FLUIDICS is a term coined recently defining a rapidly emerging technology which involves the use of gaseous or liquid fluids in motion to perform functions such as amplification…
FLUIDICS is a term coined recently defining a rapidly emerging technology which involves the use of gaseous or liquid fluids in motion to perform functions such as amplification, sensing, switching, logic or computation. The accelerating interest in fluidics is no doubt due to the increasing awareness that fluid energy can be manipulated in much the same way as electricity and without moving parts. Also, since fluidic control components are highly reliable under extreme environmental conditions and are impervious to radiation — magnetic or nuclear—they offer many advantages for use in aerospace or nuclear engineering. These particular advantages and others, coupled with the probable low ultimate economic costs of fluidic components, are further stimulating active interest in many commercial and industrial applications.
FOR the student who has to choose a field of study in which to learn and exercise his bibliographic skills Sociology affords an interesting and attractive challenge. Indeed, to…
FOR the student who has to choose a field of study in which to learn and exercise his bibliographic skills Sociology affords an interesting and attractive challenge. Indeed, to understand his chosen profession it must necessarily be placed within its social context. Most students at some stage of their development reflect on the social problems that beset the human situation, and some, as the mass media would have us believe, are anxious to remould the “sorry scheme of things” as represented by the existing social structure.
This is the first part of an article reviewing the courses that are open to 15‐ and 16‐year‐old school‐leavers who enter industrial occupations. In the second part, to be…
This is the first part of an article reviewing the courses that are open to 15‐ and 16‐year‐old school‐leavers who enter industrial occupations. In the second part, to be published next month, Mr Hartles will consider selection and the preparation for such courses, with particular reference to the relating of school science to the courses noted here in Tables 1, 2 and 3
A TECHNICAL library ought to be regarded as essential by all progressive firms, yet only too often it is notable only for its absence. Concerns will readily spend many thousands…
A TECHNICAL library ought to be regarded as essential by all progressive firms, yet only too often it is notable only for its absence. Concerns will readily spend many thousands of pounds on new plant and machinery to be installed in costly buildings. Yet how rarely do they give any thought to providing and making available to their staff those modern books that teach the latest techniques in their particular industry.
All items listed may be borrowed from the Aslib Library, except those marked *, which may be consulted in the Library.
Two very different approaches to the problem of giving useful advice and information to school‐leavers are exemplified in the books John Wellens reviews here
Dennis J. Cahill and Robert M. Warshawsky
Suggests that the conventional wisdom about “high‐tech”products contains three fallacies and one shortcoming that may leadproducers and marketers of these kinds of products to…
Suggests that the conventional wisdom about “high‐tech” products contains three fallacies and one shortcoming that may lead producers and marketers of these kinds of products to commit marketing resources inappropriately. Offers remedies.
Mark Weist, Kathleen Blackburn Franke, Rob Lucio, Jefferson Bass, Terry Doan and Deborah Blalock
The purpose of this paper is to describe the relationship between privatization and school mental health (SMH) in the USA, as well as to present a case study of the SMH system in…
The purpose of this paper is to describe the relationship between privatization and school mental health (SMH) in the USA, as well as to present a case study of the SMH system in South Carolina.
The authors reviewed data regarding states’ mental health systems (e.g. public, private and hybrid of public and private), mental health budgets and percentages of schools with mental health clinicians.
The results demonstrate that the majority of states have public mental health systems. There is variability between states regarding general funding, as well as funding for SMH. Further, there was variability in the percentage of schools with SMH clinicians, with South Carolina reporting the greatest percentage. South Carolina’s mental health system, which is a public–private hybrid is reviewed, along with relevant history on the development of SMH programs in the state.
This paper contributes to the general knowledge by describing the provision and funding sources for SMH services within the USA. It yields important implications for integrating public mental health services within schools.