Mountbatten offers a vivid description of the current‐awareness function using the analogy of a very wide conveyor‐belt, representing the information publishers, on which books…
Mountbatten offers a vivid description of the current‐awareness function using the analogy of a very wide conveyor‐belt, representing the information publishers, on which books, periodicals and reports appear at random: ‘The searcher is on a platform just above the belt and as the information material passes underneath he can pick up and read anything that he thinks might be of interest to him. You can imagine his frustration as he realises that for every item he takes time to examine, hundreds of others of possible interest to him have passed by’. Personality and environment will determine whether the individual can find an intelligent compromise between the extremes of neurosis induced by worrying about the material he is missing, or complacency with any system which produces one or two interesting items.
D.E. Stern, C.W. Lamb and D.L. MacLachlan
Discusses a conceptual framework of perceived risk consolidating and interrelating the numerous theories and research results. Adumbrates the measurement of perceived risk…
Discusses a conceptual framework of perceived risk consolidating and interrelating the numerous theories and research results. Adumbrates the measurement of perceived risk, consumer risk handling, risk reduction methods and consumer preference for risk reduction methods. Posits that although the area of consumer behaviour as a risk‐taking function has been extensively researched since 1960, there are many aspects needing further investigations. States that research into levels of risk between different product classes is necessary. Sums up that the concept of perceived risk may have been extensively investigated, considerable opportunity exists for further refinement and meaningful study.
Erdoğan Koç, Çağatan Taşkın and Hakan Boz
Consumers are faced with many new products. In almost every product category it is seen that there are more alternatives than provided in previous years. This situation may cause…
Consumers are faced with many new products. In almost every product category it is seen that there are more alternatives than provided in previous years. This situation may cause consumers to feel uncomfortable/uncertain, especially about new products. Therefore, since they perceive this uncertainty, customers want to be in control. Control is one of the ways to help customers to decide on perceived risky situations.
The main purpose of the study is to explain the effects of the risk and control drive on consumer behavior and determine how businesses reduce the risk that consumers feel.
It is critical for enterprises to increase their brand awareness in order to reduce consumers’ risk perceptions and increase their controls (cognitive, behavioral, and decision) during purchasing decisions. Also, it will be useful for them to focus on activities increasing brand loyalty. They can especially carry out marketing activities allowing consumers to try new products or providing money back guarantees. Moreover, in order to reduce the risk perception and increase control by the customers, making the promotional contents of the product understandable and simple without hidden factors will contribute in a positive way.
Michail A. Makridis, Konstantinos Mattas, Biagio Ciuffo and Anastasios Kouvelas
Road transport networks might face the most significant transformation in the following decades, mostly due to the anticipated introduction of Connected and Automated Vehicles…
Road transport networks might face the most significant transformation in the following decades, mostly due to the anticipated introduction of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs). The introduction of connectivity and automation will be realised gradually. There are distinctive levels of automation starting from single-dimension automated functionalities, such as regulating the vehicle’s longitudinal behaviour via Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) systems. Although the technological readiness level is undeniably far from full vehicle automation, there are already commercially available lower-level automated vehicles. The penetration rate of vehicles equipped with Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) such as ACC or Cooperative-ACC is constantly increasing bringing new driving behaviours into existing infrastructure, especially on motorways. Lately, several experiments have been conducted with platoons of ACC and CACC-equipped vehicles aiming to study the characteristics and properties of the traffic flow composed by them. This chapter aims to gather the most significant efforts on the topic and present the recent status of research and policy. The impact analysis presented within this chapter is multi-dimensional spanning from traffic flow oscillations and string stability, traffic safety to driving behaviour, energy consumption, and policy, all factors where automation has the potential to contribute to a more sustainable transport system. Investigations through analytical approaches and simulation studies are discussed as well, in comparison to empirical insights, attempting to generalise experimental conclusions. At the end of this chapter, the reader should have a clear view of the existing and potential benefits of CAVs but also the existing and future challenges they can bring.
Chaoru Lu and Chenhui Liu
This paper aims to present a cooperative adaptive cruise control, called stable smart driving model (SSDM), for connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) in mixed traffic streams…
This paper aims to present a cooperative adaptive cruise control, called stable smart driving model (SSDM), for connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) in mixed traffic streams with human-driven vehicles.
Considering the linear stability, SSDM is able to provide smooth deceleration and acceleration in the vehicle platoons with or without cut-in. Besides, the calibrated Virginia tech microscopic energy and emission model is applied in this study to investigate the impact of CAVs on the fuel consumption of the vehicle platoon and traffic flows. Under the cut-in condition, the SSDM outperforms ecological SDM and SDM in terms of stability considering different desired time headways. Moreover, single-lane vehicle dynamics are simulated for human-driven vehicles and CAVs.
The result shows that CAVs can reduce platoon-level fuel consumption. SSDM can save the platoon-level fuel consumption up to 15%, outperforming other existing control strategies. Considering the single-lane highway with merging, the higher market penetration of SSDM-equipped CAVs leads to less fuel consumption.
The proposed rule-based control method considered linear stability to generate smoother deceleration and acceleration curves. The research results can help to develop environmental-friendly control strategies and lay the foundation for the new methods.
This chapter reviews factors responsible for climate change, impacts of the change on animal health, zoonotic diseases, and their linkage with One-Health program.
This chapter reviews factors responsible for climate change, impacts of the change on animal health, zoonotic diseases, and their linkage with One-Health program.
This chapter is based on the available literature related to climate change and its effect on animal health and production from different points. The causes and change forcers of climate change, direct and indirect effects of the change on animal health management, host–pathogen–vector interaction, and zoonotic diseases are included. Inter-linkage between climate change and One-Health program are also assessed.
