This paper is a chapter from David Boswell's latest book entitled ‘Setting Up In‐house Surface Mount Technology: Practical Management and Technical Guidelines’, published by…
This paper is a chapter from David Boswell's latest book entitled ‘Setting Up In‐house Surface Mount Technology: Practical Management and Technical Guidelines’, published by Electrochemical Publications Ltd. It has been seen that failure to afford suitable training before starting a surface mount technology project can lead to mistakes in equipment selection, product design or process control, any of which can bring reliability problems and severe financial penalties. This text focuses on the needs of the workforce teams in all departments of a typical manufacturing company, beginning with the managing director (the person most in need of training before the event, but usually the least aware of it) and working down through each main management level to the production line and quality staff. Vital training subject headings are reviewed for senior and middle management in each of the design, procurement and stores, production engineering and factory services, manufacturing, quality, sales and accounts departments — all of which are affected. Both subject matter and timescales covering typical needs for production technicians and assembly operators are given in greater detail so that initial and ongoing training costs can be estimated.
Components for surface mounting are asked to withstand much harsher treatment than their conventional brethren and many of their makers have performed miracles in achieving…
Components for surface mounting are asked to withstand much harsher treatment than their conventional brethren and many of their makers have performed miracles in achieving simultaneously improved resistance to thermal shock combined with more miniaturisation.
As part of a global expansion programme, Alpha Metals have announced two senior personnel changes which will strengthen their sales operations both in the UK and in the USA.
Alpha Metals has announced the appointment of Stan Renals to the position of General Manager, Alpha Singapore.
Rob Knowles has been appointed Technical Service Specialist by Metech‐Ronal to support the company's rapidly expanding Thick Film Materials business throughout Europe.
Indian Summer conditions prevailed in the pleasant Thames‐side setting as some 100 delegates convened at the Runnymede Hotel, Egham, on 20–21 September for the 1989 PCIF…
Indian Summer conditions prevailed in the pleasant Thames‐side setting as some 100 delegates convened at the Runnymede Hotel, Egham, on 20–21 September for the 1989 PCIF Conference. An advance glance at the programme suggested an interesting two days' activities. In reality, expectations were, if anything, surpassed and the general consensus was that the event provided an excellent variety of useful presentations, mainly on non‐technical themes. Incorporating business issues, training, exporting, the COSHH regulations, etc., it addressed relevant areas often underemphasised or ignored in the conference agenda. Interaction between delegates and speakers reached an all‐time high, with much constructive debate ensuing, and the inclusion of a number of panel sessions proved popular and successful. Let us hope that the organisers use the same recipe for the 1990 Conference.
The annual Autumn Conference of the British Association for Brazing and Soldering offers a forum for discussions between scientists and engineers involved with two technologies…
The annual Autumn Conference of the British Association for Brazing and Soldering offers a forum for discussions between scientists and engineers involved with two technologies which, because of their obvious similarities, would be expected to be of mutual benefit and learning. In reality both the science and the practice of brazing and soldering are quite different. I suspect, with some regret, the BABS Management Committee decided that for the first time this division be formally recognised by offering soldering as the subject of the first day and brazing and diffusion bonding the subjects of the second. This report covers the soldering day only, during which seven papers were presented:
The International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics invites the submission of technical papers for presentation at the above event. All original unpublished papers on…
The International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics invites the submission of technical papers for presentation at the above event. All original unpublished papers on microelectronics related topics are welcomed.
Marc Monneraye, Panizza, Brian Waterfield, John Knowles and P.L. Bainbridge
A month or so after the Stresa meeting, the French ISHM chapter, organising a session on ‘Gallic inks’ (!), summoned me to deliver some comments on the 5th European Hybrid…
A month or so after the Stresa meeting, the French ISHM chapter, organising a session on ‘Gallic inks’ (!), summoned me to deliver some comments on the 5th European Hybrid Microelectronics Conference. Although it was only a matter of interlude during this technical session, I felt the task quite a difficult one. It became a hazardous project when Brian C. Waterfield kindly asked me to let what is in fact a personal opinion—my personal opinion, standing back from my daily work—appear in Hybrid Circuits. I'll do my best.