Mehrdad Baghai, Lar Bradshaw, Stephen Coley and David White
When it comes to performance metrics, one size definitely does not fit ail—the right metric applied at the wrong time can stunt corporate growth.
David Bradshaw and Colin Brash
Presents extensive research conducted over several years by Ovum researchers posing as customers into customer relationship management (CRM), call centre and e‐commerce strategies…
Presents extensive research conducted over several years by Ovum researchers posing as customers into customer relationship management (CRM), call centre and e‐commerce strategies and the software required to support them. Aims to establish how companies in the UK can address the need to support multiple channels and where they can make improvements to serve their customers better. Concludes that almost all of the companies surveyed performed poorly and presents three essential insights that companies should take into account for improving CRM.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the element of trust that is common to and underpins both the successful legitimate business venture and the successful fraud.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the element of trust that is common to and underpins both the successful legitimate business venture and the successful fraud.
The paper questions whether the cumulative effect of financial crime in our society may ultimately be more serious than in terms of damaging personal and business relationships than the actual losses incurred.
Law enforcement agencies must not lose sight of the significant impact that financial crime is having on our everyday activities. There is a pressing need to ensure that within our communities trust remains a power for good within business relationships.
Practical implications
The paper was aimed at raising the awareness of the intangible impact of white collar crime on our society and the need to avoid becoming complacent about such offending at a time when the law enforcement focus in many countries tends to be on violent offending in our community.
The paper will be of interest to those working in the field of economic crime or researching the topic.
“Synergy” in the title of this article is used in the root generic sense of “work together”. I am not really looking for something greater than the parts to emerge from the…
“Synergy” in the title of this article is used in the root generic sense of “work together”. I am not really looking for something greater than the parts to emerge from the conjunction of corporate management and orthopraxis — although I would be delighted if it were to come about. In point of sober realism, I would settle for functional co‐existence of business process and serious concern for social justice. Put baldly, the title question could be rephrased to read:
At the World Bank we are learning that economic development is more of a process of knowledge accumulation than of capital accumulation, all the more pertinent becausethe creation…
At the World Bank we are learning that economic development is more of a process of knowledge accumulation than of capital accumulation, all the more pertinent because the creation and dissemination of knowledge are accelerating rapidly. The stock of understanding of knowledge itself is growing more rapidly as a result of advances in our understanding of scientific principles. In addition, rapid developments in information and communications technologies (in part the results of these advances) are themselves speeding the rate of generating and diffusing knowledge. This is largely being achieved by reducing the cost of codifying and processing information.
What a difference a few years make! In the fall 1982 issue of Reference Services Review I described forty reference monographs and serial publications on photography. That article…
What a difference a few years make! In the fall 1982 issue of Reference Services Review I described forty reference monographs and serial publications on photography. That article concluded with these words, “a careful reader will be aware that not one single encyclopedia or solely biographical source was included…this reviewer could find none in print…A biographical source proved equally elusive” (p.28).
In a full blaze of comings and goings, it is unnecessary to remind ourselves that the holiday season is upon us; mass travel to faraway places. The media have for months, all…
In a full blaze of comings and goings, it is unnecessary to remind ourselves that the holiday season is upon us; mass travel to faraway places. The media have for months, all through the winter, been extolling a surfeit of romantic areas of the world, exspecially on television; of colourful scenes, exotic beauties, brilliant sunshine everywhere; travel mostly by air as so‐called package tours — holidays for the masses! The most popular areas are countries of the Mediterranean littoral, from Israel to Spain, North Africa, the Adriatic, but of recent years, much farhter afield, India, South‐east Asia and increasingly to the USA.
Much to the relief of everyone, the general election has come and gone and with it the boring television drivel; the result a foregone conclusion. The Labour/Trade Union movement…
Much to the relief of everyone, the general election has come and gone and with it the boring television drivel; the result a foregone conclusion. The Labour/Trade Union movement with a severe beating, the worst for half a century, a disaster they have certainly been asking for. Taking a line from the backwoods wisdom of Abraham Lincoln — “You can't fool all the people all the time!” Now, all that most people desire is not to live easy — life is never that and by the nature of things, it cannot be — but to have a reasonably settled, peaceful existence, to work out what they would consider to be their destiny; to be spared the attentions of the planners, the plotters, provocateurs, down to the wilful spoilers and wreckers. They have a right to expect Government protection. We cannot help recalling the memory of a brilliant Saturday, but one of the darkest days of the War, when the earth beneath our feet trembled at the destructive might of fleets of massive bombers overhead, the small silvery Messerschmits weaving above them. Believing all to be lost, we heaped curses on successive Governments which had wrangled over rearmament, especially the “Butter before Guns” brigade, who at the word conscription almost had apoplexy, and left its people exposed to destruction. Now, as then, the question is “Have they learned anything?” With all the countless millions Government costs, its people have the right to claim something for their money, not the least of which is the right to industrial and domestic peace.