D. Rendel and G.R. Allen
IN addition to the completely separated air which may be trapped in a hydraulic system, air may also exist in close association with the fluid in either of two states, namely:
Outlines the threat posed by landslides in Great Britain, andexamines the ways in which potential problems can be identified andaccommodated by developers and engineers in the…
Outlines the threat posed by landslides in Great Britain, and examines the ways in which potential problems can be identified and accommodated by developers and engineers in the light of changes in the Building Regulations for England and Wales which took effect on 1 June 1992. Explores the causes of landsliding, and suggests the appropriate investigations which should be instigated by the developer if suspecting instability. Discusses remedial measures and presents a study of landslide management with the example of Ventnor on the Isle of Wight. Mentions the Planning Policy Guidance issued by the Department of the Environment, which advises local authorities, landowners and developers on the role of planning controls as a landslide management tool.
IT is probably true to say that the opinion most widely held about aircraft accessory power systems is that they are a necessary evil about which nothing very much can be done…
IT is probably true to say that the opinion most widely held about aircraft accessory power systems is that they are a necessary evil about which nothing very much can be done. This attitude is induced in practice by the following facts: (i) most aircraft will not operate satisfactorily without an accessory power system; (ii) the accessory power system is normally only re‐sponsible for a very small proportion of the major failures of the aircraft and is, in any case, only an accessory and not fundamental to the design of the machine; (iii) more maintenance hours are spent putting the accessory power system right than on almost anything else.
Julie Barrett, Simon Evans and Neil Mapes
The purpose of this paper is to examine the recent evidence relating to green (nature-based) dementia care for people living with dementia in long-term accommodation and care…
The purpose of this paper is to examine the recent evidence relating to green (nature-based) dementia care for people living with dementia in long-term accommodation and care settings (housing for older people that provides both accommodation and care, such as residential care homes, nursing homes and extra care housing schemes). The review formed part of a pilot study exploring interaction with nature for people living with dementia in care homes and extra care housing schemes in the UK. Rather than a comprehensive systematic or critical literature review, the intention was to increase understanding of green dementia care to support the pilot study.
The review draws together the published and grey literature on the impacts of green (nature-based) dementia care, the barriers and enablers and good practice in provision. People living with dementia in accommodation and care settings are the focus of this review, due to the research study of which the review is part. Evidence relating to the impacts of engaging with nature on people in general, older people and residents in accommodation and care is also briefly examined as it has a bearing on people living with dementia.
Although interaction with the natural environment may not guarantee sustained wellbeing for all people living with dementia, there is some compelling evidence for a number of health and wellbeing benefits for many. However, there is a clear need for more large-scale rigorous research in this area, particularly with reference to health and wellbeing outcomes for people living with dementia in accommodation and care settings for which the evidence is limited. There is a stronger evidence base on barriers and enablers to accessing nature for people living with dementia in such settings.
Research limitations/implications
The literature review was conducted to support a pilot study exploring green (nature-based) dementia care in care homes and extra care housing schemes in the UK. Consequently, the focus of the review was on green dementia care in accommodation and care settings. The study, and thus the review, also focussed on direct contact with nature (whether that occurs outdoors or indoors) rather than indirect contact (e.g. viewing nature in a photograph, on a TV screen or through a window) or simulated nature (e.g. robot pets). Therefore, this paper is not a full review of all aspects of green dementia care.
This paper presents an up-to-date review of literature relating to green dementia care in accommodation and care settings. It was successful in increasing understanding to support a pilot study exploring opportunities, benefits, barriers and enablers to interaction with nature for people living with dementia in care homes and extra care housing schemes in the UK. It demonstrated the impacts, value and accessibility of nature engagement in these settings and identified gaps in the evidence base. This review and subsequent pilot study provide a strong platform from which to conduct future research exploring green dementia care in accommodation and care settings.
Flight, even under the most routine conditions, sets high standards of quality for all materials employed. Specifications for aviation fuels have never been obtainable without…
Flight, even under the most routine conditions, sets high standards of quality for all materials employed. Specifications for aviation fuels have never been obtainable without careful compromise between conflicting requirements, and present developments towards flight at higher altitudes and higher speeds accentuate existing problems and reveal new ones. This article attempts to review the known major problems arising with aviation fuels under these conditions of severity, and to indicate a number of practicable solutions.
The conference was opened by Professor A. G. Pugsley, who welcomed the members to Wills Hall and commented on the importance and appropriateness, at the present time, of the…
The conference was opened by Professor A. G. Pugsley, who welcomed the members to Wills Hall and commented on the importance and appropriateness, at the present time, of the subject of the meeting. In doing so, he drew attention to some general considerations relevant to the detailed subjects they were to discuss.
