Crissie M. Frye, Rebecca Bennett and Sheri Caldwell
In this exploratory study, the relationships between the emotional intelligence (EI) of self‐directed teams and two dimensions of team interpersonal process team task orientation…
In this exploratory study, the relationships between the emotional intelligence (EI) of self‐directed teams and two dimensions of team interpersonal process team task orientation and team maintenance function were investigated using the five dimensional model of emotional intelligence measured by the BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ‐i®) in a sample of thirty‐three work teams. Average team emotional intelligence scores were calculated by aggregating the individual emotional intelligence scores of each team member and dividing the sum by the number of team members. Regression analyses of team averaged emotional intelligence across all five sub‐dimensions of the EQ‐i® reveal significant predictive relationships between team averaged interpersonal EI and Team Task Orientation (r =.37) and team averaged interpersonal EI and Team Maintenance Functions (r =.31). Team averaged interpersonal EI predicted 10 percent of the variance in Team Maintenance Function while team averaged interpersonal EI and team averaged general mood EI combined to predict 16 percent of the variance in Team Task Orientation. Directions for future research are presented.