Andrea S. Patrucco, Davide Luzzini, Daniel Krause and Antonella Maria Moretto
The authors empirically examine purchasing strategy typologies based on strategic intent (i.e. competitive priorities) and practices used to achieve these priorities. The authors…
The authors empirically examine purchasing strategy typologies based on strategic intent (i.e. competitive priorities) and practices used to achieve these priorities. The authors further investigate the implementation conditions of such strategies based on perceived uncertainty and strategic purchasing.
The authors utilize case study data from 11 international service and manufacturing firms with global supply chains. Each company was profiled based on the level of perceived environmental uncertainty, the characteristics of strategic purchasing, the use of relevant purchasing practices and its ability to create value through purchasing.
The study findings show that four purchasing strategy types exist: Purchasing Rationalization, Supply Base Optimization, Purchasing as a Service and World-Class Supply Base Management. Lower levels of perceived environmental uncertainty favor the adoption of rationalization strategies (i.e. Purchasing Rationalization and Supply Base Optimization), while increased uncertainty leads companies to switch to relationship-focused strategies (i.e. Purchasing as a Service and World-Class Supply Base Management). Further, that specific components of strategic purchasing (i.e. strategic planning, maturity, status and report level) enable the successful implementation of different strategy types.
This research contributes to the existing literature by outlining the different types of purchasing strategies and the external and internal factors that need to be considered to achieve strategic alignment and value creation in purchasing, and by classifying purchasing strategy types at the functional level based on empirical evidence.
Sunil Babbar, Xenophon Koufteros, Ravi S. Behara and Christina W.Y. Wong
This study aims to examine publications of supply chain management (SCM) researchers from across the world and maps the leadership role of authors and institutions based on how…
This study aims to examine publications of supply chain management (SCM) researchers from across the world and maps the leadership role of authors and institutions based on how prolific they are in publishing and on network measures of centrality while accounting for the quality of the outlets that they publish in. It aims to inform stakeholders on who the leading SCM scholars are, their primary areas of SCM research, their publication profiles and the nature of their networks. It also identifies and informs on the leading SCM research institutions of the world and where leadership in specific areas of SCM research is emerging from.
Based on SCM papers appearing in a set of seven leading journals over the 15-year period of 2001-2015, publication scores and social network analysis measures of total degree centrality and Bonacich power centrality are used to identify the highest ranked agents in SCM research overall, as well as in some specific areas of SCM research. Social network analysis is also used to examine the nature and scope of the networks of the ranked agents and where leadership in SCM research is emerging from.
Authors and institutions from the USA and UK are found to dominate much of the rankings in SCM research both by publication score and social network analysis measures of centrality. In examining the networks of the very top authors and institutions of the world, their networks are found to be more inward-looking (country-centric) than outward-looking (globally dispersed). Further, researchers in Europe and Asia alike are found to exhibit significant continental inclinations in their network formations with researchers in Europe displaying greater propensity to collaborate with their European-based counterparts and researchers in Asia with their Asian-based counterparts. Also, from among the journals, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal is found to exhibit a far more expansive global reach than any of the other journals.
Research limitations/implications
The journal set used in this study, though representative of high-quality SCM research outlets, is not exhaustive of all potential outlets that publish SCM research. Further, the measure of quality that this study assigns to the various publications is based solely on a publication score that accounts for the quality of the journals, as rated by Association of Business Schools that the papers appear in and nothing else.
Practical implications
By informing the community of stakeholders of SCM research about the top-ranked SCM authors, institutions and countries of the world, the nature of their networks, as well as what the primary areas of SCM research of the leading authors in the world are, this research provides stakeholders, including managers, researchers and students, information that is helpful to them not only because of the insights it provides but also for the gauging of potential for embedding themselves in specific networks, engaging in collaborative research with the leading agents or pursuing educational opportunities with them.
This research is the first of its kind to identify and rank the top SCM authors and institutions from across the world using a representative set of seven leading SCM and primary OM journals based on publication scores and social network measures of centrality. The research is also the first of its kind to identify and rank the top authors and institutions within specific areas of SCM research and to identify future research opportunities relating to aspects of collaboration and networking in research endeavors.
Lisa M. Ellram and Daniel R. Krause
While the concept of partnerships has received much attention in the literature, the focus has primarily been on the manufacturing firm. This paper explores the similarities and…
While the concept of partnerships has received much attention in the literature, the focus has primarily been on the manufacturing firm. This paper explores the similarities and differences in partnerships from the perspectives of manufacturing and non‐manufacturing firms. Findings indicate that non‐manufacturing firms have had longer relationships with their partners than manufacturing firms. In addition, non‐manufacturing firms considered a reduction of procurement and administrative costs, in addition to price and reliability, as important reasons to enter partnerships, while manufacturing firms emphasized the price, quality, and delivery of products.
