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1 – 10 of 63Rubén Ansola, Estrella Veguería, Javier Canales and Cristina Alonso
– This paper aims to show an evolutionary topology optimization procedure for the design of compliant electro-thermal mechanisms.
This paper aims to show an evolutionary topology optimization procedure for the design of compliant electro-thermal mechanisms.
The adopted methodology is based in the evolutionary structural optimization (ESO) method. This approach has been successfully applied by this group for compliant mechanisms optimization under directly applied input loads and simple thermal loads. This work proposes an extension of this procedure, based on an additive version of the method, to solve the more complicated case of electro-thermal actuators optimum design, based on Joule's resistive heating.
Examples solved for the design of plane compliant mechanisms are presented to check the validity of this technique. The designs obtained are compared favorably with results obtained by other authors to illustrate and validate the method, showing the viability of this technique for the optimization of compliant mechanisms under electro-thermal actuation.
Research limitations/implications
This investigation is based on and additive version of the evolutionary method. Since this approach does not have the capability to remove material it could be combined with the classic element rejection evolutionary method to overcome these deficiencies, developing an improved bi-directional algorithm, which should be analyzed and applied for these types of designs in future works.
Practical implications
Electro-thermal actuators have widespread use in MicroElectroMechanical Systems applications. Since these elements cannot be manufactured using typical assembly processes compliant mechanisms optimization play a crucial role for their successful design. The proposed methodology could help engineers to rapidly conceive complex and efficient actuators.
Social implications
The topology optimization procedure developed in this paper enables systematic design of these devices, which can result in a save of manufacturing time and cost.
Most applications of the ESO method have considered maximum stiffness structure design, and even if it has been successfully applied to some other optimum material distribution problems, electro-thermal actuators design has not been considered yet. This paper shows that this methodology could be useful also in the design of electro-thermal compliant mechanisms, and provides engineers with a very simple and practical alternative design tool.
Ivana Načinović Braje, Anna Pechurina, Nilay Bıçakcıoğlu-Peynirci, Cristina Miguel, María del Mar Alonso-Almeida and Carlo Giglio
Adopting Ajzen’s theory of planned behaviour theoretical framework, this paper aims to explore repurchase intentions among short-term rental users and changes in determinants of…
Adopting Ajzen’s theory of planned behaviour theoretical framework, this paper aims to explore repurchase intentions among short-term rental users and changes in determinants of repurchase intention in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Data for the research was collected via a cross-country quantitative survey (N = 1,433) in five European countries: Croatia, Italy, Spain, Turkey and the UK during 2020. Trust, perceived value, authenticity and perceived risk were incorporated into the structural equation model as part of an integrated analysis of antecedents of repurchase intention.
Perceived value and authenticity are the key drivers of a positive attitude to repurchase of short-term rentals even after the pandemic. The pandemic modified the role of perceived risk in determining attitude towards short-term rentals as perceived risks could negatively affect attitude and repurchase intention after COVID-19. Trust in the platform and the host became a significant determinant of repurchase intentions after the spread of COVID-19.
Research limitations/implications
The analysis has shown the link between attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioural control and repurchase intention, and has thus demonstrated a successful application of the theory of planned behaviour to short-term rental users.
The results of this study suggest a possible reconceptualisation of repurchase determinants due to the pandemic. The study offers a timely contribution to the research on the impact of the pandemic on the determinants of tourists’ repurchase intentions.
Roberto Salvatore Di Fede, Marivel Gonzalez-Hernandez, Eva Parga-Dans, Pablo Alonso Gonzalez, Purificación Fernández-Zurbano, María Cristina Peña del Olmo and María-Pilar Sáenz-Navajas
The main aim of this study is to characterise and identify specific chemo-sensory profiles of ciders from the Canary Islands (Spain).
The main aim of this study is to characterise and identify specific chemo-sensory profiles of ciders from the Canary Islands (Spain).
Commercial samples of Canary ciders were compared to ciders from the Basque Country and Asturias. In total, 18 samples were studied, six for each region. The analysis comprised their sensory profiling and chemical characterisation of their polyphenolic profile, volatile composition, conventional chemical parameters and CIELAB colour coordinates. In parallel, the sensory profile of the samples from the Canary Islands was first compared with their Basque and Asturian counterparts by labelled sorting task. Then, their specific aroma profile was characterised by flash profile. Further quantification of sensory-active compounds was performed by GC–MS and GC-FID to identify the volatile compounds involved in their aroma profile.
