David FAO Lubin Memorial Library and Rome
Document supply in the field of agriculture is still largely centred around conventional books and journals. For the ‘grey’ literature there are numerous initiatives being taken…
Document supply in the field of agriculture is still largely centred around conventional books and journals. For the ‘grey’ literature there are numerous initiatives being taken in the international context. The building up of viable infrastructures and well publicized co‐operation will bring some solutions.
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is an international organization affiliated with the United Nations. It is involved with all aspects of nutrition, agriculture, and…
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is an international organization affiliated with the United Nations. It is involved with all aspects of nutrition, agriculture, and rural development. Its publications range from working papers on a specific project to comprehensive statistical reference works. While only large research collections may want to collect FAO documents comprehensively, many of its publications, especially its reference works, are useful for smaller library collections. FAO publications are also helpful in developing specialized collections. Such areas as international development, women's studies, and rural technology can benefit from the collection of FAO publications.