C.W. Neale and David D. Shipley
Provides insight into the credit offerings of manufacturers via an analysis of data which are unique in several ways. Focuses specifically on the dimensions of the credit package…
Provides insight into the credit offerings of manufacturers via an analysis of data which are unique in several ways. Focuses specifically on the dimensions of the credit package supplied to customers for consumer and industrial goods in both domestic and export markets in the USA and the UK. Offers an analytical model for use in improving credit policy. Concludes first that, bi‐nationally, consumer goods firms tend to be more generous than industrial goods sellers, except in the matter of maximum credit duration; and second, that UK firms are more generous than their US counterparts in export markets.
UK industrial distributors are relied on by both producers and suppliers to help counter adverse environmental developments. Channel performance can be improved if there is…
UK industrial distributors are relied on by both producers and suppliers to help counter adverse environmental developments. Channel performance can be improved if there is co‐operation between channel members, and each understands the others' strengths, weaknesses and responsibilities. Industrial distributors are seen as being, on the whole, small, owner‐controlled, rich in product and market knowledge and poor in management expertise. A postal survey considered a number of problems relating to price‐sensitive, difficult customers, markets where there are strong upward pressures on costs, and too many rivals competing on price and possessing market strength. There are problems, also, both internal and external to the firm. The best strategy to cope with many of these lies in utilising the help of other channel members, and a consideration of product differentiation, segmental specialisation and cost leadership. A number of specific remedial actions are also recommended.
Most readers will be aware that in the last two decades or so the marketing performance of UK and US manufacturers has been less satisfactory than that of manufacturers in other…
Most readers will be aware that in the last two decades or so the marketing performance of UK and US manufacturers has been less satisfactory than that of manufacturers in other advanced countries. Indeed, during that time both countries' shares in the world trade in manufactured goods accounted for by the major industrial nations have fallen alarmingly. The rate of import penetration of both countries has markedly exceeded their export growth rates. The problems are more acute in the UK than in the US but, in the absence of dramatic improvement, the long‐term prospects for both nations are daunting.
The study's purpose was to update and extend the existing knowledge about industrial vendor selection criteria. The components of four sets of choice variables are described and…
The study's purpose was to update and extend the existing knowledge about industrial vendor selection criteria. The components of four sets of choice variables are described and tested against survey data from UK and US buyers of manufactured materials, components and machinery.
The librarian and researcher have to be able to uncover specific articles in their areas of interest. This Bibliography is designed to help. Volume IV, like Volume III, contains…
The librarian and researcher have to be able to uncover specific articles in their areas of interest. This Bibliography is designed to help. Volume IV, like Volume III, contains features to help the reader to retrieve relevant literature from MCB University Press' considerable output. Each entry within has been indexed according to author(s) and the Fifth Edition of the SCIMP/SCAMP Thesaurus. The latter thus provides a full subject index to facilitate rapid retrieval. Each article or book is assigned its own unique number and this is used in both the subject and author index. This Volume indexes 29 journals indicating the depth, coverage and expansion of MCB's portfolio.
Seeks to create a more complex understanding of the significance attached to vendors' mix elements by resellers in forming patronage choices. Presents data from a 1980s survey of…
Seeks to create a more complex understanding of the significance attached to vendors' mix elements by resellers in forming patronage choices. Presents data from a 1980s survey of over 1,200 reseller‐buyers. Reviews the results in terms of first, consumer goods and second, convenience products and shopping goods, comparing US and UK resellers. Shows that resellers' choice criteria vary among these broad product categories. Reveals that it is not possible to describe generally the sourcing determinants for all resellers.
David D. Shipley and C.W. Neale
Economic problems have led to the increasing role off counter‐trade in the world trade scene. Countries with large external debts are able to acquire imports and settle bills with…
Economic problems have led to the increasing role off counter‐trade in the world trade scene. Countries with large external debts are able to acquire imports and settle bills with goods or services rather than through a financial settlement. This article looks at varying forms of counter‐trade.
Focuses on the nature of marketing objectives and on facets of their time‐relatedness, flexibility and consistency. Compares the nature of the objectives as between domestic and…
Focuses on the nature of marketing objectives and on facets of their time‐relatedness, flexibility and consistency. Compares the nature of the objectives as between domestic and export markets, and US and UK markets. Concludes that there is very little difference between UK and US markets, although the US organizations tend to have longer term objectives, which shows them in a more favourable light.
David D. Shipley and C.W. Neale
Countertrade is a widely used and important means for financing business transactions. Participation involves some serious risks and care should be taken in the selection of…
Countertrade is a widely used and important means for financing business transactions. Participation involves some serious risks and care should be taken in the selection of countertrade goods, partners and institutions. Forms of countertrade, its benefits to companies and countries, its disadvantages, and guidelines for countertrades are described. Using prudence and sound decision criteria practitioners may gain considerable benefits from this mode of trading.
Countertrade is a widely prevalent mode of trading among Easternbloc nations. Countries and companies which wish to export to them cangain a strong competitive edge by…
Countertrade is a widely prevalent mode of trading among Eastern bloc nations. Countries and companies which wish to export to them can gain a strong competitive edge by incorporating a willingness to countertrade into their product offering. This article reports findings regarding the perceptions of benefits and problems held by British executives whose companies do practice countertrading with Eastern bloc customers. It also sheds some light on why the incidence of East‐West countertrade appears to be inaeasing.