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1 – 10 of over 1000Attempts to reform educational policies and practices have beenincreasing in recent decades. Since the early 1980s, both the UnitedStates and the Soviet Union have engaged in…
Attempts to reform educational policies and practices have been increasing in recent decades. Since the early 1980s, both the United States and the Soviet Union have engaged in significant efforts to improve and/or restructure their educational systems. Analyses and contrasts these efforts in terms of the reform goals, philosophies, procedures, outcome criteria and personnel practices for each country. An assessment of the success of the reform effort is provided.
Addresses the lack of success in educational reform efforts by utilizing a metacognitive analysis of the base assumption of most, if not all, current reform efforts. Suggests a…
Addresses the lack of success in educational reform efforts by utilizing a metacognitive analysis of the base assumption of most, if not all, current reform efforts. Suggests a different theoretical orientation and perspective for understanding education and attempts to improve it. By contrasting the common orientation of today and the one proposed, the paper applies this new perspective to two examples. Examines educational reform in light of the orientation proposed.
Educational change and improvement are constant processes. Practically every country in the world today is attempting to improve, reform, transform or change its educational…
Educational change and improvement are constant processes. Practically every country in the world today is attempting to improve, reform, transform or change its educational system. The results of these development efforts have generally been disappointing. A general consensus seems to be that the gap between societal expectations and educational achievements is wide and becoming greater. The perceived failures of education are particularly difficult for political and educational leaders to understand given the massive influx of resources invested in educational systems in recent years. This is a result of a linear expectation wherein output is proportional to the input. Non‐linear theory, proposed in this paper as a more valid way of conceptualizing educational development efforts, does not assume this proportional relationship. This paper addresses non‐linear theory by using it to examine educational development efforts in Western and Eastern European nations.
David H. Reilly and John Brown
Examines the complex issues involved in developing a school leadership programme in the Republic of Georgia. Intends to serve as an inventory for other newly independent states…
Examines the complex issues involved in developing a school leadership programme in the Republic of Georgia. Intends to serve as an inventory for other newly independent states seeking to transform their educational systems. By discussing eight conditions that result in differences in the practice of education among countries, frames a perspective for additional research. Chronicles the historical context of Georgian life and culture and includes a discussion of education reform efforts, philosophy and the current education system. Interwoven in the historical developments and traditions and their interaction with current economic, social and political realities, presents ten major issues that must be resolved prior to the development of an effective school leadership programme.
Marion Festing and Lynn Schäfer
The highly unpredictable, complex, and dynamic business environment forces companies to innovate constantly. One organizational response to coping with environmental pressures is…
The highly unpredictable, complex, and dynamic business environment forces companies to innovate constantly. One organizational response to coping with environmental pressures is organizational ambidexterity, that is, the ability to pursue simultaneously the exploitation of existing capabilities and the exploration of new opportunities. It has an impact on the way of working, and consequently, organizations need to reevaluate their talent strategies. With this conceptual contribution, we first provide a fresh view on talent and talent management (TM) by suggesting an ambidextrous TM approach, including novel TM practices that have been rather neglected in the so far dominant traditional TM approach. It centers on the system-controlling element of an ambidextrous mindset. Second, in a theory-based framework, we explain how dynamic TM capabilities (hybrid, dual, and ambidextrous TM), which represent processes for deploying, developing, and shaping talent, can contribute to gaining competitive advantages in various ambidextrous structures reflecting the complexity and dynamism of and within human resource (HR) ecosystems. The authors advance the under-researched process perspective on TM by using the lenses of the HR ecosystems discussion, insights from a dynamic view on the person–environment fit, and dynamic capabilities. The authors conclude with a broad agenda for future research in TM in dynamic environments.
Yaw A. Debrah and Ian G. Smith
Presents over sixty abstracts summarising the 1999 Employment Research Unit annual conference held at the University of Cardiff. Explores the multiple impacts of globalization on…
Presents over sixty abstracts summarising the 1999 Employment Research Unit annual conference held at the University of Cardiff. Explores the multiple impacts of globalization on work and employment in contemporary organizations. Covers the human resource management implications of organizational responses to globalization. Examines the theoretical, methodological, empirical and comparative issues pertaining to competitiveness and the management of human resources, the impact of organisational strategies and international production on the workplace, the organization of labour markets, human resource development, cultural change in organisations, trade union responses, and trans‐national corporations. Cites many case studies showing how globalization has brought a lot of opportunities together with much change both to the employee and the employer. Considers the threats to existing cultures, structures and systems.
Rachid Zeffane and Bruce Cheek
Because information is vital to effective decision making, the fostering of conditions which promote effective use of existing channels of information is therefore seen as a prime…
Because information is vital to effective decision making, the fostering of conditions which promote effective use of existing channels of information is therefore seen as a prime element contributing to organizational survival and success (Fulmer et al, 1990). In particular, the way in which characteristics of individuals and the attributes of the tasks they perform, affect the use of different information sources is a pertinent issue in organizational analysis. It is also an important consideration in information systems development and management. Much of the existing research in this area has been dominated by attempts to define appropriate modes of information processing and the construction of models that might enhance effective communication (O'Reilly, 1982; Schick et al, 1990; Kim 8c Lee, 1991). The importance of this area of research has been heightened by the dynamics and complexities of industrial organizations and the need for various modes of information processing to address these dynamics (Kim & Lee, 1991). Also, because the appropriate use of information is the ‘life‐blood’ of organizational dynamics, the identification of aspects that might affect differential use of various channels (of information) is fundamental to an understanding of the area.
In the last four years, since Volume I of this Bibliography first appeared, there has been an explosion of literature in all the main functional areas of business. This wealth of…
In the last four years, since Volume I of this Bibliography first appeared, there has been an explosion of literature in all the main functional areas of business. This wealth of material poses problems for the researcher in management studies — and, of course, for the librarian: uncovering what has been written in any one area is not an easy task. This volume aims to help the librarian and the researcher overcome some of the immediate problems of identification of material. It is an annotated bibliography of management, drawing on the wide variety of literature produced by MCB University Press. Over the last four years, MCB University Press has produced an extensive range of books and serial publications covering most of the established and many of the developing areas of management. This volume, in conjunction with Volume I, provides a guide to all the material published so far.