The following bibliography focuses mainly on programs which can run on IBM microcomputers and compatibles under the operating system PC DOS/MS DOS, and which can be used in online…
The following bibliography focuses mainly on programs which can run on IBM microcomputers and compatibles under the operating system PC DOS/MS DOS, and which can be used in online information and documentation work. They fall into the following categories:
Douglas K. Macbeth and Geoff Southern
The structure of this special edition is presented, sketching themain points of the 4th International Conference of the OperationsManagement Association (UK) at which similarities…
The structure of this special edition is presented, sketching the main points of the 4th International Conference of the Operations Management Association (UK) at which similarities between the Operations Management philosophies and techniques of manufacturing and service industries are examined. Day one sees speakers from each sector discussing quality, customer/market interface, resource management and people involvement and communications. Day two consists of academic papers on the same issues. Closeness to the customer, organisational direction and structure, standards of training for competence and the individual′s contribution to quality are highlighted.
Alan Day, David Barr, Don Revill, AW McClellan, HR Green, K Subramanyam and Peter Brophy
TWICE WITHIN THREE days recently I was asked to give my opinion on the character and suitability of candidates applying for professional posts in children's libraries. In one…
TWICE WITHIN THREE days recently I was asked to give my opinion on the character and suitability of candidates applying for professional posts in children's libraries. In one instance only was I asked to mention the candidate's interest in and knowledge of children's literature. At first this occasioned a mild surprise, but then, on reflection, I could recall no instance ever of my being asked whether a candidate knew anything at all about adult literature. Why is it that librarians working in children's libraries are expected to have taken a course in children's literature, when those who are concerned with library services for their parents are rarely questioned about their knowledge of adult books, apart from a perfunctory enquiry or two at interview on the books they themselves have read lately?
The purpose of this paper is to trace debates between state and federal governments, and community stakeholders, leading to the establishment and abolition of the first attempt at…
The purpose of this paper is to trace debates between state and federal governments, and community stakeholders, leading to the establishment and abolition of the first attempt at a university for Western Sydney, established as Chifley University Interim Council.
The historical analysis draws from published papers, oral history accounts, and original documents in archives of the University of Sydney and the University of Western Sydney.
Higher education reform in the 1980s in Australia was fought out as an extension of broader issues such as “States rights”, the rising political power of peri‐urban regions, long‐standing tensions between state and Commonwealth bureaucracies, and the vested interests of existing tertiary education and community groups.
This is the only existing study of attempts to found Chifley University, and one of the few available studies which take a social and contextual approach to understanding the critical reforms of the 1980s leading up to the Dawkins Reforms of 1988‐1990.
ONE CAN BE forgiven for worrying about the ‘Peter principle’ when taking up a post on the practising side of the profession after nine years teaching librarianship.
SOMEWHAT ENERVATED, this day, to receive in the same post letters addressed to ‘Clive Bongley Ltd’, ‘Clair Bingley Ltd’, and a tearsheet advertisement circulated by our Australian…
SOMEWHAT ENERVATED, this day, to receive in the same post letters addressed to ‘Clive Bongley Ltd’, ‘Clair Bingley Ltd’, and a tearsheet advertisement circulated by our Australian agents of ten years' standing describing us as ‘Charles Bingley Ltd’.
This tutorial will cover the relationship between operating systems, inter‐computer communications, and file transfers.
Online developments ‐ Two new online services show the continuing onward march of this method of access to certain types of information for traders and investors.
The client and the Problem The Information Services Division of the British Tourist Authority is responsible for dealing with over 1.5 million inquiries a year, through about 80…
The client and the Problem The Information Services Division of the British Tourist Authority is responsible for dealing with over 1.5 million inquiries a year, through about 80 information staff in the offices which it maintains in 25 countries. Some of the staff are British, others are nationals of the countries where the offices are situated. While some are on the permanent staff of the BTA, others are recruited for short periods and work for BTA for times ranging from a season to a few years. Methods of recruitment of local staff vary from country to country, according to local legislation; in some countries it is possible to advertise, interview and recruit in the same way as would be done in the United Kingdom, but in others this is not possible, and BTA's recruitment depends on those who take the initiative of offering themselves for employment.
AFTER BEING INDEPENDENT for 30 years, the International Patent Institute (IIB) is to become part of the European Patent Office which becomes operational next year. It is therefore…
AFTER BEING INDEPENDENT for 30 years, the International Patent Institute (IIB) is to become part of the European Patent Office which becomes operational next year. It is therefore appropriate to consider the institute's history and to examine its vital role under the new regime. The IIB was founded at The Hague under a diplomatic agreement of June 6 1947 originally signed by four countries—Belgium, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands—and at later dates by the governments of Monaco, Switzerland and Turkey. The agreement was signed by the United Kingdom on August 2 1965.