Yulong (David) Liu, Henry F. L. Chung, Zuopeng (Justin) Zhang and Mian Wu
This research aims to explore the dark side of mobile applications by investigating the role of apps' technicality and app security in the mechanism of user satisfaction, app…
This research aims to explore the dark side of mobile applications by investigating the role of apps' technicality and app security in the mechanism of user satisfaction, app intention and customers' continuance tendency to make in-app purchases.
Drawing on attitude-behavior-context (ABC) theory, the study proposed a conceptual framework and examined the framework using a structural equation modeling (SEM) approach based on data collected from app users from New Zealand.
The results reveal the correlation between user satisfaction and in-app purchase with a mediator of app continuance intention (ACI). In particular, the results show that app technicality (AT) has a positive correlation with user satisfaction as an antecedent. App security and hedonic value are positively correlated with user satisfaction.
The research has three critical research implications. First, this research advances the understanding of the dark side of mobile apps by showing how app security influences customers' in-app purchases. Secondly, this study reveals and offers empirical evidence for the mechanism between app security and user satisfaction. Finally, the study provides empirical evidence of AT as a distal antecedent for in-app purchases.
Leonardo Murilo Nepomuceno, Roberto Gil Annes da Silva, Alejandro Sobron, Petter Krus and David Lundström
While computational methods are prevalent in aircraft conceptual design, recent advances in mechatronics and manufacturing are lowering the cost of practical experiments…
While computational methods are prevalent in aircraft conceptual design, recent advances in mechatronics and manufacturing are lowering the cost of practical experiments. Focussing on a relatively simple property, the lift curve, this study aims to increase understanding of how basic aerodynamic characteristics of a complex stealth configuration can be estimated experimentally using low-cost equipment, rapid prototyping methods and remotely piloted aircraft.
Lift curve estimates are obtained from a wind tunnel test of a three-dimensional-printed, 3.8%-scale model of a generic fighter and from flight testing a 14%-scale demonstrator using both a simple and a more advanced identification technique based on neural networks. These results are compared to a computational fluid dynamics study, a panel method and a straightforward, theoretical approach based on radical geometry simplifications.
Besides a good agreement in the linear region, discrepancies at high angles of attack reveal the shortcomings of each method. The remotely piloted model manages to provide consistent results beyond the physical limitations of the wind tunnel although it seems limited by instrumentation capabilities and unmodelled thrust effects.
Practical implications
Physical models can, even though low-cost experiments, expand the capabilities of other aerodynamic tools and contribute to reducing uncertainty when other estimations diverge.
This study highlights the limitations of commonly used aerodynamic methods and shows how low-cost prototyping and testing can complement or validate other estimations in the early study of a complex configuration.
Yulong (David) Liu, Henry F.L. Chung, Zuopeng (Justin) Zhang and Mian Wu
Drawing on a strategic agility perspective, the authors develop a theoretical framework and empirically examine how digital platform adoption and capability impact business…
Drawing on a strategic agility perspective, the authors develop a theoretical framework and empirically examine how digital platform adoption and capability impact business performance via digital-enabled strategic agility in the context of professional service firms.
The authors propose and examine a conceptual framework based on survey data from 127 professional service firms in New Zealand.
This study reveals the impact of digital platform capability on the business performance of professional service firms that employ digital platform technologies. The results suggest that organizational innovation and managers' creative efficacy will be used as distal antecedents and contribute to digital platform capabilities. In addition, digital strategic agility can mediate the link between digital platform capabilities and business performance.
This study is one of the first to investigate when and how digital platforms empower professional service firms. This study reveals the role of digital strategic agility and digital platform capabilities in knowledge-intensive enterprises. This research advances the development of knowledge-based economy in the information age by applying and extending strategic agility to the uncertain and volatile business environment. The authors' new conceptualization provides a deeper understanding of how and why professional services business and organizations can adapt to the post-COVID era smoothly and successfully.
Xinggui Zhang, Zhibin Lin, Yizhu Liu, Xiao Chen and David Ming Liu
The study examines how human resource management practices (HRMPs) – including ability practice, motivation practice and opportunity practice – affect employee well-being (EWB) �…
The study examines how human resource management practices (HRMPs) – including ability practice, motivation practice and opportunity practice – affect employee well-being (EWB) – including life well-being, job well-being and psychological well-being – in the Chinese cultural context.
A sample of 529 employees from various industries in China participated in the survey for this study. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling.
The findings indicate that HRMPs have a significant positive effect on EWB. Specifically, practices based on ability, motivation and opportunity have a significant positive effect on job well-being, life well-being and psychological well-being, respectively. Integrity leadership moderates the impact of HRMPs on EWB. Organizational justice has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between HRMPs and EWB. Integrity leadership moderates the mediation effect of organizational justice in the relationship between HRMPs and EWB.
Practical implications
Human resource policies and practices need to create a fair organizational atmosphere, and managers implementing them must have integrity leadership. When selecting and promoting managers, organizations should pay attention to not only a candidate's ability but also his or her integrity.
This study uncovers how the important roles of organizational justice and integrity leadership act on the relationship between HRMPs and EWB, thus advancing our understanding of how HRMPs can effectively increase EWB.
