Draws on previous contributions about eastern Europe which examined both the preliminary investigation of market opportunities through desk research, and one of the most advanced…
Draws on previous contributions about eastern Europe which examined both the preliminary investigation of market opportunities through desk research, and one of the most advanced forms of trading practice with the Comecon countries — industrial co‐operation agreements. Posits that this study complements earlier works with regard to East‐West business relations and east European importing organizations. Examines eastern European countries and their practices in depth and uses survey results to expand on this, and thirty‐six companies' responses to a questionnaire in late 1980 were used. Discusses principal findings and marketing implications along with suggestions for discovering relevant importing organizations. Suggests that the research findings will be useful to exporters and assist their efforts in selling in an extremely difficult market. Concludes with an example of the questionnaire used.
In the last four years, since Volume I of this Bibliography first appeared, there has been an explosion of literature in all the main functional areas of business. This wealth of…
In the last four years, since Volume I of this Bibliography first appeared, there has been an explosion of literature in all the main functional areas of business. This wealth of material poses problems for the researcher in management studies — and, of course, for the librarian: uncovering what has been written in any one area is not an easy task. This volume aims to help the librarian and the researcher overcome some of the immediate problems of identification of material. It is an annotated bibliography of management, drawing on the wide variety of literature produced by MCB University Press. Over the last four years, MCB University Press has produced an extensive range of books and serial publications covering most of the established and many of the developing areas of management. This volume, in conjunction with Volume I, provides a guide to all the material published so far.
Martha E. Williams and Daniel E. Burgard
This is the twelfth article on social science, humanities, news, and general databases in a continuing series of articles summarizing and commenting on new database products. Two…
This is the twelfth article on social science, humanities, news, and general databases in a continuing series of articles summarizing and commenting on new database products. Two companion articles, one covering science, technology, and, medicine (STM) appeared in Online & CD‐ROM Review vol. 22, no. 4 and the other covering business and law (BSL) will appear in Online & CD‐ROM Review vol. 22, no. 6. The articles are based on the newly appearing database products in the Gale Directory of Dafabases. The Gale Directory of Databases (GDD) was created in January 1993 by merging Computer‐Readable Databases: A Directory and Data Sourcebook (CRD) together with the Directory of Online Databases (DOD) and the Directory of Portable Databases (DPD).
Steven E. Daniels and Gregg B. Walker
The recent impasse over federal forest management in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States has been a living laboratory of conflict and its management, and provides…
The recent impasse over federal forest management in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States has been a living laboratory of conflict and its management, and provides the context for this case study. While most of the media attention has been focused on regional or national events such as President Clinton's Forest Conference of April 1993, a larger number of localized conflicts have shaped the controversy at the grassroots level. This case study focuses on a pivotal meeting in one such conflict: the Shasta Costa planning process. Outside intervenors mediated the meeting, and USDA Forest Service personnel, timber industry representatives, and environmentalists participated Participant observation and a supplemental survey led to the following conclusions: (1) measures of standing (the legal and social basis for legitimate participation) differed between the industry and environmental representatives, (2) reliance on science differed between groups, and (3) the process was not able to overcome a power imbalance. These findings suggest that there may be little hope for local dispute efforts if there is substantial policy uncertainty at the national level. Implications for managing forestry conflict in the region are discussed.
Martha E. Williams and Daniel E. Bargard
This is the tenth article on social science, humanities, news and general databases in a continuing series of articles summarising and commenting on new database products. There…
This is the tenth article on social science, humanities, news and general databases in a continuing series of articles summarising and commenting on new database products. There are two companion articles: one covering science, technology and medicine (STM) appeared in Online & CDROM Review, vol. 21, no. 4 and the other covering business and law (BSL) will appear in Online & CDROM Review, vol. 21, no. 6. The articles are based on the newly appearing database products in the Gale Directory of Databases. The Gale Directory of Databases (GDD) was created in January 1993 by merging Computer‐Readable Databases: A Directory and Data Sourcebook (CRD) together with the Directory of Online Databases (DOD) and the Directory of Portable Databases (DPD).
Martha E. Williams and Daniel E. Burgard
This is the ninth article on social science, humanities, news, and general databases in a continuing series of articles summarising and commenting on new database products. There…
This is the ninth article on social science, humanities, news, and general databases in a continuing series of articles summarising and commenting on new database products. There are two companion articles: one covering science, technology and medicine (STM) appeared in Online & CDROM Review vol. 21, no. 1 and the other covering business and law (BSL) will appear in Online & CDROM Review vol. 21, no. 3. The articles are based on the newly appearing database products in the Gale Directory of Databases. The Gale Directory of Databases (GDD) was created in January 1993 by merging Computer‐Readable Databases: A Directory and Data Sourcebook (CRD) together with the Directory of Online Databases (DOD) and the Directory of Portable Databases (DPD).
Most years, several AIB members are elected as AIB Fellows on account of their excellent international business scholarship, and/or past service as AIB President or Executive…
Most years, several AIB members are elected as AIB Fellows on account of their excellent international business scholarship, and/or past service as AIB President or Executive Secretary. The Fellows are in charge of electing Eminent Scholars as well as the International Executive and International Educator (formerly, Dean) of the Year, who often provide the focus for Plenary Sessions at AIB Conferences. Their history since 1975 covers over half of the span of the AIB and reflects many issues that dominated that period in terms of research themes, progresses and problems, the internationalization of business education and the role of international business in society and around the globe. Like other organizations, the Fellows Group had their ups and downs, successes and failures – and some fun too!
Daniel Ofori-Sasu, Smile Dzisi and Franklin Dodzi Odoom
This paper seeks to examine the interrelationship between inclusive business, private sector credit and economic welfare in Africa.
This paper seeks to examine the interrelationship between inclusive business, private sector credit and economic welfare in Africa.
The study uses the seemingly unrelated regression, system generalized method of moments and bootstrap quantile regression in a panel of 54 economies in Africa, over the period 2006–2020.
The authors show that countries that provide more credit to the private sector have better incentives to enhance the ease of doing business. The authors find that ease of doing business and domestic credit to the private sector have a positive and significant effect on economic welfare at higher quantile levels. The authors find that ease of doing business substitutes private sector credit to boost economic welfare, while business account complements private sector credit to boost economic welfare. The authors show that the marginal effect of inclusive business on economic welfare is greater in countries that provide more credit to the private sector.
Practical implications
The implication is that countries that focus on developing their private sector (through credit expansion) should be able to encourage or facilitate the inclusion of businesses to achieve a sustainable economic welfare.
Social implications
The implication is that policymakers should be able to develop their business environment through inclusive financing so as to build business confidence in the society.
The paper examines the interrelationship between inclusive business, private sector credit and economic welfare in Africa.
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Tenn. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are…
Communications regarding this column should be addressed to Mrs. Cheney, Peabody Library School, Nashville, Tenn. 37203. Mrs. Cheney does not sell the books listed here. They are available through normal trade sources. Mrs. Cheney, being a member of the editorial board of Pierian Press, will not review Pierian Press reference books in this column. Descriptions of Pierian Press reference books will be included elsewhere in this publication.