The paper aims to ask “Why is repeated innovation success so elusive?” The conclusion being that there is ample evidence to suggest that the hard‐won experience and best practices…
The paper aims to ask “Why is repeated innovation success so elusive?” The conclusion being that there is ample evidence to suggest that the hard‐won experience and best practices that were the cornerstone of past innovation success can be a hindrance on the next try.
How does an established organization simultaneously escape from and use its accumulated knowledge? The paper describes a solution which the author implemented at Intel: introducing Zero‐Gravity Thinkers to company teams looking for innovative solutions to challenges.
The paper finds that although much has been written about the innovation‐enhancing power of “outsiders” and “different thinkers”, the Zero‐Gravity Thinker role that evolved on the Intel teams had very specific traits.
Practical implications
To be effective, Zero‐Gravity Thinkers must be temporary (never permanent) team members with three characteristics – psychological distance from the team, renaissance tendencies (strong intellectual curiosity combined with an inventive/creative streak), and related expertise (knowledge relevant to the particular challenge).
The paper defines three practices leaders can use to make a collaborative effort with a Zero‐Gravity Thinker successful.
Over a two‐month period, the editor of this review has searched worldwide for the most interesting and useful media articles on the topic of strategic management.
Over a two‐month period, the editor of this review has searched worldwide for the most interesting and useful media articles on the topic of strategic management.
In addition to his own finds, the editor sorted through suggestions by a team of veteran top managers and senior academics.
The result is a surprisingly diverse set of media articles about strategy and leadership on such topics as promoting innovation, knowledge bridging, enabling change management, capitalism in failed states, building the no‐brand company, estimating the value of IT and the ignorance of crowds.
Practical implications
URL links and references have been provided for the articles so that managers can easily follow up this quick scan of the media by reading the articles in full.
Provides a snapshot of what managers are reading and a guide to trends and fresh thinking.