisors as well. E-commerce has to be integrated into the development strategies of franchise networks. Franchisors should facilitate the online sales practices of their franchisees in order to avoid potential conflicts with them or among the franchisees themselves, thereby maintaining the control necessary to ensure healthy network growth. Moreover, franchisors should pay attention to the sharing of Internet sales with its franchisees.
Our chapter contributes to the stream of franchising literature dealing with the use of Internet in franchise networks. Moreover, it can be viewed by franchisors, franchise experts, franchisees, and franchisee candidates as an overview of issues linked to online sales in franchise networks. It also highlights best practices when having a multichannel strategy.
Manfred Stock, Alexander Mitterle and David P. Baker
Advanced education is often thought to respond to the demands of the economy, market forces create new occupations, and then universities respond with new degrees and curricula…
Advanced education is often thought to respond to the demands of the economy, market forces create new occupations, and then universities respond with new degrees and curricula aimed at training future workers with specific new skills. Presented here is comparative research on an underappreciated, yet growing, concurrent alternative process: universities, with their global growth in numbers and enrollments, in concert with expanding research capacity, create and privilege knowledge and skills, legitimate new degrees that then become monetized and even required in private and public sectors of economies. A process referred to as academization of occupations has far-reaching implications for understanding the transformation of capitalism, new dimensions of social inequality, and resulting stratification among occupations. Academization is also eclipsing the more limited professionalization processes in occupations. Additionally, it fuels further expansion of advanced education and contributes to a new culture of work in the 21st century. Commissioned detailed German and US case studies of the university origins and influence on workplace consequences of seven selected occupations and associated knowledge, skills, and degrees investigate the academization process. And to demonstrate how universal this could become, the cases contrast the more open and less-restrictive education and occupation system in the US with the centralized and state-controlled education system in Germany. With expected variation, both economies and their occupational systems show evidence of robust academization. Importantly too is evidence of academic transformations of understandings about approaches to job tasks and use of authoritative knowledge in occupational activities.
Scott T. Allison, James K. Beggan and Carolyn Clements
One reason for the severe short age of nurses is the un will ing ness of males to pursue the profession in great numbers. This article explores people’s negative stereotypic…
One reason for the severe short age of nurses is the un will ing ness of males to pursue the profession in great numbers. This article explores people’s negative stereotypic beliefs about males in the nursing profession. Participants were asked to provide evaluations and trait descriptions of both male and female nurses. The results revealed that both male and female participants harbored favorable impressions of female nurses but unfavorable impressions of male nurses. Male participants were especially likely to form negative evaluations of men who pursue the nursing profession. Exploratory multivariate analyses of trait descriptions revealed that male nurses are viewed as feminine, non traditional, intelligent, and caring. Additional results suggest that unfavorable stereo types of male nurses can be moderated by highlighting the masculine qualities of nurses’ job duties. Implications for the recruitment of males into nursing are discussed.
In the midst of the pandemic, the American Library Association (ALA) Rainbow Round Table (RRT) celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Book Awards, which recognize books…
In the midst of the pandemic, the American Library Association (ALA) Rainbow Round Table (RRT) celebrated the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Book Awards, which recognize books of exceptional merit relating to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, and plus (LGBTQIA+) community experience. In tandem, the ALA Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) reported record numbers of book challenges, mostly based on texts written by or about members of the LGBTQIA+ community. This chapter considers these seemingly divergent issues within a broader social and historical context – and serves as a testament to the steadfast resolve of librarians to resist censorship and promote the freedom to read during turbulent times. The first section provides an overview of pandemic complexities. The second part of the chapter centers around professional milestones and some recent award-winning literary works. The middle section briefly reviews issues related to challenges over time. This is followed by an exploration of the recent surge in censorship with emphasis on LGBTQIA+ content in public libraries as well as aspects of resistance. The final section offers some ideas for moving forward.
I begin by examining some ways in which organisations have attempted to improve their recruitment and selection procedures to minimise bias and unfair discrimination, and focus on…
I begin by examining some ways in which organisations have attempted to improve their recruitment and selection procedures to minimise bias and unfair discrimination, and focus on the assessment centre as a potentially useful technique in this respect, especially for managerial selection. I go on to examine the assessment centre in more detail, including its origins, construction and uses, before discussing the strong evidence for its validity as a selection and assessment procedure. I then describe some recent British innovations in assessment centre design and practice, especially in its use for management and organisation development purposes, before discussing some of my own recent research, in collaboration with Ivan Robertson and Usha Rout, on participants' attitudes towards the use of assessment centres for selection and development purposes, including gender differences in attitudes.
Die Redeweise von der «touristischen Explosion» in der jüngsten Gegenwart gehört ins «Wörterbuch des Unmenschen». Sie kennzeichnet aber drastisch einen Vorgang, dem eine…
Die Redeweise von der «touristischen Explosion» in der jüngsten Gegenwart gehört ins «Wörterbuch des Unmenschen». Sie kennzeichnet aber drastisch einen Vorgang, dem eine Sprengwirkung nicht ganz abgesprochen werden kann. Jahrtausendalte Gewohnheiten der Sesshaftigkeit wurden seit rund 20 Jahren durch den Tourismus in einem früher unvorstellbaren Ausmass aufgebrochen. Die Erschütterung erfasste auch die Jugend. Das Beben pflanzt sich fort, zeitlich und räumlich, nicht etwa sich verebbend wie bei einem einzigen Erdstoss. Einmal in Schwung gesetzt, wurde der Tourismus allgemein, somit auch jener der Jugend, zu einem perpetuum mobile.
We hope to make this column a means to communicate information about on‐line retrieval of all kinds. If you have any news or information concerning on‐line searching or systems…
We hope to make this column a means to communicate information about on‐line retrieval of all kinds. If you have any news or information concerning on‐line searching or systems, or if you know of an interesting story which we can follow up, please write to Tom Hogan, 74 Singletree Lane, Louisville, Kentucky 40291, USA.