Results show that Canary ciders present a specific chemical profile characterised by higher levels of ethanol, and hydroxycinnamic acids, mainly t-ferulic, t-coumaric and neochologenic acids, and lower levels of volatile and total acidity than their Asturian and Basque counterparts. They also present a specific aroma profile characterised by fruity aroma, mainly fruit in syrup and confectionary, and sweet flavours related to their highest levels of vinylphenols formed by transformation of hydroxycinnamic acids.
An integrated strategy to explore the typicity of the currently existing Canary ciders in the market was developed. The results are important in that they will help other regions to identify specific typical chemo-sensory profiles and to promote the creation of certifications supporting regional typicity.
José Arias-Pérez, Joaquin Alegre and Cristina Villar
There has been a great interest in the literature in understanding the incidence of information technology capabilities (ITC) on innovation performance (IP). Recently, it has been…
There has been a great interest in the literature in understanding the incidence of information technology capabilities (ITC) on innovation performance (IP). Recently, it has been proven that this relationship is mediated by organizational factors requiring an additional effort in terms of information processing in a rational and analytical manner, including strategic market orientation and absorptive capacity; however, the role of emotions in this discussion has not been widely addressed. A scenario in which emotions are inhibited, in particular, emotional capability (EC), prevents the activation of other forms of cognition relating to intuition, experience and empathy. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the mediating effect of EC on the relationship between ITC and IP.
The authors analyzed the statistical significance of the indirect effects through structural equations.
The results show the existence of partial mediation of EC. Therefore, it is evidenced that less rational constructs, such as EC, serve as a bridge between ITC and IP, on account of the improvement in information processing, the level of information technology (IT) use and virtual communication.
This finding is quite significant because it forces innovation researchers and practitioners to reconsider the prevailing study perspective that explores only analytical mediators, which implies an additional effort in terms of rational processing of information. All this because there is a risk of accentuating the cognitive overload and increasing the levels of stress that lead employees to stop receiving and using information provided by IT services, which compromises the possibility of obtaining better results in innovation.
En la literatura ha habido un gran interés por analizar la incidencia de las capacidades de tecnologías de información (CTI) en el desempeño innovador (DI). Recientemente ha quedado claro que esta relación está mediada por factores organizacionales que implican un esfuerzo adicional en términos de procesamiento racional y analítico de información, entre ellos, la orientación estratégica al mercado y la capacidad de absorción. Sin embargo, el papel de las emociones en esta discusión no ha sido considerado. Un escenario en el que la capacidad emocional (CE) no está siendo considerada supone la no activación de otras formas de cognición relacionadas con la intuición, la experiencia y la empatía. Por lo tanto, el propósito de este artículo es analizar el efecto mediador de CE en la relación entre CTI y DI.
Se analizó la significancia estadística de los efectos indirectos mediante ecuaciones estructurales
Los resultados muestran la existencia de una mediación parcial de CE. Por lo tanto, queda evidenciado que constructos menos racionales como la capacidad emocional sirven como un puente entre CTI y el DI, por cuenta de la mejora en el procesamiento de la información, el nivel de uso de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación virtual.
Este hallazgo es bastante interesante dado que obliga a los investigadores y profesionales dedicados a la innovación a reconsiderar la perspectiva de estudio hegemónica que explora únicamente mediadores analíticos, lo cual implica un esfuerzo adicional en términos de procesamiento racional de la información. De este modo, se maximiza el riesgo de acentuar la sobrecarga cognitiva e incrementar los niveles de estrés que llevan a los empleados a dejar de recibir y utilizar la información proveniente de los servicios de TI, lo que compromete la posibilidad de obtener mejores resultados en innovación.
Palabras claves
Transformación digital, Procesamiento de información, Pensamiento intuitivo y analítico, Innovación digital, Inteligencia emocional, COVID-19
Tipo de papel
Trabajo de investigación
Tem havido um grande interesse, na literatura, em compreender a incidência das capacidades das tecnologias da informação (CTI) no desempenho da inovação (DI). Recentemente, ficou comprovado que esta relação é mediada por fatores organizacionais que demandam um esforço adicional em termos de processamento da informação de uma forma racional e analítica, incluindo a orientação estratégica do mercado e a capacidade de absorção. Contudo, o papel das emoções nesta discussão não tem sido amplamente abordado. Um cenário em que as emoções são inibidas, em particular, a capacidade emocional (CE), impede a ativação de outras formas de cognição relacionadas com a intuição, a experiência e a empatia. Portanto, o objetivo do documento é analisar o efeito mediador da capacidade emocional na relação entre a CTI e a DI.
