FOR many years the well‐equipped Fengineering workshop has been able to choose from a number of sophisticated and efficient centralized lubrication systems, in order to remove the…
FOR many years the well‐equipped Fengineering workshop has been able to choose from a number of sophisticated and efficient centralized lubrication systems, in order to remove the hit‐or‐miss element from the lubrication of its machinery.
Principal-agency theory was adapted from business and economics to explain the behavior of various government actors. Yet the idea of an agent and a principal is only depicted in a…
Principal-agency theory was adapted from business and economics to explain the behavior of various government actors. Yet the idea of an agent and a principal is only depicted in a limited fashion when discussed in light of the realm of business and economics. Legal studies has grappled with the idea of agency well before political science or economics. I lay out the basic principles of both agency law and Congressional principal-agent theory. I then establish the groundwork for drawing important connections between agency law and principal-agency theory. I also analyze and attempt to ameliorate differences between these two theoretical approaches.
This article surveys the literature dealing with theory and applications of life cycle costing (LCC). It deals with the literature published in the last 25 years and provides 667…
This article surveys the literature dealing with theory and applications of life cycle costing (LCC). It deals with the literature published in the last 25 years and provides 667 references.
Knight's Industrial Law Reports goes into a new style and format as Managerial Law This issue of KILR is restyled Managerial Law and it now appears on a continuous updating basis…
Knight's Industrial Law Reports goes into a new style and format as Managerial Law This issue of KILR is restyled Managerial Law and it now appears on a continuous updating basis rather than as a monthly routine affair.
A QUARTER of a century ago, in September 1938, this journal published a review of diffuser behaviour by G. N. Patterson1 which, together with one of. its main information sources…
A QUARTER of a century ago, in September 1938, this journal published a review of diffuser behaviour by G. N. Patterson1 which, together with one of. its main information sources by Gibson,2 has formed the accepted guide to diffuser design. Patterson's paper was broad in scope and made clear reference to the effect of parameters which were not fully investigated until much later. It is the purpose of this paper to review experimental work, much of it being along the lines formulated by Patterson, and to indicate the improved analytical understanding of diffusers.
Maria Ingemarson, Maria Bodin, Birgitta Rubenson and Karin Guldbrandsson
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how teachers received and perceived the school programme Prevention in School (PS), a positive behavioural support programme; how did…
The purpose of this paper is to investigate how teachers received and perceived the school programme Prevention in School (PS), a positive behavioural support programme; how did the teachers perceive the programme characteristics and themselves as providers; and how did this affect programme implementation?
Qualitative methods with semi-structured interviews with 13 teachers and thematic content analysis were used.
The teachers were heterogeneous in their views, with professional identity, programme understanding and experiencing change being important factors for the implementation. Ambiguities regarding the boundaries of the social assignment, opposition against the theoretical underpinnings and an unclear nomenclature in a core component affected the implementation negatively. Among the perceived benefits were instant rewards in the form of aha moments and increased self-awareness. The nature of the implementation barriers indicates that PS is in need of further development.
Practical implications
Compatibility with teachers’ ideologies, clarification of the social assignment and enough time to consider programme adoption are vital when implementing a programme like PS.
The study provides context-specific understanding of teachers’ perceptions of a behavioural support programme and of their role when trying to implement it. It is known that providers’ perceptions affect the implementation and this study contributes to the field of implementation research, with particular respect to the school setting and comprehensive programmes like PS.
This review integrates and builds linkages among existing theoretical and empirical literature from across disciplines to further broaden our understanding of the relationship…
This review integrates and builds linkages among existing theoretical and empirical literature from across disciplines to further broaden our understanding of the relationship between inequality, imprisonment, and health for black men. The review examines the health impact of prisons through an ecological theoretical perspective to understand how factors at multiple levels of the social ecology interact with prisons to potentially contribute to deleterious health effects and the exacerbation of race/ethnic health disparities.
This review finds that there are documented health disparities between inmates and non-inmates, but the casual mechanisms explaining this relationship are not well-understood. Prisons may interact with other societal systems – such as the family (microsystem), education, and healthcare systems (meso/exosystems), and systems of racial oppression (macrosystem) – to influence individual and population health.
The review also finds that research needs to move the discussion of the race effects in health and crime/justice disparities beyond the mere documentation of such differences toward a better understanding of their causes and effects at the level of individuals, communities, and other social ecologies.
Saba S. Colakoglu, Niclas Erhardt, Stephanie Pougnet-Rozan and Carlos Martin-Rios
Creativity and innovation have been buzzwords of managerial discourse over the last few decades as they contribute to the long-term survival and competitiveness of firms. Given…
Creativity and innovation have been buzzwords of managerial discourse over the last few decades as they contribute to the long-term survival and competitiveness of firms. Given the non-linear, causally ambiguous, and intangible nature of all innovation-related phenomena, management scholars have been trying to uncover factors that contribute to creativity and innovation from multiple lenses ranging from organizational behavior at the micro-level to strategic management at the macro-level. Along with important and insightful developments in these research streams that evolved independently from one another, human resource management (HRM) research – especially from a strategic perspective – has only recently started to contribute to a better understanding of both creativity and innovation. The goal of this chapter is to review the contributions of strategic HRM research to an improved understanding of creativity at the individual-level and innovation at the firm-level. In organizing this review, the authors rely on the open innovation funnel as a metaphor to review research on both HRM practices and HRM systems that contribute to creativity and innovation. In the last section, the authors focus on more recent developments in HRM research that focus on ambidexterity – as a way for HRM to simultaneously facilitate exploration and exploitation. This chapter concludes with a discussion of future research directions.