Daniel R. Krause and Lisa M. Ellram
Presents results of a survey on supplier development. Surveys were mailed to a random sample of 1,504 NAPM members. The sample was split into two groups depending on how…
Presents results of a survey on supplier development. Surveys were mailed to a random sample of 1,504 NAPM members. The sample was split into two groups depending on how respondents judged the results of their supplier development effort, either exceeding or falling short of expectations. The responses of these two groups to various questionnaire items were investigated to identify and gain insight into factors that contribute to supplier development success. The analysis suggests that buying firm respondents who reported their firms’ supplier development efforts to be satisfactory were more likely to have a proactive philosophy regarding suppliers’ performance, put more effort and resources into their supplier development efforts, and exhibit a greater willingness to share information with their suppliers than their counterparts who were generally dissatisfied with their firms’ supplier development results.
Shivangi Viral Thakker and Santosh B. Rane
The purpose of this paper is to develop a green supplier development (GSD) process model and validate the model with a case study in Indian automobile industry.
The purpose of this paper is to develop a green supplier development (GSD) process model and validate the model with a case study in Indian automobile industry.
A literature survey of peer-reviewed journal articles, survey reports and paradigmatic books with managerial impact is done for the research. The process of GSD is modeled using stage-gate approach and KPIV and KPOV of the process are determined. The process model is implemented in an Indian automobile components manufacturing industry for validation.
The industry implemented the model with ten suppliers and was able to successfully convert seven of them into Green suppliers. Remaining three suppliers were asked to repeat the process again or terminate the contracts. Model implementation took around three years starting from planning of resources and finances to actual development of suppliers.
Research limitations/implications
The model implementation was done with a small automobile industry and hence the validation and implications may be generalized by taking the case study further in different industries. It would be beneficial to test the model with case studies of large-scale industries.
Practical implications
The process model for implementing GSD activities will help managers in taking complex investment decisions. The stages and process inputs and outputs are clearly defined which helps the managers to successfully develop the suppliers.
This paper puts forward the process model that should be implemented for the successful development of green suppliers. It might represent new opportunities for rigorous and relevant research in the area of green supply chain.
This chapter examines the influence of the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy on some of the most important Supreme Court decisions of the past three decades. Mobilizing…
This chapter examines the influence of the Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy on some of the most important Supreme Court decisions of the past three decades. Mobilizing the epistemic community framework, it demonstrates how network members, acting as amici curiae, litigators, academics, and judges worked to transmit intellectual capital to Supreme Court decision makers in 12 federalism and separation of powers cases decided between 1983 and 2001. It finds that Federalist Society members were most successful in diffusing ideas into Supreme Court opinions in cases where doctrinal distance was greatest; that is, cases where the Supreme Court moved the farthest from its established constitutional framework.
Andrews Owusu, Kamil Omoteso, Daniel Gyimah and Amanze Ejiogu
This paper sheds light on how appointing a lead independent director (LIDIR) affects a firm’s commitment to climate change and to what extent environmental, social and governance…
This paper sheds light on how appointing a lead independent director (LIDIR) affects a firm’s commitment to climate change and to what extent environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance is affected by a firm’s commitment to climate change in the presence of a LIDIR.
The authors utilise ordinary least squares (OLS) and a sample of 12,236 firm-year observations in the United States of America (USA) over the 2002–2019 period to test the predictions. The authors also apply alternative research designs such as propensity score matching, Heckman two-step and instrumental variable techniques to address endogeneity concerns.
The authors find that a LIDIR representation on the board is positively associated with a firm’s commitment to climate change. The authors also find that the association between a LIDIR representation on the board and a firm’s commitment to climate change is more pronounced in firms with a combined chief executive officer (CEO) and board chair positions than firms with both positions separated. Additional analysis suggests that increased commitment to climate change in the presence of a LIDIR improves ESG performance.
While the effect of a LIDIR on firm financial outcomes has received much attention, there is a lack of empirical evidence on whether lead independent directors are greener. The authors provide new and important contribution to the literature by investigating the relationship between an LIDIR representation on the board and non-financial outcomes from the perspective of climate change commitment and ESG performance. The findings may be informative to policymakers seeking to deal with climate change impacts on society to encourage the appointment of a LIDIR.
Economists usually try to avoid making moral judgements, at least in their professional capacity. Positive economics is seen as a way of analysing economic problems, in as…
Economists usually try to avoid making moral judgements, at least in their professional capacity. Positive economics is seen as a way of analysing economic problems, in as scientific a manner as is possible in human sciences. Economists are often reluctant to be prescriptive, most seeing their task as presenting information on the various options, but leaving the final choice, to the political decision taker. The view of many economists is that politicians can be held responsible for the morality of their actions when making decisions on economic matters, unlike unelected economic advisors, and therefore the latter should limit their role.