Ion Yarritu, Nahia Idoiaga Mondragon, Inge Axpe Saez and Cristina Arriaga
The educational community – particularly higher education – should contribute to the new generation’s understanding of what sustainability entails. To do this, teachers must be…
The educational community – particularly higher education – should contribute to the new generation’s understanding of what sustainability entails. To do this, teachers must be aware of the need for education for sustainability. However, little is known about how university teachers understand or represent sustainability. This study aims to bridge the gap identified in the literature concerning university teachers’ representation of sustainability.
A total of 403 teachers from the University of the Basque Country participated in the study through a free association exercise based on the grid elaboration method.
In general terms, teachers are aware of the three dimensions that constitute sustainability, but differences were found in the way sustainability was represented depending on several factors such as the teaching field, previous knowledge of the 2030 Agenda and gender. Despite awareness of the need to incorporate sustainability, there was also reticence toward the way in which sustainability is being addressed in higher education. Those results were discussed considering the previous literature on sustainability.
Practical implications
The results allow the authors to conclude that knowledge of the 2030 Agenda leads teachers to have a more complete representation and greater recognition of sustainability. Thus, it would be necessary for universities to offer more training to teachers to promote a holistic understanding of sustainability and facilitate its incorporation into teaching.
The use of this method made it possible to collect, in a less biased and much more direct way, the teachers’ voices, to know the type of representation (holistic) or partial (only one of its dimensions: environmental, economic or social) that they have of sustainability, and to check whether their representation was linked to specific factors.
Berta Maria Jesus Augusto, Carlos Manuel Santos Fernandes and Sérgio Filipe Silva Abrunheiro
Digital communication supports are a relevant resource for the promotion of citizens’ health literacy. Aware of this reality, in the last quarter of 2019, health professionals of…
Digital communication supports are a relevant resource for the promotion of citizens’ health literacy. Aware of this reality, in the last quarter of 2019, health professionals of Inpatient Unit A of the Neurology Service of the Coimbra Hospital and University Centre designed the ‘Digital Neuroteca’, which consists of a digital repository with various educational materials in video format, e-books, pamphlets, manuals, infographics, and directories to websites that include credible information, and other content selected by the health team. The selection criteria consider the clarity and credibility of the information in various areas such as risk factors of neurological disease, strategies, and products to support self-care and available resources. Regarding more complex contents, there is a concern to transform them into information accessible to citizens in general. These contents are accessed by patients/caregivers through a tablet/computer, in the presence of the health professional, and can also be sent by email. We got positive results with an increase of satisfaction of those involved – patients, caregivers, and professionals. Health professionals and patients/caregivers reported high satisfaction with the use of this resource given the clarity of the contents, which facilitate understanding and meet their needs, recognizing this tool as an excellent complement to the process of health literacy promotion.