Analisámos o significado estatístico dos efeitos indiretos através de equações estruturais.
Os resultados mostram a existência de uma mediação parcial da CE. Portanto, é evidenciado que construções menos racionais como a CE servem de ponte entre o CTI e a DI, devido à melhoria do processamento da informação, do nível de utilização das TI e da comunicação virtual.
Esta descoberta é bastante significativa porque obriga os investigadores e profissionais da inovação a reconsiderarem a perspectiva de estudo predominante que explora apenas os mediadores analíticos, o que implica um esforço adicional em termos de processamento racional da informação. Tudo isto porque existe o risco de acentuar a sobrecarga cognitiva e aumentar os níveis de estresse que levam os funcionários a deixarem de receber e utilizar a informação fornecida pelos serviços de TI, o que compromete a possibilidade de obter melhores resultados na inovação.
Transformação digital, Processamento da informação, Pensamento intuitivo e analítico, Inovação digital, Inteligência emocional, COVID-19
Tipo de manuscrito
Artigo de pesquisa
Isabel Vaz de Freitas, Cristina Sousa, Makhabbat Ramazanova and Helena Albuquerque
This paper aims to monitor the urban landscape through the perceptions of residents and visitors, identifying features that cause visual impacts and providing insights for…
This paper aims to monitor the urban landscape through the perceptions of residents and visitors, identifying features that cause visual impacts and providing insights for landscape management decision-makers. Captured impressions about the city whilst moving around are important to assess the satisfaction of city residents and city visitors through key elements, such as directional signage, outdoor advertising, restaurants’ outdoor terrace furniture, urban furniture, green spaces, traffic, cleaning, pedestrian areas, visitor flow and conservation of monuments, museums and buildings.
A survey was applied in the historical Porto city centre (Portugal) to understand residents’ and visitors’ perceptions of the city landscape and assess the differences between these two groups. Cronbach’s alpha was used to assess the reliability of the constructs (dimensions) of urban landscape. Non-parametric Mann-Whitney test was used to find significant differences in the perceptions of residents and visitors.
The results suggest significant differences in the perceptions. Residents value more two constructs of the landscape (heritage conservation and transport mobility) whilst visitors value more other two (pedestrian mobility and aesthetic quality). It is showed that residents have a strong sense of place and are concerned with the conservation of historical heritage. Visitors are more concerned with dimensions intrinsically related to tourism.
This research allowed to fill a gap found in the literature, namely, the importance of considering the perceptions of different actors in the urban landscape monitoring. These results are an important contribution for local authorities to understand the value of urban landscape elements from the perspective of residents and visitors. This study opened the possibility of comparing the results from different historical cities centres.
Luis Gomez-Mejia, Rodrigo Basco, Ana Cristina Gonzalez and Claudio G. Muller
Domingo de-Pedro-Jiménez, Esther Foncubierta-Sierra, Esther Domínguez-Romero, Juan Vega-Escaño, Marta Hernández Martín and Cristina Gavira Fernández
This paper aims to study the influence of leisure-time physical activity on depression crises and the difficulty in performing light household tasks.
This paper aims to study the influence of leisure-time physical activity on depression crises and the difficulty in performing light household tasks.
A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted using data from the 2020 European Health Survey in Spain. A total of 1,076 individuals diagnosed with depression were selected. ANOVA, chi-square, Fisher’s exact test and Mann–Whitney U test were applied, and a simple moderation analysis was conducted using the SPSS PROCESS 4.0 macro.
Women had higher percentages of some or much difficulty in performing domestic activities (p = 0.007). Differences were found between experiencing a crisis in the past 12 months versus not having one (p < 0.001): less physical activity was performed, perceived health was worse and difficulty in performing domestic activities increased. The moderation analysis confirmed the moderating effect of physical activity on the relationship between experiencing a crisis and having difficulty with domestic activities (p = 0.017).
Research limitations/implications
The usual limitation of descriptive cross-sectional studies, which cannot establish causal relationships, must be added to low sample sizes in some categories.
Practical implications
The analysis with gender differentiation, promoting gender-specific adapted practices, considering age and personal circumstances of the patient, appropriate exercise prescription, as well as its evaluation and follow-up, are areas where specialist nurses need to delve deeper to enhance the quality of care.