James C. Lockhart and Mike Taitoko
For decades the majority of contributions to governance practice have been compliance-focused while much governance research has been grounded in an agency view (Daily, Dalton &…
For decades the majority of contributions to governance practice have been compliance-focused while much governance research has been grounded in an agency view (Daily, Dalton & Rajagopalan, (2003), Academy of Management Journal, 46(2), 151–158). Much of that effort has failed to observe the key drivers of boardroom decision making. The objective of this research was to explore the shareholder–stakeholder tension within an organisation as it progressed through sequential forms of ownership. The results presented in this paper are primarily drawn from the immediate ex poste and ex ante events surrounding the collapse of Ansett Holdings Ltd and the latter government bailout of Air New Zealand. New Zealand's national airline provided a relevatory case (Yin, (1989), Case study research: Design and methods (Rev.ed.). Newbury Park, CA: Sage), the opportunity to study a phenomenon previously inaccessible to research, because data hitherto unavailable ‘entered’ the public domain. However, when reinterpreted in light of direct input from key executives involved – benevolent informants – much of that data needs to be reconsidered to better understand why critical decisions were made. The Ansett collapse subsequently became the single largest corporate collapse in Australian history while the loss to Air New Zealand became New Zealand's largest-ever corporate loss. The decision by Brierley Investments Limited (BIL) to ‘block’ Singapore Airline's (SIA) entry into the Australian market, implemented through the high risk acquisition of the balance of Ansett, directly resulted in both ‘collapses’. Decisions by the organisation's governance were found to have a direct impact on the performance of Air New Zealand through various phases of its ownership. While the ‘collapses’ are attributed to a failure of governance to act in the organisation's (stakeholders) interests. Growing tensions between shareholders and stakeholders were observed to be suppressed as the BIL dominated and led Board achieve complete control over decision making. There remains considerable opportunity to further governance research through the examination of business ethics, notably the view that appropriate ethics can be met by way of legislation (e.g. Diplock, (2003, April), Corporate governance issues. Securities Commission of New Zealand. Available from: http://www.sec-com.govt.nz/speeches/jds240403.shtml). However, the role of governance, particularly whom it is there to serve requires far greater attention on behalf of researchers. In the cases of Ansett and Air New Zealand the Board ceased to act in best interests of the organisation in favour of the major shareholder.
Zainuddin Rela Iskandar, Abd Hair Awang and Zaimah Ramli
The purpose of this paper is to develop and validate a measurement scale for the local community perceptions of community well-being (CWB) based on the presence of nickel mining…
The purpose of this paper is to develop and validate a measurement scale for the local community perceptions of community well-being (CWB) based on the presence of nickel mining activities in Indonesia.
The measurement uses the conceptual approach of CWB developed in Australia by Walton et al. (2014) and the multidimensional CWB model created by Kim and Lee (2014) in Korea, which applies social, economic, environmental, health, political and infrastructural dimensions. The basis of measurement in this study involves 490 communities living in neighborhoods where the nickel industry is located.
A six-dimensional scale of 29 items is proposed to measure CWB perceptions based on the presence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) by the nickel mining and processing industry.
Research limitations/implications
Despite attempting to sum up the scale by associating it with the distinctive social settings created in this study, this work did not cost much in communicating these scales. The predictive validity of the scales needs to be corroborated by new studies related to CWB construction (measured by CWB scales) with other variables specified in the literature.
Practical implications
This paper presents complete scale development and can provide policies for governments, particularly in Indonesia. Moreover, the CWB scale might be utilized by different entities (e.g. NGOs, open experts and social group media) to determine the view of genuine clients regarding the association’s CSR execution.
Although CWB research has been done, the dimension and measurement scale of CWB in the area of recipient of the CSR program from the nickel mining and processing industry has not been studied in Indonesia. In addition, multivariate regression analysis has been frequently used for data analysis; the authors used SEM Smart-PLS as an alternative with paramount predictive accuracy.
Karin A. Spenser, Ray Bull, Lucy Betts and Belinda Winder
Prosociality is considered important in the study of offenders and associated cognitive skills: theory of mind, empathic understanding and moral reasoning, are said to enable…
Prosociality is considered important in the study of offenders and associated cognitive skills: theory of mind, empathic understanding and moral reasoning, are said to enable self-control and reduce the risk of offending behaviours. Previous research has made associations between these skills and executive functioning; however, research into a link between them, in an offending population, is limited. The paper aims to discuss this issue.
To further understand the practicalities of this, the present study considered the predictive abilities of the constructs believed to underpin executive functioning: working memory, cognitive flexibility and inhibitory control, in relation to theory of mind, empathic understanding and moral reasoning. In total, 200 male and female offenders completed measures in all six constructs.
Using path analysis working memory was demonstrated to be predictive of theory of mind and empathic understanding, cognitive flexibility was found to be predictive of theory of mind, and inhibitory control was found to be predictive of theory of mind, empathic understanding and moral reasoning.
Research limitations/implications
The study focussed on offenders serving a custodial sentence of six months or less and did not differentiate between crime categories or take into consideration the socio-environmental backgrounds or ethnicity. Therefore, considering these things could further establish the generalisability of the current findings. It is noted that the more focussed the intervention is to the specific needs of an offender, the greater the impact will be. Therefore, pre-screening tests for the constructs discussed may be able to more accurately assess an offenders’ suitability for a programme, or indeed tailor it to meet the specific needs of that person.
Practical implications
These findings may enable practitioners to more accurately assess offenders’ suitability for interventions aimed at reducing offending behaviours by improving levels of prosociality and develop more focussed programmes to meet the specific needs of individual offenders to reduce re-offending.
Social implications
As recommended in the study, a more tailored approach to offender rehabilitation may be a potential aid to reducing levels of recidivism.
The present study adds to the literature as it is the first to consider whether the constructs of executive functioning can predict levels of theory of mind, empathic understanding and moral reasoning and so provide a more accurate method in assessing the cognitive abilities of offenders prior to participation in rehabilitative interventions.