Beside natural causes of climatic change, greenhouse gases are increasing due to human activities, causing global climate changes which have direct and indirect animal health and production performance impacts. The direct impacts are increased ambient temperature, floods, and droughts, while the indirect are reduced availability of water and food. The change and effect also promote diseases spread, increase survival and availability of the pathogen and its intermediate vector host, responsible for distribution and prevalence of tremendous zoonotic, infectious, and vector-borne diseases. The adverse effect on the biodiversity, distribution of animals and micro flora, genetic makeup of microbials which may lead to emerging and re-emerging disease and their outbreaks make the strong linkage between climate change and One-Health.
Practical implications
Global climate change is receiving increasing international attention where international organizations are increasing their focus on tackling the health impacts. Thus, there is a need for parallel mitigation of climate change and animal diseases in a global form.
Most research on climate change is limited to environmental protection, however this chapter provides a nexus between climate change, animal health, livestock production, and the One-Health program for better livelihood.
A small-scale study was conducted to qualitatively explore the “lived experiences” of persons who remarried between the ages of 55 and 75. Improved life expectancy, high divorce…
A small-scale study was conducted to qualitatively explore the “lived experiences” of persons who remarried between the ages of 55 and 75. Improved life expectancy, high divorce rates, increased odds of being widowed over time, and the need for intimate relationships across the lifespan are some of the factors associated with a recent increase in remarriage rates of older adults. While demographic trends indicate that repartnering in the later years will likely become more common, little is known about remarriage in the “young-old” years.
The study included in-depth, semistructured interviews with 11 newlyweds (seven females, four males) who had remarried between the ages of 55 and 75. Word-for-word transcripts were qualitatively analyzed through a process of open coding and constant comparison to identify salient themes related to the original research question “What is the transition to remarriage experience like for adults aged 55–75?”
Five themes emerged from the analysis of participant interviews: positive orientation toward remarriage, practical/pragmatic view of the union, desire for companionship, recognition of others’ feelings, and willingness to adapt.
Research limitations/implications
The findings were salient to a small group of “young-old,” white, middle-class males and females from the Midwest and are not meant to be generalizable. The results can serve as a basis for further research and understanding of romantic relationships and repartnering across the life course.
This study helps to fill the gap that exists in the current literature related to romantic relationships and remarriage in the “young-old” years of life.
Ramazan Erturgut and Hasan Emin Gürler
Human resources can differentiate firms from their competitors or directly affect the success or failure of firms. As in many sectors, there is a need for qualified employees in…
Human resources can differentiate firms from their competitors or directly affect the success or failure of firms. As in many sectors, there is a need for qualified employees in the logistics sector, which is of great importance for the national economies. Qualified employees in this sector contribute to the success of the companies and the development of the industry. In this study, it is aimed to reveal the qualifications and characteristics of the labour force needed by logistics companies. It was also aimed to show the impact of COVID-19 on logistics job ads. For this purpose, a total of 1,410 job vacancy postings (before COVID-19) and a total of 1,700 job vacancy postings (during COVID-19) were searched on the website with the word “logistics” and analysed by content analysis method. As a result, it was found that the most advertised province was Istanbul in both periods, the most looked up experience requirement in the candidates was 1-5 years in both periods, the opportunities provided to the candidates (transportation, food and beverage, career, social activity) were not mentioned much in both periods. This study reveals the status of logistics job postings in the period before COVID-19 and during COVID-19. It was also aimed to show the impact of COVID-19 on logistics job ads. We investigated whether the logistics employee demand has changed and whether the pandemic is affecting workforce characteristics. This is the first empirical analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on logistics vacancy postings.
Emily S. Kinsky and Debra C. Smith
Building on theories of adolescent learning, including cognitive, personal, social, and moral development, this chapter considers how using media literacy techniques to analyze a…
Building on theories of adolescent learning, including cognitive, personal, social, and moral development, this chapter considers how using media literacy techniques to analyze a children’s television program can create wide-awake, active learners while dissecting media messages. By analyzing children’s television for its portrayal of race and ethnicity, this chapter will explore the role media play in children's understanding of people and cultures outside of their own. A textual analysis of episodes of Maya & Miguel, the chapter describes the depiction of several cultures found represented on the program including White, Asian, African, Dominican, and Mexican and how race, ethnicity, and culture is framed in the television program.
Some theories suggest that television is a primary tool in the socialization of children. Children are attracted to the animation in cartoons, the colors, the movement and the easy-to-follow simplicity of the dialogue. Given the impressionable nature of children, it is possible that they begin to act out the biased nature of the cartoons they watch. Thus, considering their vulnerability, information literacy is relevant to discerning media messages. In this way, information literacy converges with media literacy and visual literacy. Guiding children to interrogate what they view is critically important especially when they are at an age where they can be easily influenced by misinformation or dominant messages. Additionally, the volume of information is steadily increasing in the 21st century as are the modes for accessing, creating and manipulating information. Thus, this work will demonstrate how promoting participatory learning by objectively viewing media and exercising reflective thinking will be important components of children’s education in this millennium.
The Editor, when requesting this paper had clearly in mind a historical survey based on the available literature, guided and coloured by the author's own views and experience in…
The Editor, when requesting this paper had clearly in mind a historical survey based on the available literature, guided and coloured by the author's own views and experience in the field. As it has turned out, the paper is less of a survey and certainly not a critical and exhaustive one but more of a personal overview. As it is based on more than 15 years experience with computers in relation to information systems, one may hope that it will meet the Editor's expectation more than half‐way.