Leisure-time physical activity moderates the relationship between experiencing a crisis and having difficulty with light household tasks: those who engage in occasional physical activity have less difficulty compared to those who do not engage in it.
Eva Reinares-Lara, Jorge Pelegrín-Borondo, Cristina Olarte-Pascual and Gwenaelle Oruezabala
Wine culture is an increasingly important reality for the development of wine regions that can foster a sense of cultural identity (CI). With the aim of guiding marketing in the…
Wine culture is an increasingly important reality for the development of wine regions that can foster a sense of cultural identity (CI). With the aim of guiding marketing in the wine market and segmenting demand, this study aims to introduce the moderating role of wine-related cultural identity (WCI) in a Cognitive-Affective-Normative (CAN) model to explain purchase intention for innovations.
This quantitative study was conducted in Spain, the country with the largest acreage of vineyards in the world. Specifically, a personal survey was applied to a sample of 1,126 potential buyers of a wine innovation in Rioja, the Spanish wine region with the longest tradition.
(1) WCI moderates acceptance of a wine innovation; (2) WCI levels generate new segments: Enoculturalists (44.67%), who have a strong WCI, Intermediate Enoculturalists (38.90%), with an intermediate WCI and Non-Enoculturalists (16.43%), who have no WCI; and (3) the CAN model strongly explains the behavior of Non-Enoculturalists (R2 = 0.81).
The originality of the research lies in the opportunity to test a technical innovation in wine production in a region characterized by a strong wine-growing tradition. Despite growing interest in local products, no study has yet examined the moderating role of CI in a new food acceptance model as proposed here. The findings have important theoretical and practical implications, as they identify new groups for targeting innovation-related actions and reactivating wine consumption in keeping with new consumer trends.
Cristina Miralles-Cardona, Esther Chiner and María-Cristina Cardona-Moltó
This study aims to assess future teachers’ beliefs in their capabilities for sustainable gender equality (GE) practice after graduation and to analyze differences across degree…
This study aims to assess future teachers’ beliefs in their capabilities for sustainable gender equality (GE) practice after graduation and to analyze differences across degree and sex using a self-efficacy scale specifically designed and validated for this study.
A survey was administered to three cohorts of undergraduate and graduate student teachers at the University of Alicante, Spain. Using a convenience sample that represented the three teacher majors in early childhood, elementary and secondary education, 610 students were asked to rate their confidence in gender knowledge, skills and awareness using a six-point Likert scale.
Upon graduation, teachers reported unrealistic perceptions of their ability to practice a sustainable GE. The level of self-efficacy was found moderate in the three teacher cohorts with no statistically significant differences across degrees in any of the three efficacy components but gender attitudes were rated significantly higher by female students.
This study provides a reliable and valid instrument specifically helpful for guiding the education for the sustainable development (SD) of GE in instructional settings. Because there is no systemic approach to teaching sustainability nor valid and reliable instruments to assess gender competence for practicing a gender pedagogy, this tool will hopefully provide teacher education institutions a conceptual and practical framework on how GE can successfully be mainstreamed into the curriculum. Infusing SD of GE in curricula and assessing interventions as a habitual practice could be useful to monitor sustainability performance over time and assess contributions to SDG5.
Cristina Escobar, Zein Kallas and José M. Gil
Important socioeconomic changes have been undergone due to the international economic crisis. In Catalonia (Spain), political changes towards independentism also occurred within…
Important socioeconomic changes have been undergone due to the international economic crisis. In Catalonia (Spain), political changes towards independentism also occurred within the same period. The purpose of this paper is to explore the consumers’ wine preferences in Catalonia in two different scenarios. In particular, the authors have focussed the interest in those preferences regarding the regional origin of the wine.
Data were elicited from two identical discrete choice experiments performed in two times: before (2008) and during the economic crisis (2010) in Catalonia, Spain.
The results imply that the external common circumstances may have had a homogenising influence in consumer choices by decreasing the level of randomness of consumers’ selection. Consumers’ preferences for a Catalan origin were enhanced during the crisis, while price became the most important attribute.
Research limitations/implications
Ideally, the participants involved in both experiments would have been the same. Unfortunately, this was not possible to maintain and it is one of the limitations of this study. The authors are also aware that other non-controlled variables may have also played a role and the conclusions that are driven should be taken carefully.
This paper contributes to the literature of the discrete choice modelling using the recently developed Generalized Multinomial Logit Model. To the knowledge this is the first application in the literature of wine preferences to measure the impact of the contextual changes (economic and political) in Catalonia (Spain).