Evan Hanks, Anthony Palazotto and David Liu
Experimental research was conducted on the effects of surface roughness on ultrasonic non-destructive testing of electron beam melted (EBM) additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V…
Experimental research was conducted on the effects of surface roughness on ultrasonic non-destructive testing of electron beam melted (EBM) additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V. Additive manufacturing (AM) is a developing technology with many potential benefits, but certain challenges posed by its use require further research before AM parts are viable for widespread use in the aviation industry. Possible applications of this new technology include aircraft battle damage repair (ABDR), small batch manufacturing to fill supply gaps and replacement for obsolete parts. This paper aims to assess the effectiveness of ultrasonic inspection in detecting manufactured flaws in EBM-manufactured Ti-6Al-4V. Additively manufactured EBM products have a high surface roughness in “as-manufactured” condition which is an artifact of the manufacturing process. The surface roughness is known to affect the results of ultrasonic inspections. Experimental data from this research demonstrate the ability of ultrasonic inspections to identify imbedded flaws as small as 0.51 mm at frequencies of 2.25, 5 and 10 MHz through a machined surface. Detection of flaws in higher surface roughness samples was increased at a frequency of 10 MHz opposed to both lower frequencies tested.
The approach is to incorporate ultrasonic waves to identify flaws in an additive manufactured specimen
A wave frequency of 10 MHz gave good results in finding flaws even with surface roughness present.
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this was the first attempt that was able to identify small flaws using ultrasonic sound waves in which surface roughness was present.
Xinggui Zhang, Zhibin Lin, Xiao Chen, Zhijie Zhang and David Ming Liu
Prior studies have consistently shown that leader psychological capital is beneficial for leader–member exchange (LMX) and followers’ outcomes. In this study, the authors…
Prior studies have consistently shown that leader psychological capital is beneficial for leader–member exchange (LMX) and followers’ outcomes. In this study, the authors challenge this consensus; they propose that a leader with high-level psychological capital may decrease LMX and promote followers’ turnover intention when encountering a follower with low-level psychological capital. Only congruent psychological capital in leader–follower dyads increases LMX and decreases turnover intention.
A two-wave survey was designed to collect data from a sample of 207 leader–follower dyads in the service industries of China. Polynomial regression combined with the response surface analysis was used to test the hypotheses.
(1) LMX increased when the levels of psychological capital between leaders and followers were congruent, but LMX suffered when they were not congruent (e.g. leaders’ psychological capital was higher than followers’ or otherwise); (2) in the conditions of psychological capital congruence, LMX was higher when a leader’s and a follower’s psychological capital were both high than low; (3) LMX mediated the relationship between psychological capital congruence and followers’ turnover intention.
These findings provide a novel perspective on understanding of the function of psychological capital and its implications for turnover management.
Jianhong Zhang, Jan P.A.M. Jacobs and Arjen van Witteloostuijn
Multinational enterprises (MNEs) play a dominant role in the international business (IB) literature. Traditionally, by far the majority of IB studies deal with issues at the micro…
Multinational enterprises (MNEs) play a dominant role in the international business (IB) literature. Traditionally, by far the majority of IB studies deal with issues at the micro level of the individual MNE, or at the meso level of a sample of individual MNEs in industries. This paper focuses on the impact of MNE behavior through foreign direct investment (FDI) on a country’s international trade, and vice versa. In so doing, this study responds to a recent plea for more macro‐level studies in IB into the effect of MNE behavior on the macroeconomic performance of countries as a whole, particularly developing and emerging economies. In the current study, we focus on the largest developing or emerging economy of all: China. Applying sophisticated econometric techniques, we unravel the causality and direction of FDI‐trade linkages for the Chinese economy in the 1980‐2003 period.
Xiaowen Tian and Shuanglin Lin
Using panel data of 11324 firms in China from 1996 to 1999, the study finds that FDI tends to generate positive technology spillovers to domestic firms within the same industry…
Using panel data of 11324 firms in China from 1996 to 1999, the study finds that FDI tends to generate positive technology spillovers to domestic firms within the same industry, but adversely affect productivity of domestic firms in other industries. It is also found that both the positive and the adverse effects are more significant at the local than the national level. Evidence from China thus suggests that FDI technology spillovers are in favor of domestic firms within the same industry rather than domestic firms in other industries, and are most likely to affect domestic firms within the same locality. The finding has significant implications for the study of the interaction between MNEs and local firms in emerging markets.
Yujia Liu, David Rehkopf, Jingwen Zhong and Eunice Rodriguez
Financial stress has been found to contribute to mental health deterioration associated with job loss. This study examined whether specific types of income support programs (e.g.…
Financial stress has been found to contribute to mental health deterioration associated with job loss. This study examined whether specific types of income support programs (e.g., unemployment benefits and welfare) reduce the negative impacts of job loss on middle-aged women’s mental health in the United States. Two samples of women previously employed before their mental health assessments in their 40s and 50s were selected from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1979 (NLSY79). We conducted regression analysis to predict their mental health scores using employment and income support program status. The model also controlled for baseline health before job loss, socioeconomic status, and demographic and family life characteristics. Compared to their continuously employed counterparts, 50 + women who had job loss without unemployment benefits had significantly worse mental health. However, those receiving unemployment benefits did not have significantly worse mental health. Unemployment benefits’ ameliorating effect was not found in the 40 + sample; and welfare programs did not have similar mental health effects. Our findings suggest that certain types of income support policies are beneficial to the mental health of certain cohorts of middle-aged women. For different groups of women, additional and alternative measures are needed to reduce the mental health damage of job loss.